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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Book online «Bad Girl. by E Z (android based ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author E Z

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what suddenly had him thinking so hard.

"You know, there is something...," He trailed off, taking a smooth step forward.

Libia looked up at him. Now that he was blocking the light behind him, she could see his face better. His eyes twinkled with mirth, and it was refreshing to see something other than that serious gaze that he had on, trying to hide the anger that he still felt, but failing. She saw no anger, now, just intent.

"What is it?" She asked him curiously.

"Isn't the damsel always supposed to repay her knight in shining armor with a kiss or some stupid shit like that?" He asked.

Libia paused for a moment, before snorting. "Was that supposed to be romantically witty? Because adding 'some stupid shit like that' kind of ruined it," She informed him.

And then it sank in, and she looked sharply up at him. "What did you say?"

He gripped her face in both of his hands. "This will be enough...for tonight," He murmured, before leaning down, capturing her lips with his.

She gasped, and then her eyes fluttered closed. Was this...for real?

One of his hands gingerly slipped into her hair, cradling the back of her head. 

Yep. This is definitely real. She thought, as the familiar feel of his lips moving slow and steady on hers, and the stubble that tickled her chin caused butterflies to take flight in her stomach, and she shivered. Her hands reached up, cradling his cheeks for a moment, feeling the prickly hair that framed his perfect jaw, before slipping into his hair. Her stomach rippled with desire, and passion, and the nights events melted into the background. His other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her snug against him. She felt varying emotions pool in her stomach, and flounder through her thoughts. Confusion as to what this meant, excitement and nervousness, as to what this might mean, and finally, the flower blooming in her heart grew tenfold. Ten new buds sprung to life, and began blooming. She was in love. Undoubtedly. 

And this scared the hell out of her.

They both heard the car pull up at the curb, but Damon refused to pull away. Instead, he backed away, pulling her with him until they reached the edge of the porch. Finally, recluctantly, he released her lips. Could this have only lasted a few minutes? It felt as if it had lasted years, and yet she needed more. Staring up at him, eyes wide, emotions on display, she basked in the way he smiled down at her, their faces close enough that their labored breathing mingled together.

"See you tomorrow, Babe," He whispered, running his fingers through the length of her hair.

Mindlessly, she nodded. "Okay."

He loved the way her dazed eyes looked in the moonlight. They shined with so much emotion, that letting her go would most likely kill him. Her hands were still in his hair, and he didn't think she realized that one of them was moving in a soothing rhythm, stroking his hair as if he were her pet. And at that moment, he was. He was putty in her hands, and she wasn't even aware. 

Even though his brother hadn't called to him yet, he knew he was impatient. Damon had to comfort himself with the knowledge that he would see her tomorrow, in order to finally remove his arm from around her waist. The dissapointment in her eyes was enough to drown him. He couldn't help but drop a kiss to her forehead in reflex.

"See you tomorrow," He repeated, and then added in a softer, huskier tone, "Baby."

The force of that single word could have dropped Libia to her knees, if she hadn't been frozen in surprise. With one last wink in the darkness, he turned and began walking to where his brother waited in the car. Libia knew her cheeks were flaming, as her eyes watered from the heat, but she blinked away the meaningless tears, watching him open the door and glance back at her. Even from here, she could see the huge, boyish grin he had on his face. A reflexive smile split her face in return.

"See you tomorrow," She replied softly, even though he'd already gotten into the car.

"What are you smiling at?" Jack asked him when Damon closed the door.

Damon knew that his brother wasn't happy with him for waking him up at four in the morning, but Damon couldn't care less. He simply shook his head, his eyes trained on the black haired beauty still standing on the porch as Jack pulled off.


When Libia awoke the next morning, her bruise was throbbing again, only this time with more force. Groaning, she smacked her hand down on the alarm a few times, before it finally turned off. She rolled over, staring at the ceiling as she tried to blink the blurriness from her eyes.

Beside her, her brother and her mother slept soundly still, her mother cradled soundly to Ben's chest. It was almost comical, this big, twenty year old man cuddling the tiny woman that was their mother to him like a teddybear. But Libia also found it very, very sweet. He almost looked like the little boy she used to know, in his sleep. Her mother used to cuddle him the same way when he'd had a nightmare, which he was prone to. Carefully, she slipped from bed, pulling the covers up over them both. They deserved to sleep a little longer. They'd insisted on sleeping in Libia's bed with her like they used to do on stormy nights back home. It gave Libia comfort.

She went downstairs, picking up the remote for the TV so she could watch from the kitchen while she made breakfast. She turned it on, and was surprised to find her own face staring back at her. An old yearbook photo from two years ago. Libia was smiling hugely in the picture. It was after she'd gotton her braces off, and she couldn't have been happier. But right now, she wasn't happy. Far from it. She was mortified. Splashed across the screen in colors much like police lights, the headline of the news story read LOCAL GIRL JUMPED GOING HOME FROM WORK.

She turned up the sound as the reporter came on screen. "-Recieved news that the girl was alledgedly jumped on her way home from her job. Witnesses say that she was two blocks away from the grocery store which she works, when two assailents approached, one in front, and one behind. One distracted the girl, while the other sneaked up and grabbed her...," Witnesses? What witnesses? As far as Libia knew, there was no one there but herself and Damon. And how did they get her yearbook picture? Those were all left at her home town!

She turned her attention back to the TV, teaming with embarrassment. "-We were told that another man, apparently a friend of the girl, caught the assailents in the act of attempting to rape the girl, and attacked," Libia stepped back as another picture came up on screen. A slightly younger version of Damon stared back at her, eyes bored, no smile evident.

"The two assailents are in custody at this time, and we have been informed that the girl got away unharmed." Two pictures, side by side, flashed up onscreen. The two men that had attacked her, their faces bashed in and bloody, their eyes swollen shut - both of them.

Libia winced. Geez, Damon. How can you not remember doing that?

She sank down on the couch, her appetite forgotten. Who could have reported this? How could they have gotten the story together so quickly - the pictures, the witness accounts, the police reports. How the hell could they have done it so quickly?

Libia picked up her phone from the coffee table, unplugging it from the charger, and finding Damon's number with ease. She typed the message in a daze. 

Did you see it?

 It was seconds later that he texted back.


 Shaking her head, she said,

I'm not going into school today. I'm taking a sick day.

 A minute later, she got a text back.

I don't think I'm going to either. How about we don't go to school together?

 Libia smiled, shivering as she remembered their most recent kiss.

I thought you'd never ask.

Chapter Ten.


When Damon arrived, Libia was wearing one of the outfits he'd bought her. Ben had stumbled through the kitchen in a daze, grabbed an apple, and stumbled out the door, mumbling about college classes. Shortly after, Sadie had come down, dressed in her work uniform, complaining about last minute calls. She'd hugged Libia with all her might, agreeing to the day off. Libia didn't mention the reason for it. She only said that she needed it.

She wore the pair of shorts he'd gotten her, paired with a bright red blouse that was lace and a little low cut for her liking, but still acceptable if paired with an undershirt. 

She jumped up when he knocked on the door, quickly switching off the TV and grabbing her little black purse from the table. She jogged to the door, stopping to steady her breathing and wait for a few seconds so she wouldn't seem so eager. 

Opening the door, she smiled up at him.

"Hi- holy hell!" He exclaimed, taking in her outfit.

Libia frowned, looking down at her apparel. "What?"

Damon couldn't seem to form words. It had been a while since he'd seen her in the clothing he'd gotten her. Her long, slender legs were gloriously shown off, and the red blouse she had on accentuated each curve of her body. Not to mention, she looked gracious in red. Absolutely stunning.

Libia looked up at him, her head tilting as he didn't answer her. His mouth was open slightly, as he took her in.

"Should I change?"

"No!" He exclaimed, startling her. "I You look perfect," She had no idea how much meaning went into those words.

He noticed that her bruises were covered. Not completely gone by any stretch, but not as noticable either. He was glad to see that her most recent bruise wasn't swollen anymore.

"Okay," He clapped his hands together. "Shall we go?"

Nodding, Libia took the hand he offered her, her heart fluttering in her chest when he laced their fingers together. She looked up at him, but he was staring ahead, leading her along as if he weren't causing her a heart attack.

To her disappointment, it wasn't sunny today, as it had been for the past day or so. Clouds gathered above, dark and foreboding, although it still remained warm outside - making the air muggy. "Brace yourselves - winter is coming...back," She mumbled to herself.

Damon stopped in front of his motorcycle, a grin splitting his face as he looked at her. "Did you just-?"

"No!" She exclaimed, shaking her head.

"Sure, sure," He rolled his eyes. "Dork."

Dork? Did he just call me...dork? Libia thought incredulously.

She suddenly felt her mood drop. What was she to him? A friend? But he'd kissed her so passionately the night before. But calling her dork? That wasn't something that boded well in the 'he potentially likes her as more than a friend' evidence list. The name actually made her feel like a ten year old.

Oblivious to her change in mood, he got on the bike, and started it up. The sudden roar of the engine caused Libia to jump,

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