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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Burning Ice by Vanessa (ebook offline TXT) 📖

Book online «Burning Ice by Vanessa (ebook offline TXT) 📖». Author Vanessa

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So I went down to the kitchen to put my growling stomach out of my misery. I had two glasses of orange juice my dad made me chicken noodle soup before he felt for the bank. I heated the soup I walked around the counter and noticed that my dad had left the news paper opened to the page about the fires. I sat at the table with my stemming soup skimming the article of the Clarkston Tribune. It said the fires have stared around a month ago in the forest behind the towns library. I was in the library that day a shiver ran up my spine. What if I stayed longer than I had and the fire wasn’t put out, the forest was so close. I shook that thought out of my mind. I remember hearing about that in school the next day. They say that there isn’t one shred of evidence to show what had caused it like it appeared out of thin air. The police thought it was just a normal fire until another one came and another they continue to get worst as time goes. Something, someone is causing this town to worry what will go in flames next. Will the next one kill some innocent that was at the wrong place at the wrong time? I pushed the newspaper away from me just think about fires is making my head feel hotter.
I must be getting better, my body felt stronger as I climb the stairs to my bathroom but I could still feel the heat that was clouding my mind. I took a shower to help flush the fever and for something to do, it help a little. When my parents came home they said I looked better but as they felt my head they cringe at the heat. As we had dinner I had a feeling the fire within me is only beginning even though I already felt like I was burning alive.
I was anxious to find him searching the seas of faces for those green eyes his dark curly hair anything that looked like him. When I felt a tap on my right shoulder I knew it was Ann my best friend welcoming me back but when I turned around to face him and my heart sank. His eyes from memory didn’t do them justice they were even more beautiful that the last time I saw them which felt impossible.
“ What are you looking for?” he asked. looking in the direction I was facing before with an easy smile on his face.
“I was worried when I couldn’t find yesterday. I thought I scared you a way.” he chuckled quietly as he raised his eyes to my face.
“I never got the chance to ask for your name. Mines Ethan.”
“My name’s Olivia.” I tucked the a stray piece of hair behind my ears and cleared my throat.
“ So do you mind if I ask why you weren’t here yesterday?” he said as he leaned into the looker besides mine. His arms crossed.
“ I had a fever which is weird because I didn’t feel sick at all.” I wasn’t nervous as the first time we met. But all my words were rushing out faster than I could think of what I’m saying.
“ A fever you say?” his right eyebrow arched and his voice lower than before.
“ Yeah. It felt like my brain was on fire.” he smiled like I said something funny. “Really? It must have been some kind of fever.” I could hear from his voice which had a hint of laughter in it, that he felt I was over exaggerating.
The week continued like this us talking the beginning of school during lunch and after school because we had no classes together. But I always felt our time together was limited. As the weeks continue the fire in me became hotter but I don’t blame the common cold anymore.
“I want to show you something. After school today.” he brushed his soft hand on my cheek and pushed stray hair behind my ear. His fingers where warm, I haven’t felt any thing warmer than my own sink in a long time but it felt nice.
“Only if you want to.” he smile as my cheeks reddens. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.
“ You’re always so warm.” his hand moves down to my neck. My heart is beating so loud there was no way he couldn’t hear it. “ I’ll meet you at your locker. Is that okay?” He lets go of me causing me to snap out of what I was under.
“Yeah” I said quickly before even really thinking about it. “ see you at lunch.” And then he was gone.
I don’t know where he is going to take me but a part of me is scared, not scared of him but scared of me. He make me act differently around him, more outgoing and brave. I’m afraid what might slip out of my mouth because of my new brave nature, I would want to scare him with the truth of my feelings. Lately I have been just talking with no thought of what I said whenever he’s around. I hid my fears well from what I could tell. Another and slightly bigger part of me couldn’t wait to be alone with him. I know that I’ve only known him for a short period of time but I trusted him. He seems unreal, different from anyone I have known, he makes my heart jump when he says my name, he make me happy when I thought that was impossible to do so. I had never felt this way about anybody but the feeling is amazing there’s no words I could express when I see his face and I feel like the world could disappears. Is it love? Or am I just a silly teenage girl with crush.
He drove us a way from the town. The road was empty. “Where are we going? Can you please tell me! I don’t really like surprises.” I said as I looked at my window the town lowly getting further away. We entered the forest we walked for a few minutes until we reached a clearing of trees. He sat down on the still dampened ground and I did the same.
“What’s going on? Are were meditating or something?” I laughed and scooted closer to him. He smiled but there was worry in his eyes.
“Olivia I have to show you something, and it might scare you but I know you will understand. Maybe not now but you will, I know you will. There is really no words for what I’m about to do but I promise I won’t hurt you.” his voice was sad but his words should have frightened me but all I can think of is a ways making him smile again.
“ I promise I would never hurt you.” He said quietly he finally looks up to meet my gaze. “ don’t be scared” all I could do is nod then he raised his hand up staring at it, then a flame flickered on is middle finger like a candle. My mouth flew open but I could remember how to close it. I just stared at his finger as the flame danced in the breeze.
“how can… When…?” my mind was wondering as I continue to look at him.
He closed his fist slowly killing the flam and then opened his hand wide and two flames lit in the middle of his palm. He was pushing his hands together making a one sphere with the flames. As his hands met the fire was gone.
“ I’ve had this… power since I was ten or at lest that’s when I found out about it. I wanted to show you because I’m so tired of keeping this secret to myself I need a friend.” I could hear sadness in his voice but the thing he did with is hand kept running through my mind and I could stop it even if I wanted to.
“Have you been the one who has starting the fires?” I said mindlessly I sounding braver than I felt. “ you’ve hurt people, you’ve…” I felt sick to my stomach, I get up to my knees but he garbs me gently “No I haven’t stared those fires” he looks hurt at what I said “ Ever since I was young.” he closed his eyes his face looks so sad that I held his hand forgetting what they could do. His frown lightens but his eyes stays close. “And knew what I could do I never wanted it. I did all I could to try to stop this… but no matter what I did the fire was never puts out. I couldn’t ignore it for too long. You have to trust me I promise.” he opened his eyes at the end and something in them made me believe him. I sat there unmoving trying so hard make senses of everything that is floating in my head. He just stayed there looking at me waiting for me to say something but I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t know how long we had been sitting here but the sun was starting to set.
His special ability doesn’t change how I saw him or felt about him, I thought . He was the same charming guy I had knew him as. But some how I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fire he made. I had to say some thing.
“I believe you.” I whispered but I knew he heard me. A fickler of hope shot across his eyes and it went away just as fast as it came.
The fires stared over a month ago and he has only moved here a few days ago. If my mind was working I would have noticed that but it wasn‘t. I couldn’t see this boy, the boy that I think am possible falling for, hurt innocent people for no reason at all. I felt silly now for even thinking about it.
“We should get you home now. Your parents would be wondering where you are.” his voice had no emotion in them which scares me maybe he thought he made a big mistake in telling me. That thought stung making my stomach turn I wanted to show him what I said was true, I did believe him. I want to show him that he could trust in me.
“Kiss me?” I said as I cross the distance between us my heart pumping fast as I hastened to his side before my courage went away. He look at me like I’ve lost my mind which was possible. I didn’t even think about the option that maybe he doesn’t like me this way. Until we were only inches away when his face didn’t change. A tear was forming at the corners of my eyes and it burned to hold them back.
“ I mean, if you want to.” my gaze dropped to my feet afraid that my tears would betray me.
“ You silly, emotional, beautiful girl.” his voice was teasing as he raised his finger to lift my chin making me look straight to his eyes. He was smiling his lazy smile as he lean down to press his lips softly on mine. As if my lips were rose petals that could tear apart with the slightest of touch. His lips tasted like caramelized sugar sweet and warm. I wanted more but his lips stopped and his face was moving away from me. I opened my eyes to find his face still close to
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