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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
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Read books online » Romance » A test of Love by Navaura Campbell (simple e reader .txt) 📖

Book online «A test of Love by Navaura Campbell (simple e reader .txt) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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fondling her, except this time around his tongue. He pulled away from her and swallowed. Her eyes were staring up at him, amazed, yet happy at having been given a second orgasm. Being Denise though, this only fueled her passion. Jordan licked his lips, his green eyes boring dangerously into hers, "Now, you're ready." With that, he removed his clothes, pants, shirt, underwear, socks and shoes and then climbing over her, he lowered himself, his head connecting with her raised legs. He loved that she always ended up opening herself to him. This was the only time she didn't try to lead herself.

He felt the sweet tender heat she'd succumbed to during the oral sex. Now, as he covered her with his head, he let out his own groan of ecstasy and pushed in slowly, enjoying it as she stretched for him in only the way that she could. He was glad that the couch was big enough for two people, thus making it easy for her to fit underneath him. He reached out and placed a hand over her shoulders, holding his own weight while filling her with himself. She reached under his shoulders and grasped him tightly. There was no other people in the world as they both rocked to each other rhythm.
Chapter Thirteen

Denise laid underneath him, holding his head to her breasts. She ran languid fingers through dark hair. "I love you, Jordan." She stated breathlessly. Jordan sighed and listened to the rhythm of her heartbeat. "I love you too, Denise." Denise sighed softly and immediately felt her eyes drift close. A short while later, upon hearing the consistent breathing, Jordan himself found sleep.

A dark haired girl with mousy features slid the key into its lock, confident that the device would turn. It always turned. Twisting the knob, she pushed the door opened. He hadn't been home in more than two weeks and she wanted to find out why. Where had he gone, who had he gone to see. He'd taken a trip without her? This she hadn't liked. He was hers. That's how it was. She belonged to him and he belonged to her. That's how it was supposed to be. Anytime you gave yourself to someone, they became bound to one another in spirit. That's what her father had always told her. He always said that the person she gave her virginity too was supposed to be hers. Todd, that was her first love name, she'd never forget. Todd was such a handsome guy. Short brown hair, intense gray blue eyes and a perfect face, angelic face, but Todd had gotten bored with her, told her she was too clingy. She'd tried to work things out with him, but he hadn't wanted to. He'd left her for another girl, who later had become his wife. Carene Hated her for breaking them up. She hated her for being so...beautiful. What did she have that Carene didn't? Carene was nice. She was a good girl, did everything the right way. She knew how to treat a man once she got them. But, Todd didn't understand that, didn't see her for the loving and affectionate person she really was. So...Carene left this thought unfinished as she found a drawer located on the east wall of the kitchen, which was separated from the living room by two large pillars that decorated the entrance of the kitchen. This drawer was located underneath the counter top that held the built in microwave. Carene wondered how much he paid for this nice place?

How much had he spent trying to get away from Andrew and Tanya's place? She frowned when thinking of them. They'd had absolutely no reason to not like her. She hadn't done anything to him. They weren't better than her. They had no right to think they were. Sighing, she pulled out the drawer and shoveled through the papers that littered the inside. The words United Air Lines caught her eyes. Raising a brow, she opened the sheet of paper. She read that he'd purchased a round trip ticket for three hundred and seventy-five dollars to a place called Richmond Virginia.

She remembered him saying something about Virginia, but wasn't too sure that the place was Richmond. She couldn't recall the location of the place, but knew it was somewhere located on the eastern side of the state, near the bay. Clearing her throat, she saw that he'd be returning within a couple of days. She figured she'd stop back by then just to riddle some feathers. A sigh came into her heart when she thought of the fire filled green orbs. He may have only glanced at her with that deep passion, but she knew it existed. She knew that he loved her. He wanted her just as much as she loved and wanted him. But, she had to make him see that they were right for each other. She had to make him see that no other girl could do for him what she could. No girl. Including that bitch Denise. Whoever she was. Although he'd refused to talk about her, Carene couldn't stand her. She hated her for breaking his heart. There were many times when she'd seen him sitting in his room staring at her picture. He hadn't known she was there of course, but she'd felt his pain, felt his heartache. Every bit of it and knew that whoever this Denise was, she hadn't deserved him then.Putting the papers back into the drawer, she pushed it closed and walked through the apartment.

Denise ran her fingers through her hair, once it was wet in the shower. She noticed about an inch of new growth underneath the straight. As soon as the water hit the strands, they fused back into the curly original pattern she'd had most of her twenty years on earth. As soon as they'd done that, she grabbed the shampoo held in a basket that was attached to the shower head. She poured some in her hands and washed her hair. Her thoughts immediately going to the wee hours of the morning. There was something about the way her hair felt that brought back visions of the two of them on the couch. She couldn't believe she'd said what was in her heart. It had felt good to say the first thing that came to mind. It had felt good to relieve all of the tension she'd stored up. It had felt good to be reckless.

They hadn't once thought of a condom. Although she was sure that he'd cummed inside her, because of how sensitive she was in that area, she wasn't worried about being pregnant. She'd been on birth control since she'd had Nicholas. That was a recommendation of PCP- (Primary Care Physician). She'd headed to his words due to the fact that she really hadn't wanted any more children at the time. He'd told her that once she'd finished breastfeeding Nicholas, she'd be able to start whatever method she chose. Because of her height and weight, he recommended the shot.

A week after Jordan had stumbled in drunk the first time, she'd gotten on birth control. She hadn't wanted to have any more kids with him at that point in time. She hadn't wanted to bring any children into their already disintegrating relationship. Swallowing, she grabbed a peach colored sponge and body wash. She knew that he didn't use a towel or anything to wash his body. As she worked the soap into a deep lather, she wondered what he was doing down stairs, whether he was awake or still asleep. She'd gotten up early because she had to be at work around One pm. today. Fridays were always the laid back days. Half days at the office. She enjoyed it.

Jordan awoke that afternoon stiff and sore. He knew Denise was gone. He'd been awaken when she'd tried to move him that morning. He'd gone right back to sleep, too tired to protest or even get up on his own. He'd felt it when she'd draped the blanket he'd long since kicked to the floor, over him- right before leaving for work. He'd even heard the car start and pull out of the driveway. Opening his mouth in a yawn, he opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. The scent of her perfume still lingered in the air. The taste of her flesh still filled his mouth. He felt an instant erection take place at this thought. He remembered the feel of soft moist skin as he entered her, the feeling of oneness. He laughed at this thought. Oneness? He was really getting mushy. He'd never used that word before or even allowed his mind to slip that one in there. That was the truth. He loved Denise and felt-oneness- if that could be the accurate idea. He felt complete with her.

Even that sounded ridiculous to him. Could someone make you feel complete? She does! His mind stated rationally. He still loved Denise, loved her more than he had two years ago when she'd left. He'd never felt a sense of home with any of the other three girls he'd been with. He'd only loved her. He'd never felt he needed someone the way he did her. Was that even a rational feeling? Was it healthy to need someone the way he felt he needed her? He couldn't even have a proper day if something was wrong there. His mom had always taught him to rely on God for everything. What would his mother say if he felt like he needed Denise more than he needed God? As if answering, he heard his mother's voice and smelled her perfume, "God's the one who gave you Denise."
"God didn't give me, Denise." He whispered.
"You sure didn't do it by yourself," She stated firmly in his mind.
He smiled. Yeah, that was his mother. She'd definitely make sure that he knew Denise was a blessing and the only person to give him that blessing was God. Glancing up at the ceiling he smiled up at an invisible God. "Maybe you do love me after all?" There was no assuring reply back. Only the steady flow of blood that filled his heart. God, he loved that woman.

"Hi Terry," Denise greeted the receptionist that morning as she went to her office, a pep in her step. As soon as she made it inside the office, she was surprised to see Derrick leaning up against her desk, playing with a few pencils that littered the area.
"How did you get in here?" She inquired, slightly annoyed at his presence.
"I haven't seen you in weeks. I just wanted to see how you were doing."
Denise smiled, "Well, I'm alright. How about you?" She placed her purse on the coat rack sitting in one of the corners adjacent to her desk.
"I'm doing good. I would be better if a certain somebody returned my calls every now and again."
Denise sighed, "I've been busy."
"With what?"
Denise pulled her chair out from under the desk, "That doesn't really concern you Derrick."
Derrick laughed sarcastically, "You've been hanging out with him! Haven't you?" He accused.
Denise put a hand up to her face, "He has a name and I really don't see how that's

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