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Read books online » Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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Author's Note





Hello Everyone, 


I tried to post this book chapter by chapter, however, it's taking alot to do so. I hope you guys are enjoying the story of Jordan and Denise as much as I did when I wrote it. I will let you read it for free, but if you love the book and are interested in purchasing it or even reviewing it for other readers, I would greatly appreciate it if any of you would be willing to do so.


Thank you, 


Chapter Twenty Five: Gossip

They were talking about her. This she could tell by the various points in her direction, the giggles and the side glances of confusion students sent her way. She guessed it was true about what happened in small towns. There was an infestation of gossip.

Three weeks after she'd broken up with Jordan, she stood in the center of aisle six, packing strawberry preserves on one of the shelves. She was deeply engrossed in her work, trying desperately to not think of him, when Quinton came up to her, forthright.

"So..." He leaned against the shelf she was working on. "I heard you and Jordan broke up."

Denise shrugged and continued on without a word.



Quinton, seeming to not care about whether or not she wanted to talk about it, sighed. "Did he cheat?" He guessed. She continued on.

"Is he secretly gay?”

Denise had to laugh at the enthusiasm in his tone.

"Ok, obviously that was wrong. Well, what could possibly cause a couple to break up? He quarried over this. When no answer came, he sighed. "I've got to do an inventory for the last items Delivered, so I'll be back later and we will settle this." He left. Sighing, she went back to the preserves.

Later that day, Quinton, true to his word, came back to her and began his conquest again. "I think I know what it is."

Denise, who had fifteen minutes before the end of her shift, looked up at him silent.

"You broke up with him because you are scared that he wants to use you for sex."

Denise lifted a brow, how had he guessed that one?

Quinton smiled, knowing that he was right. "The most frequented reason for couples breaking up in high school usually involves sex and if you weren't putting out, then it had to do with holding it in."

Denise sighed. "What's your point?" Hearing her voice for the first time that day, sounded sort of strange.

Quinton's smile became wider, "I can't believe I was right. Wow. I didn't get any further than that."

Denise sighed. "Well, don't think I'm going to talk to you because I'm not, and this is my business anyway. Why does everyone have to stay in it?"

Quinton laughed. "It's because of the publicity between you and sherry. If you'd never butted heads with her, then people wouldn't care one way or another, but face it honey, you're a celebrity."

Denise scowled at him.

"You know, you're a lot nicer when you're with Jordan."

Denise shook her head irritated. How many times over the past three weeks had she heard his name? She wasn't sure, but in all six of her classes, plus throughout the three weeks, in the hallways were driving her nuts.

"So, what made you break up with him?" Quinton inquired.

Denise sighed. "I have to go now. My shift just ended."

Quinton shook his head no. “You can't leave yet. Come into my office and we'll talk."

Denise cleared her throat. "I don't want to talk."

"Aww, come on girl, it's been three weeks and you haven't said one word about what happened. You can't tell me that nothing's wrong."

Denise sighed. "You know, Quin, I just want to go home." Her voice was soft, delicate. Quinton's smile was replaced with a frown. "Alright, De, just take care of yourself, ok?"

Denise waved at him as she left the store. She got in the car, turned up the heat, and backed out of the parking lot. The sun was just going down. Pushing a button located on the steering wheel, the lights came on.

Jordan held the phone in his hand, thinking about whether or not he should call her. He wanted to. He needed to. He hadn't talked to her in four weeks and found it difficult to not call and beg her to come back. After a few minutes of deliberation, he put the phone back on the hook. He wondered if she was thinking about him. He wanted to be with her badly. He felt like just going to her house and getting down on his knees, begging her to take him back, but his pride wouldn't let him. Swallowing, he closed his eyes and sighed. The sound of his heart pounding. He wondered when this would stop. When would missing her and wanting to be with her go away? He exhaled loudly, feeling fatigued, and got into his bed.

Denise sighed and stared at his picture. She had awoken sometime early in the morning, with no particular reason. She stared in awe at the handsome face photographed so beautifully. This picture had been taken a year ago, around the time they'd been at the fair. She smiled remembering this event. They'd been out for the first time, on an actual date, and it had been during the stint of her relationship with Lamont. She sighed, things were less complicated than that. Though she'd been intrigued with him, she hadn't been in love. They were just two sophomores having more than their fair share of fun. The picture had been snapped by Tanya, who'd caught him stroking her chin. She had been gazing up into his eyes, smiling. Sighing, she wondered whether or not she'd done the right thing. Had Sherry really been right? Deep in her heart, she knew that Sherry was a liar, but somehow those lies had permeated her shell. She knew that things were ruined between her and Jordan due to her idiotic ideas. Though she wanted to cry because of her stupidity, she swallowed those tears and pushed them away. Inhaling sharply, she walked out of her bedroom, to the bathroom, cut on the water to the tub, evening out the temperature and grabbed a box of bath salts. Putting them into the water, she waited for them to dissolve, cut off the water, got in and sank into the warm bath.

~ ~

Sherry surveyed everything that went on. She knew for sure that Jordan and Denise had broken up. She'd heard it straight from Pamela, who'd been listening to a conversation between Jordan and Andrew early that morning. Andrew told him that he needed to forget about Denise, because she wasn't worth the time. Never was. Never would be. Jordan had gotten angry and stormed down the hallway. Sighing, she walked into Ms. Pierce's Drama club and sat down. Ms. Pierce sat down at her desk, and cleared her throat. "Today, I'm going to practice the roles of the king and court jester. Jordan, Terrance, up here please."

Both boys came to the front. The class observed their role play.

Jordan was the king, while Terrance was the Jester.

King: Hello, Hermes, I wish to confront you on something." Jordan stated, his deep voice clear.

Jester: "Yes, my king?"

King: "There's been rumors that you have been engaging in acts with my wife."

The Jester shook his head: "No sir, I have not. Such an offense is punishable by death."

The King put a hand on the Jester's shoulder, looking him square in the eyes. "Good, Hermes, I knew you wouldn't betray your king."

Terrance bowed before Jordan, "No, My league, I wouldn't."

The king nodded, excusing the Jester. Jordan rolled his eyes. Damn corny script.

When it was completed, the class clapped. Next, the teacher called on the roles of the queen and the Maiden. Denise stayed in her seat. Although she'd been cast as the Queen, she really didn't want to move today. She couldn't seem to get her feet free of the invisible glue that held them onto the floor.

"Denise, sweetie, you are the Queen. We need our queen, or there's no order." Ms. Pierce stated, smiling at Denise.

"That's ok Ms. Pierce I can be the queen." Sherry coveted the role eagerly. Denise stared at Sherry, whose eyes burned a bright flame of unadulterated hatred. Denise stood up, walked to the front of the room, her rubber soles feeling heavy under her feet. She and Sherry stared at one another. Denise stood in front of her. Sighing, she read from her paper.

One month later: Opening night of the play.

"Students, please, please, make sure you take your proper placing!" Ms. Pierce screeched at every one. Immediately, the cast took their places, just as the curtains opened, beginning the show.

When it was over, the cast took their bow and watched the curtain close. When they were back stage, a group of people came back, amongst them were Tanya and Andrew. Tanya stopped to speak to her, find out how she was doing, while Andrew gave her a dirty look. Tanya sighed. "Hey, De, you did a good job."

Denise smiled, "Thanks Tanya."

Tanya smiled and then went toward Jordan, to congratulate him. Denise exited the stage. Her face stone like. Why did she feel like crying again? She was tired of crying. How much was she supposed to cry during this ordeal. She was supposed to be over him by now. It was three months later, and she could only think about him. It was sickening. Just as she was making her way out of the show, a hand grabbed her arm. She looked up. Quinton looked down at her. "You still want to hold it inside?"

Swallowing, she turned her head, so that he wouldn't notice the tear that slid down her cheek. Inhaling sharply, she whispered, "I need to go home."

"Where's your family?" Quinton inquired.

"Mom had to work late, Garrett had to continue on the mansion, and Vicki, well, she's somewhere."

"Are you supposed to take her home?"

"No, I already spoke with her. She said she was going over Aujah's for tonight."

Quinton attempted to laugh, "So, you're free to do what ever you like."

"I'm going home to do home work."

Quinton laughed at this. "Wow. You really do lead a miserable existence. Let's go some place and celebrate." Denise had already begun making her way to the door. "Celebrate what?"

Quinton smiled, "Several things. For one, your first role." He followed her. When they got to his car, he unlocked the door.

"Thanks for coming." She stated, sad.

"Come on now, get it together. Don't look like that." Quinton opened his door, pressed a button and the rest unlocked. Denise rubbed her hands together, trying to keep out the chilling wetness, fore it had rained earlier in the day, making the cold air even colder. Quinton got inside the car, shut the door and immediately cut on the heater. Denise grabbed the door handle, pulled it toward her and shut the door. Buckling up, she sighed.

"So, do you want to talk about it?" He inquired as they left the school parking lot, their ride smooth.

Denise swallowed. "No."

"You need to girl. Get it

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