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Read books online » Romance » Burning Ice by Vanessa (ebook offline TXT) 📖

Book online «Burning Ice by Vanessa (ebook offline TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Vanessa

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mine he pressed his warm lip quickly to mine and then gabbed my hands tightly in his and squeezed it softly.
“We should get going, it’s getting dark.” he looked at the sky then at my face I can feel my lips were pull up in a smile, one the wouldn’t easily go away.
He drove quietly still holding my hand. I never want to let go. I saw my house get closer and I panicked I didn’t want to leave him yet. What if I wake up and this was all just a dream?
“I hope I didn’t get in to much trouble.” He looked at the lit up house and at the window of the silhouette of my mother pacing back and forth.
“Would you like me to come with you, explain that it was my fault that you have been gone” I cut him off before he finished.
“ No it’s better if I face them alone.” I knew how my parents would react if they knew a boy was the reason for my absents, they would not take it lightly.
“Okay. I will see you tomorrow.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before bolting out of the car. Didn’t know when I’ll see him again if I get grounded. I wouldn’t be able to see him at school until Monday if I did, suddenly I wasn’t looking forward for the weekend. I held the door knob with tight fingers inhaling air through my nose. I open the door slowly and quietly hope they weren’t on the other side, but all hopes faded when I pushed the door open.
“where have you been!” My mother said between clenched teeth. Before I could even speck to explain she started talking again.
“Do you have any idea what time it is. How could you be so irrespirable?” This was worst than what I imagined.
“ Do you have anything to say for your self?” she was yelling again,
“I..” but she cut me off before another word could come out.
“I can’t believe this
” she trailed off to nothing.
“ Kate let her talk.” my dad said firmly as he looked at me his eyes filled with disappointment. Great the guilt trip just what I needed, its not like I didn’t feel guilty before.
“ I was with a friend and lost track of time. I’m really sorry.” they know me enough to hear the truth in my words.
“I think you should go in your room, I want to talk to your mom. I will call you when dinner is ready.” I went to my room like I was told. How can a day that was so wonderful end like this. I think back to this afternoon it felt like a life time ago. I have been so distracted I almost forgot the burning in my throat. What’s going on with me first the fever now this. Maybe I shouldn’t have kissed Ethan, I could have given him whatever was going on with me. I grabbed the thermometer in my parents bathroom it reads 110.1 what the heck what can a girl do around here to check her temperature? I went back to my room and fell asleep.
I woke up to a warm bed to warm to be pleasant. My blue blanket fell on the floor. I looked at the window it was steamed over. I got up and wipe the steam with my hand making a big circle for my face. It was snowing, snow covered every tree and every inch of land I could see. I got dressed and put on some boots then ran outside. I hasn’t snowed in almost three years I’ve missed it. I see my dad laughing as he looked at the window of me making a snow angle. I laid on the ground watching my breath escape my mouth like a cloud of smoke. I haven’t felt cold in too long. I dug my hand in the snow but when I finally put them out they were numb and stung my finger tips. My ears were frozen too and my cheeks unmoving. I’ve fallen asleep in the snow. Only felt like a moment that I closed my closed my eyes. I sat up quickly away form the snow and tried to close my hand but they had a mind of their own. Tried to blow hot air but non came. I panicked I didn’t know what to do would my fingers fall off. How stupid was I to fall asleep in snow. While I was scolding my self I felt like my hands were suddenly on fire. That was a sign that the were getting worst I was afraid of look at them, as if one minute could change their appearance.
I gazed a my hands where the feeling of heat came form and was shocked at the flames that covered them. I closed my eyes and opened them again nothing changed. I know this should be burning me by now but I felt nothing. It lasted for about a minute but it slowly faded.
This could not be happening, this keeps running through my mind but I couldn‘t believe it. My thoughts went back to yesterday when Ethan was showing me the fire he made, his words I remember them clearly “
 it might scare you but I know you will understand maybe not now but you will. I know you will.” His words made since now, his voice was so hopeful. How did he know that I had the same ability that he has. He also said he needed a friend, a friend that could understand
 because she would know what it’s like. Someone like me. If all of this had happened a week ago I know how impossible it would have sounded, but I know now nothing in my world is impossible. Like the idea that I could have started all those fires, I could be the one responsible for all of it.


Publication Date: 03-27-2011

All Rights Reserved

thanks to google images for the picture. To my Grandma who always has time to listen to my stories.

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