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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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room. The door closed behind the butler as he exited the room.

"Mr. Williams, how nice it is to see you." A voice spoke from somewhere inside the room.

Jordan jumped, glancing around the room.

"Up here, Mr. Williams."

Jordan glanced up toward the sound of the voice. Mr. Alexi was standing on a ladder, pulling a book from its shelf.

"Hello, Mr. Alexi." Jonathan Alexi stared at the young man before him, with a plastered smile. Climbing down the ladder, Mr. Alexi laughed, "Sorry to startle you son, but I assumed that you'd spied me when you were glancing around the room."

Jordan shook his head no. "No, sir."

Jordan stood up as the man walked toward him with which ever book was in his hand. Mr. Alexi nodded, "How are you this evening?" His tone was really formal.

"I'm good, sir." Jordan responded, becoming anxious.

"That's good. How's your mother?"

"She's doing pretty good."

Mr. Alexi was a tall man of about six four, with a very slender build. He wore glasses and had blonde hair that was accompanied with a beard to give him more of a rugged look. He had brown eyes the same shade as his daughter sebrea.

Mr. Alexi came around and sat in his desk, facing Jordan. Jordan stared as he crossed his arms together, bearing strong fore arms.

"Would you like something to drink?" He inquired.

Jordan declined, "No thank you."

Mr. Alexi nodded and said, "I asked Ramsey to escort you here."

"Yes sir." Jordan sat up straight, aligned.

"I wanted to talk to you about Sebrea."

"Ok, sir." For some reason, Jordan dreaded this talk.

"Are you fond of my daughter?" This came out with power behind it.

Jordan inhaled sharply, "Yes sir."

"What are your intentions toward her?" Mr. Alexi inquired. This question was intimidating to him. Almost like Mr. Alexi was hinting at something, but what?

"I think she's a lot of fun, easy to talk to. What do you mean my intentions?" Jordan pressed.

Mr. Alexi cleared his throat. "Have you ever been one to juggle two girls at once Jordan?"

Jordan narrowed his eyes, confused. "No, sir."

"That's interesting, because I know about Denise Calloway. That's her name, right?"

Jordan's eyes went big. How did he know? Jordan hadn't even told Sebrea about Denise.

"What about Denise Calloway, sir?" Jordan managed to make his voice come out strong, hard, even though he was scared.

"I know that you two used to have a relationship, I know that you still are talking to her."

"There's no harm in talking to her, sir." He stated.

"There is when you're both seen leaving your place at two in the morning."

This angered Jordan. Sitting up in his seat, he leaned toward Mr. Alexi. "What do you mean seen leaving my place at two in the morning?"

Mr. Alexi opened a drawer in his desk. He threw some photos on top and then closed it. Jordan glanced at each of the photos. There was one taken of her at the park, one of her walking to his house. There was actually one taken of him opening the window to his bedroom, one of her when she fell through the window and on top of him. Another of him leading her to his car. There was even one taken of the day they'd ate lunch and talked in the cafeteria.

"Is this even legal?" He whispered, starring at the photos.

"It is when you have money." Mr. Alexi stated. Jordan glanced up at Jonathan Alexi, stunned that he'd seen him as a good man. Wow.

"You're not going to try to black mail me for this are you, because if you are, you have to do a lot better than that. There's nothing you have that will even prove to sebrea that anything's going on between Denise and I."

Mr. Alexi smiled deceitfully,
"Is there?"

Jordan shrugged his shoulders, "No."

Mr. Alexi nodded, "That's good, because if there is something going on there, believe me, I will find out."

Jordan rolled his eyes. "Surely you can't expect me to react dumb to these photos? There's nothing even remotely close to the truth in them."

Mr. Alexi swallowed, "Oh really?"

"Yes. Nothing at all."

Mr. Alex stared at him, disbelieving his words. Any time a young man had a second girl around, it always meant something. Usually trouble.

"Jordan." The door opened and Sebrea stepped through. Her hair streaked with a combination of blue and purple highlights. Her brown eyes sparkled as she glanced at him. Jordan smiled back and stood up. Going over to her, he kissed her cheek. "You look nice."

Sebrea nodded, "Thanks. What are you two doing?"

Jordan shrugged, "Just talking."

"I was just showing Jordan some pictures I'd recently taken." Mr. Alexi stated.

"Oh yeah, let me see."

Jordan cleared his throat. "We have to go now, or we'll be late."

Sebrea looked at her watch, distracted. "You're right Jordan. Dad, we'll be back in about three hours or so." Together, they turned around to walk out of the room. Jordan exhaled softly, glad that she didn't see the pictures. He didn't feel like explaining Denise right now.

"Have fun." Mr. Alexi stated. He watched Jordan with interest. He was way smarter than most guys his age. Most guys would've crumbled just by seeing pictures like that. He smiled to himself. Tenacity.


Chapter Thirty Eight

Sebrea's choice of Restaurant was called The Boondocks, out in an upper scale location, about thirty miles outside of South Hampton. The Boondocks was a seafood restaurant that catered more than just lobster and shrimp for sky rocketed prices, but also oyster and caviar to go along with it. Caviar was the dip used for which ever fish they chose to eat, so it was set out about five minutes before the meal delivery. As they sat there staring at the menus, Jordan listened as Sebrea talked about a project she was working on in one of her college courses. Although Sebrea was a senior at Brown High School, she was enrolled in two extra courses at the community college in North Hampton. Jordan sighed, figuring out that his order was going to be a Lobster, coleslaw, fried Corn and Pepsi combo.

He sat the menu down and thought about how to explain to her about Denise.

Just then, the waitress brought their food and both ate in silence, their thoughts on different topics. Her's on the events of that day and where her future was headed and his on the issues he was being faced with. Taking a swig of the cocktail juice he ordered, he quenched a parched throat.

He knew he needed to do that before explaining to her the status of their relationship. First though, he waited till they ate their meal before any of that could began. He wanted to see where her heart and mind was. Clearing his throat, he asked, how was her day.

"It was good.” She replied, a twinkle in her eyes. "I found out I got an A on my philosophy paper."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yep, and midterms are going to be given next week, right before Christmas."

He nodded, "That's cool."

"I also applied to Yale."

Jordan raised a brow. "Really?"

"Yeah, I hope I get in you know, because I've always wanted to go there, all the greats go there."

Jordan laughed at this, "That's cool, so, you're going to Yale come next fall?"

"That's my dreams. Dad says I'll get in there, because right now I have a 4.0 GPA." Jordan nodded, showing that he was paying attention.

"Yep. When I get there, I'll only have two more years to go."

"That's cool." Jordan stated. He then inhaled a sharp breath. "So, what do you think about me?"

Sebrea reached out and touched his hand. "I think you're sweet, funny, and handsome and I do enjoy dating you."

Jordan nodded, "Yeah, I think the same things about you, but I must ask, because I want to know..." He released the buildup of tension in a rushed question, "What do you think about our relationship?"

She smiled, her hazel eyes twinkling. "I think it's great. You are a lot of fun."

He nodded, "Thank you, but..." He hesitated, not sure how to propose his question. Her smile lessened a bit and she sat up straight. "But what?"

He exhaled and continued on, "...but I want to know where do you think we're headed?"

The smile dropped from her face, "Why?"

"Because I want to know." He sighed, putting a hand up to his cheek.

"Well...I think you're a nice guy and all that..." She diverted her eyes and signaled for the waitress. Their waitress showed up, pen and pad in hand. "Yes?"

"May I please get a glass of the coconut mambo?" She inquired, in an effort to get her thoughts in order.

"Sure, no problem. I'll be right back." The waitress, a pretty African American girl, walked away from the table.

"As I was saying," Sebrea continued, tracing the pattern of the cotton/Nylon table cloth. "I think you're a nice guy and all, but right now..." Her tone trailed off and she stared at the table, not wanting to hurt him.

"You are not looking for anything serious." Jordan finished for her. She glanced up at him, "Yes, I mean, I want to go to school, get my career off the ground, get everything done before I even consider getting really serious with someone." Her words were beginning to sound rushed, anxious. "You are a very sweet guy, Jordan, a lot of fun, but right now a relationship is the last distraction I need. I mean, this is my senior year and afterward, I plan to go off to Yale, I basically..."

Jordan let out a rush of air, the tension finally leaving, "Good, I was hoping you weren't getting too serious, because I don't want that right now. I have been through a lot with my ex..." The waitress came back, causing their conversation to pause as she set down Sebrea's drink and then they talked some more.

"You had a girlfriend before?" Sebrea interrupted, her thoughts going a mile a minute.

Jordan scratched his head, "Yes. I did, but she broke up with me."

"How long ago?" Sebrea inquired, curiosity over running her.

Jordan cleared his throat, "About three and a half months ago."

"Oh yeah?"


Sebrea smiled. How cute. "Were you in love with her?"

Jordan sighed and stared at Sebrea, knowing by the look in her eyes that she was intrigued by this topic. What girl wouldn't be? He asked himself. Immediately, he recalled the conversation that he and Denise had shared the first time he walked her home.

"Every girl likes romance." He'd stated.

"I'm not every girl." She'd replied, her tone teasing.

He smiled and told her that indeed she wasn't.

Remembering this made him laugh inside. He had no idea of the truth of that statement during that time.

"Jordan?" Sebrea was calling his name. He blinked and sighed, "I'm sorry." Sebrea smiled, "That's alright. What were you thinking about so intently?"

Jordan inhaled, "Denise."

Sebrea leaned forward, her hands on her cheeks, elbows resting on the table. She leaned down and took a sip of her drink. "That's her name? It's pretty."

Jordan sighed, feeling lightly of heart. "Yeah, she's a beautiful girl."

"I take it you were in love with her?" Sebrea inquired, her tone soft.

"Yeah, I was and quite honestly..." He sighed, taking another gulp of the diminishing drink. "I still am."

"What caused you to break up?" Sebrea whispered, her tone full of sympathy.

"Well..." Jordan began.

Denise should have known something was up,

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