Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » I'm Yours Only by Sophie J Brain (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) 📖

Book online «I'm Yours Only by Sophie J Brain (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) 📖». Author Sophie J Brain

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was drink a little too much wine or beer while trying his best to not think about, even better forget, a certain dark haired beauty that he somehow managed to see every day at his work and each night in his long torturous dreams and he craved for her so badly. What's more it wasn't just physical, it would have been so much easier that way, to say it had been and was just about sex and leave it at that but he couldn't because that was simply not the case. He cared about her and not just for her body, although he certainly wasn't going to deny himself that, but he also wanted her wit, her funny looks and most of all her conversation.

The few words he'd managed to have with her had all been so practised and she had been so careful not to let her true self come through, probably terrified about what she might do or that she’d reveal something she'd regret. Of course she had been true to her word about being a good student and since she wasn't in the classes he was taking over, as part of his student teachering, he rarely had any reason to talk to her at all usually he'd just make up a reason or if one of her teachers needed to pass on a message or give her some homework he'd offer to do it but those moments were so rare that it was never enough. But it was the times he caught her looking at him with the same longing that he felt every day that were most hard since he had to use all of his will power to stop himself from kissing her right there. He glanced up at the clock, 20 past four not bad he'd just finish up and be on his way back home, with any luck he would be home within the hour.


Nicky was running late, of course that had more to do with Mr MacDonald, the idiot had forgot to show up to the extra after school maths lesson they had arranged. The old man was always doing it and he was sure to pull her aside on Monday and give her a heartfelt apology but that did little to help her now. Walking through the alleyway, to get to her form room, her skin tingled as she got to the opening of the alcove, the spot where she and Mr Williams had first met two long months ago. As she stopped to remember that sweet and tender moment Nicky felt a hand grab her arm, letting out a surprised gasp she went tumbling into a large form. Could this be her darling Chris?

“Hello my dear”

Nicky's heart sank “hello Kevin”

Kevin Bryant, her ex-boyfriend Greg's father, leered at her “I was very sad to hear about you and Greg breaking up”

Overjoyed was more like it. Nicky had dated Greg for six months and Kevin had spent most of that time looking at her with a very disapproving way that was when he wasn't making inappropriate flirting jokes; however that aside he had always seems an ok sort of guy. She had known him long before dating Greg as he was her father's closest friend and he had never given her any reason to feel uncomfortable, well until now. What was he doing here? Nicky plastered on a fake smile to hide her nervousness “It was for the best we weren't really right for each other. He wasn't what I wanted; he can be a bit childish”

Kevin smiled back “You need someone older and much more mature”

Her heart started beating very fast, Kevin's presence suddenly clear in her mind. He thought she would be with him or at the very least share his bed for a night or two. Well no way, not when a certain blonde haired God had haunted her dreams for the last two months and nearly all of her thoughts, not that she would have if Chris Williams and all his perfection hadn't been working at her school. Kevin was most certainly not her type; she didn't go for perverts who pulled girls into alcoves or her dad's friends for that matter.

“What do you want Kevin?”

He leaned forward “You”

Nicky reached over to slap him but he grabbed her wrist tightly and held firm “how did you know where to find me?”

Kevin pulled her to him and ran a finger along her cheek. “Greg told me you were staying late to do some work”

He leaned in to kiss her, panicking Nicky pushed at him but he was stronger than her and barely moved at all. In fact his grip tightened even more and he had a sick smile on his face as he murmured “play nice my dear and so will I”

As realisation dawned the panic rising in Nicky's chest grew and she did the only thing she could think of, she kneed him in between his legs. Gasping in shock and pain Kevin pushed her away with such force she spun around and hit the wall behind her. She let out a yelp and ran off before Kevin could grab her again.

Nicky ran into the sixth-form building and entered her form room, where she had left some of her belongings earlier, and sat on the table of her usual seat her feet resting on the chair beneath her as she stared blankly at the wall in front of her. She didn’t even notice the blood slowly dripping down the side of her head.


After ten minutes of focused work and cleaning Chris was finished, it was only half past four he'd be home by five. He whistled as he tossed his car keys into his pocket and picked up some papers that needed to be dropped into the sixth-form office.

Walking along briskly Chris found himself thinking of what he often thought about these days, the young Nicky. He drove down her road on his way home and he had seen her on several occasions, it was the only time he ever got to see her truly as herself, she never saw him of course the car was gone in a second as far as she was concerned but in that flash Chris was more happy that he could even possibly begin to describe. He got to the reception and dropped off the papers, deciding he might as well cut through the sixth-form building since it was warmer in there than outside in the early March weather.

He wondered what Nicky was doing, God this was irritating he couldn't go more than two minutes without thinking about her, what the hell did that mean? Well of course he knew but he wasn't going to let himself believe it after just one proper encounter with the girl furthermore- he stopped, was someone in that class room? Chris slowly walked back and looked through the window.

Of course it would be Nicky considering he'd just spent the last five minutes thinking about her! “Miss Bennett you know you shouldn’t here this late” he said attempting to sound stern but probably failing,

“I'm sorry” she murmured, her voice without tone and her eyes never leaving the wall.

Chris walked further into the room suddenly confused and worried, he had never seen her like this “why are you here?”

“I needed to pick up some of my stuff”

“And I can see you are doing a good job of it Nicky”

She jumped up, obviously out of whatever trance she had been in “I'm sorry sir I'll just be going”

Chris looked at her as closely as he could, there was something on her face but he couldn't see what it was.

Nicky stopped and look at him “please don't tell anyone about this, I shouldn't be here this late on my own I just got distracted”

Goodness she was bleeding “Nicky what happened? You're cut”

She gasped “Am I?”

His eyes narrowed “Yes didn't you know?”

Nicky looked down, she hadn't noticed her head because she had been in such a daze about Kevin but now that Mr Williams had mentioned it there was quite a sharp pain on her forehead. She lifted her hand up and gingerly touched the spot of pain, whipping it back down she saw the blood on her fingers and let out a small scream in shock, damn Kevin for doing that to her.

“Nicky?” Chris asked looking concerned

“I'll be fine” Nicky said quickly “I just need to get myself to the bus stop so I can go back home”

Hopefully Kevin wouldn’t still be there, if he was then he was sure to be angry and she wasn't sure if she would be able to fight him off again especially since she was starting to feel extremely light headed.

“You've gone white” Chris grabbed her and led her to a chair “I'll sort this cut out for you”

Nicky watched as he searched around for a first aid kit “I'm sure I'll be ok and I can sort it when I get home” even as she said this, however, just the thought of standing up was enough to set her head spinning and she really was beginning to feel a little sick.

“There is absolutely no way that you are going home like that” Chris said as he found the first aid kit and sat down in front of her “It doesn't look too bad you just seem to have lost a bit of blood, how did it happen anyway?”

Oh God did he have to sit so close? Didn't he realise how much she ached for him? Dear Lord she wanted to kiss him again. Nicky looked up at him, he was waiting for her to answer “Oh I just hit my head on a wall”

“Do you do this often?” he asked as he opened an anti-bacterial wipe “this will sting”

He was being so kind to her, he started to clean her wound, Chris had been right it did sting but that wasn't the reason for the tears suddenly welling up in her eyes.

He saw her holding back tears and wanted nothing more than to hug her and tell her it was okay to cry and then maybe he could kiss her again (only if she seemed ok enough to be kissed of course) but he could really do any of that so instead he asked “does it hurt so much?”

Nicky shook her head “no it’s not that, just you're being so nice to me and I just want to kiss you because you are so handsome and lovely and oh God I'm such an idiot”

Desire pulsed through him at the thought of her wanting him “you are certainly not an idiot Nicky” he finished cleaning the wound and held her face in his hands so he could examine her cut.

He felt her nod “I am. I should know better than to go around revealing myself, I'm so stupid, I should have known that something like this was going to happen”

Chris' desires was replaced with pure anger and worry “Something like what would happen?”

Oh no “how’s my head?” she asked desperately trying to change the subject.

“It’s fine” he answered distractedly “Just needs a plaster, what happened?”

Nicky blinked, he sounded angry. Why was he angry? Was he angry at her? He picked up a plaster and carefully placed it on her head. Nicky sighed “It was nothing just some idiot who wouldn't take no for answer”

Anger over took his body and he slammed his fist down hard on the table he was so furious he barely noticed the stinging in his hand.

Nicky started as he hit the table “I'm sorry” she murmured weakly

“What did he do to you?” fury like nothing he had ever felt before raged through him. Someone had hurt Nicky, his Nicky.

“Nothing really” Nicky said urgently, feeling more than a little scared “Just tried to you know have sex with me and when I went to slap him he told me to play nice so I um damaged his genitals”

“Where is the bastard?”

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