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Read books online » Romance » Amore Bello by Chant'e Francis (english readers TXT) 📖

Book online «Amore Bello by Chant'e Francis (english readers TXT) 📖». Author Chant'e Francis

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alcohol. She ordered some food and carted him away with her.
They sat a table in the back corner of the room with 5 others. I watched him greet the guys with special handshakes and punches to the arms, while he greeted the girls with smiles and kisses to the cheek. Boys could be so weird.
They talked for a bit, and it piqued my curiosity. I wanted to know what they spoke about, what kind of things he said in conversation. I bet he was witty, always speaking sarcastically.
The red head turned to stare at me, and the guy closest to her pointed towards me. All of them, except my mysterious savior turned and stared at me with wide unbelieving eyes. Taking that as my cue, I got back to working, quickly peeling my eyes away from them.
The rest of the night, I was so busy, that I didn't have the chance to look at them again. When I did, they were gone. I don't know what I was expecting. I guess I wanted to look up and see him staring at me. Our eyes would meet and I would feel something, I'm not sure what I would feel, but I would feel something.

He would get up from his seat, leave that little red blemish behind, and take me away. Lead me by the hand out of the bar, take me somewhere special. I wanted him to woo me.
I mean I'm not asking for anything special, but something would be nice. I'm tired of all the losers that walk into my life, the ones that take me above the clouds just to send me hurtling back down to the grown again. Im tired of letting myself get hurt, I want a guy that’s different than the rest.
"Rox!" Beatrice yelled, breaking into my reverie.
"Yea? Sorry Boss, was just thinking. You need something?"
"It's closing time. Hurry up, and I'll have Elliot walk you home. It’s too late for a girl like you to be walking home alone." Beatrice answered me.
I looked up, scanned the room and saw no one there, no customers anyways. I immediatly began cleaning up the bar area, Hayley helping me. We all worked silently, the events of the bar fight swirling in our heads. I had come so close to dieing, if he hadn’t been there, I would certainly not be here now.
Thinking of this had me realizing something else, I had no idea what his name was. I would have to find out, but considering that I knew nothing else about him, I had no idea when I would find out. I doubt he knew my name either.
"Hey Rox... What was that guy talking about?" Hayley asked offhandedly while putting bottles back.
"Which guy?" I asked with a frown.
"The one you seemed to show interest in." She answered with a smirk.
I blushed, "You heard him, he wants me to be his date to a Christmas party."
"I meant before that when he was talking about a bus. What did he mean?"
"Oh! I almost got my self run over by bus on my way into work today." I said nonchalantly as I remembered the moment. Remembered the feeling of my body pressed against his. Frustrated, I sighed.
"Only you. Rox, only you." Hayley sighed and shook her head at me.
We continued on our nightly clean up routine and finished at sometime past 4 a.m. I grabbed my jacket and bag, and turned to find Elliott. He found me first, with a guilty look on his face. He told me that his girlfriend had called, and he had to go home immediatly. He apologized to me immediatly and followed me out. He told me he knew I would be fine because I could handle anything. He said any many that would even think of attacking me is absolutely stupid.
I could tell he was just saying that to reassure himself. To get rid of the guilt he felt for ditching me like this. Being the nice person that I am, I let him off the hook saying that I should be fine. He left me and walked out of the back alley; he turned to the right and was out of sight.
I sighed and pulled my jacket closer behind me. I heard some shuffling and I turned to the other side of the alley. There was someone slumped against it. I watched as he slowly stood, and as he approached me I backed away.
"Where you going Darlin'?"
Relief washed through me, "Joe! What are you doing back here? You scared me half to death!"
"I'm here to get my reward."
"What reward?"
"My reward for helping you. I tried to save you, and got my @ss kicked in the process... How you gonna make it up to me?" He asked advancing on me. He walked under some light and I saw the crazy lustful look in his eyes. My fear returned and I started walking in reverse, matching his pace.
"Im really grateful for what you did for me Joe. Really I am, but I’m not about to give you the reward your looking for."
My back hit the fence, and my stomach plummeted down to my feet as he closed off my only exit. I screamed, but it wasn’t too successful. I’d been doing to much of it in the bar earlier and now my throat was sore and closing up.
"What's wrong Darlin'? Why won’t you give it to me? I deserve it!" He pushed me up against the fence, held my hands in a tight grip above my head. He pressed his body against mine, pinning me down. He bent his head to kiss me.
His lips touched mine, and I lost all hope. I was screwed.
He tried to stick his tongue in my mouth, but before he could, something ripped him away from me. I slid to the ground, my eyes closed. I heard snaps and cracks, bones being broken. I could hear something slamming against the wall opposite of me, and I squeezed my eyes shut. I wanted to escape this place.
In my fantasy my vampire, had come to save me. He had grabbed Joe and pried him off me by his hair. He had given into his rage, ignored his better judgment, forgotten everything else and beat Joe half to death. He had almost killed him.
A tear ran down my cheek, as I cried over the fantasy that could never be. He would never again come to save me. My tears began flowing freely. The area went quiet; all I could hear was someone fighting for breath, and my heartbeat.
Someone touched my face, wiped my tears away with their thumbs. I opened my eyes expecting to see one of the bouncers from the club, or Elliott but what I saw before me made me gasp.
There he stood in front of me. My savior. My vampire.
"Are you alright?" He asked me.
"I'm fine. W-w-what are you doing here?" I stuttered in shock.
"After I left I realized that I hadn’t told you anything about the party so I came to give you the info. I also realized I didn’t know your name." He stood and held his hand out to me, "You know, maybe you really should hire me to be your round the clock personal bodyguard."
"My life only seems to be in danger when you’re around." I pointed out.
He frowned as though he was deep in thought. He shook his head, as though he was shaking off his thought, not liking the way it was going. I put my hand in his, and he pulled me up. I stood and dusted off my clothing; he wiped the rest of the tears off my face and frowned.
"What’s wrong?" I asked him.
"You’ve got black streaks on your face." His frown deepened.
"My mascaras running." I said also frowning. He nodded, but I got the feeling he didn’t understand what I was talking about.
"Mascara is what I put on my eyelashes." I said, he nodded again. This time in understanding.
I sighed and started leading him out of the alley, towards my house.
"Why what?" I asked him.
"Why do you wear mascara?"
"To make my eyelashes look longer."
He grunted, and lost himself in his thoughts. I lead him across the street, and through the park.
"Sooo?" I asked him
"So what?"
"You came back to give me the info right?"
"Oh yeah!... It’s on the 24th. It’s for vampires, but humans can go. I guess i can pick you up at 7... It’s a black and white event, but that doesn’t really mean the same as usual black and white. It means the guys will wear suits, and the girls will wear dresses, but it can be any kind of dress."
"What do you mean any kind of dress?"
He blushed, "Most of the girls wear revealing dresses. They can be long, or short. Tight or loose. Strapless or backless. Doesn’t matter. But like I said they usually wear very revealing dresses."
I walked along quietly, still leading him towards my house. Both of us lost in our own thoughts. We got to my front door, and I heard a crash inside. I thought it could be my dog’s rough housing, but I handed him my keys and hid behind him anyways.
He put the key in the whole, and unlocked my door. He froze and I stiffened in response.
Someone yelped and screamed, "Blake! Help me!"
Who was Blake? My vampire started shaking. He grabbed his stomach and held on to the door frame for support. I bent over to the side and looked him in the face. He was laughing so hard tears were running out of his eyes.
I looked forward to see what was so funny and saw a guy. He had the same kind of aura as my vampire, pointing him out as not human.
Although he had super strength and speed, it seemed as though it wasn't enough to fight off my babies. A wide smile spread across my face as I looked upon them with pride. I felt like a father watching his little princess punch a guy in the face, with an amazing right hook, for being too forward.
Rasputin had a good firm hold on the vampire’s backside, blood trickling out of where he had bitten him. Sam and Goliath where hanging from his arms, both having sunk their teeth in different areas, claiming each of his arms as their own. Titan had his canines clamped hard in his right leg and seemed to be trying to disconnect it from the rest of his body.
The vampire was whimpering and flailing about. Fuzzily, my rottweiler came to stand in front of me. He was growling, and snapping at the intruder.
"Don't just stand there! HELP ME!" He sharply flung his left arm, trying to free himself of Goliath. The vampire flung his arms over and over again, until finally one of my Chihuahuas, Goliath, flew off. Unfortunately for him, Goliath had yet to release his arm. His eyes went wide as he stared at my little baby, munching on his new prize.
"Awwww. The big bad vampire can't handle a few little puppies?" I taunted, while safely hidden behind my vampire, just in case.
He turned and scowled at me, and I childishly stuck my tongue out. My vampire slid to the ground at my feet silently laughing and gasping for air as the tears continued.
"Blake! Help me! This really hurts!"
My vampire, who im guessing is Blake, started sobering up. He chuckled and moved to help the other vampire.
Once he got close, Fuzzily turned and jumped for Blake’s neck. I didn't find

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