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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Amore Bello by Chant'e Francis (english readers TXT) 📖

Book online «Amore Bello by Chant'e Francis (english readers TXT) 📖». Author Chant'e Francis

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off and held the door for the others. They were carrying 3 coolers, and had two more in the truck.
"Hey girlie!" they greeted as they handled the coolers over to the barrels.
Carol held the door as a few of the girls went back out to get the other coolers.
Lucinda stayed back, so she and I started opening coolers and hooking different packs up.
Each barrel had its own machine, and label. That way the blood wouldn’t mix, and the customers get exactly what they want.
We turned on the machines; the blood started draining, the barrels filling up.
I went to go flip stools over and wipe down tables. Lucinda watched over the barrels and wiped them down.
Anna and Beth started cooking. Katherine came to help me.
We all worked silently, until the speakers came alive.

Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her butt.
It is so big. *scoff* She looks like,
one of those rap guys' girlfriends.
But, you know, who understands those rap guys? *scoff*
They only talk to her, because,
she looks like a total prostitute, 'kay?
I mean, her butt, is just so big.
I can't believe it's just so round, it's like,
out there, I mean - gross. Look!
She's just so ... black!

We all started singing along.

I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, wanna pull out your tough
'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh baby, I wanna get with you
And take your picture

Beatrice, our boss and owner of the bar, walked into the main room and sat. We waved and serenaded her in turns, ending in a fit of giggles.
"So Roxy," Beatrice began after a moment, "How was your date Thursday?"
I fumbled with the bar stool in my hands, and it fell on my toe, "Damn!"
"It must not have been good." Hayley said laughing.
"No. it was amazing." I said sarcastically, "He took me to this really popular place called McDonalds. He ordered for me. Off the dollar menu. Then he was considerate enough to have me pay."
"He’s a keeper" Elliott said sauntering into the room.
"You’re late!" Beatrice informed.
"Sorry, date ran a little longer than I expected."
"So Rox, what happened after that? I’m sure your date didn’t end there." Lucinda said, replacing the empty pouches.
"After that," I began again, "we took a nice stroll through the park. I wanted a little moon light make out session, despite the three fish fillet burgers he ate. So I sat on a bench, and was about to call him over when something seeped into my mini skirt." The way my face fell at the end had them begging for more. There was no way I was gonna tell them though.
"I’ll switch schedules and let you work the bar if you talk." Carol bribed in a sing song voice.
"Fine" I answered in defeat, "on the bench there was a plastic bag with dog poop in it. When I sat on it, by accident, some of the poo smeared out and got on my skirt."
Everyone in the room erupted with laughter. Tears spilling out of their eyes, some of them gasping for air. I blushed deep crimson.
"What did you do?" Beth choked out.
"I pretended that I was deathly allergic to squirrels, and asked him to get rid of the one behind him. After he turned around I ran."
"Smart girl" Carol chirped through fits of giggles.
The music cut off for a few seconds, and a bell chimed. Time to open the doors and get to work.
Beatrice went to her office in the back room. Anna and Beth took care of the food. Carol, Lucinda and Maria all grabbed aprons and mini notebooks. They started planning out who would get which tables. Elliott and Hayley got into place behind the bar.
I unlocked the doors, flipped over the closed sign and went behind the bar with the others.
The setup lights dimmed, and the work lights flashed on. They cast the entire bar in a dark haze, while lighting up the small dance floor in multiple colors.
We did one more quick wipe down of the bar, as our usuals walked in. A few of them took tables, while the rest formed a cluster around the bar.
"Hey there darlin' why don’t you get me a buttery nipple? If you don’t got that I can just suck on one of yours." Joe leered at me very suggestively.
"I’ll just get you a drink. Like I’ve always told you sugar, my bodies too sweet. You couldn’t handle this." I replied as I grabbed a glass and started mixing his choice of liquid poison.
"Just give me a chance, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as much as I will." he flashed me a rotted smile. Poor guy had at least 7 teeth missing, and many others waiting to join them.
"Sorry baby."
He grabbed his glass and walked away from the bar, sat at a table in the back and watched me.
"Hey gorgeous, can I have 2 bloody marys with a shot of AB+ in both. Some chicken fingers... and a cosmos." The vampire paid and went to his table to flirt with his breakfast.
"Airhead probably thinks he’s gonna turn her." Hayley said as she brushed past me to fill a glass with whatever order she was filling.
I yelled through the serving window, "1 finger no salt." grabbed three glasses and started popping open bottles. I finished the Cosmo and put it on Carols serving tray. Elliott was already at the barrels, so I handed him my bloody marys and grabbed the chicken fingers. I put it on carols tray, grabbed the bloody marys after Elliott finished and gave them to Carol.
She walked over to the table without incident, put everything down and got a tip. She put the 5 bucks in her bra, one of women’s many pockets, and walked over to another table.
The night progressed in much the same manner, but getting busier by the minute. I slipped into my usual pattern, flirting, taking the order, filling the order, delivering the order and repeat.
It was the same routine, at least that’s what I thought until 1 a.m. rolled around.
I opened a Heineken and put it on the bar, turned around grabbed a glass and made the house special.
I slid it to the guy that ordered, and handed him his change.
He grabbed the hand with the change and pulled me toward him. With his other hand, he grabbed the back of my head and slammed his lips against mine.
He tried to stick his tongue in my mouth, but I wouldn’t let him. I tried pushing him away, but he was too strong. He pulled my hair and I gasped. His tongue successfully entered my mouth. All I could taste was alcohol.
I bit down on it, a little too hard though because the taste of blood filled my mouth. He didn’t seem to care much though. He just pulled on my hair harder and I could swear I felt it leaving my scalp.
His hold weakened first, and then he just let go completely. He doubled over on the bar.
"Thanks Joe." I said spitting the blood into the trashcan. I popped open a Corona and chugged it to get the taste out.
My attacker grabbed the Heineken on the bar and swung it hard. It crashed into the side of Joe's head and he went down. The guy kicked him in the gut, and he started coughing.
I screamed and started calling for security. Hayley started moving people away so they wouldn’t get hurt, but they wouldn’t let her and she just ended up getting man handled. Elliot tried to separate the guys, but they just held him back. They were enjoying the fight and had no plans of letting anyone end it.
I screamed for security again, as more fights broke out. One of the drunkards broke a beer bottle on a table and held it to my throat.
"Stop yer hollerin'! Dis ish da most fun I’ve had all day!"
Even more people started joining in, and soon almost everyone was fighting. The tables and stools were tipped over, some of them broken. They were fighting in glass, getting cut up and scraped yet they didn’t care.
My boss ran in the room, security flanking her. I watched as Beatrice swept the room with her eyes, reached over and pulled the fire alarm. The sprinklers began raining down and security started separating everyone. After about 23 minutes or so they were finally able to subdue everyone. Everyone except the guy holding my life in his hands.
I closed me eyes and silently prayed. I mean my life couldn’t end like this right? I haven’t really started to live yet.
"First a bus, now this? You’re gonna have to start paying me."
My eyes flew open.
In front of me stood a total stranger. He had hazel eyes and shaggy dirty blonde hair, I felt as though I knew him. His voice was familiar, but I just couldn’t place him.
"Are you alright?" He asked me.
I took a moment to register everything he said, and realized I did know him... Maybe. "I never got the chance to thank you for the bus."
He picked up a fallen stool, and sat in front of me.
The violent customers were kicked out, and the servers cleaned up the glass quickly. They cleaned everything fast, and a fresh wave of customers flooded in. They replaced the bunch before them, and didn’t even halt at the mess. They picked up the tables and stools, hot sauce and condiments. They sat down, or took to the dance floor, lined up at the bar. Everything was pretty much back to normal.
My mystery savior sat with his back to me, watching people file in.
Feeling oddly bold, I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "Welcome to The Dancing Leprechaun." He didn’t answer, he didn’t move, so I blew on his ear and continued, "What can I do for you tonight?"
He turned, "I guess I can have something while I wait."
I grabbed a glass and put it on the bar.
"I’ll have the house special, a Dancing Leprechaun, with 3 shots of type O."
"You’re a vampire?!" I said, my jaw dropping.
"Yes" He replied amused. He pushed my jaw up, back in place and shot me a smile.
"Oh." I had nothing else to say. How lame.
I grabbed the Irish whiskey and poured some into the glass. I poured the Drambuie and lemon juice at the same time. Added some ginger ale and walked over to the barrels. Instead of 3 shots I put 5 long ones.
I walked back to him, handed it over and smiled, "It’s on the house."
"Thanks. Hey... What are you doing on the 24th?"
"Working here." I gestured to the bar while putting bottles away and filling more orders.
"She has the night off if you need her." Beatrice said throwing away the last of the glass.
"I've saved your life twice today. I think that warrants me a favor... Right?"
"Depends on what you have in mind." I said handing the guy next to him a Guinness.
"There's a Christmas party im being forced to attend and I need a date."
"She'll do it!" Beatrice and Hayley said together.
"Great." He said as a petite little red head placed her hand on his shoulder. She squeezed his shoulder in greeting, before ordering quite a bit of blood and
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