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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » Not love by Alice X (the two towers ebook .txt) 📖

Book online «Not love by Alice X (the two towers ebook .txt) 📖». Author Alice X

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for her.


With that I began to walk for the door leading out and mum yelled from behind “where do you think you’re going?” I didn’t answer and began walking out. I could still hear him follow me from behind. I slightly turned my head to him and saw him when I stopped he stopped. I turned fully to see him full from head to toe; I looked him in the eyes which were so beautiful I couldn’t even believe that mere mortals had eyes as amazing as that. “So you’re going to follow me all day?” I said still watching his movement, actions and facial expression. He smiled a little just lifting the left side of his lips and saying “I think so, that’s why I’m here and paid to do.” I wanted to laugh but I couldn’t see what was funny? Then I sighed and said “aren’t you going take a break?” he shook his head. I was still thinking of my next question when he said “why the interview?” with that he stiffened up. I was lost; I had no answer for him, what could I say without sounding desperately in love with him without knowing him.


Then from behind I heard her voice. That bitch had to show up now didn’t she? She could have killed me later why did she have to come now and dig my freaking grave up now. “Oh Elvira who’s the hunk?” I turned to see Mandy. She was the well-known leading mean girl. I’ve known that cow since high school, she makes everyone’s life hell and I was her number one target, only because she graduated school with flying colours and a hunky jock boyfriend by her side. She would push my life so far that I would think of committing suicide then I found some friends online who proved to me that wasn’t the answer. So many people told me that after high school things get better but for me nothing worked out.


I didn’t say anything just watched her walk up to me and Eldon. she stood between us blocking me out of his view and said “hey, I’m Mandy so arm….don’t mind me saying but you’re so fucking good looking why are you wasting your time on this bullshit?” she indicated to me. She was pissing me off.


I turned around to Mandy sending her a death glare before saying “Sure I’m bullshit, but at least I’m not a prostitute.” I was so ticked off that I couldn’t handle it anymore, without him knowing I started to walk away from the suddenly growing crowd of people. I was on the other side of the road about the turn the corner when I saw a glimpse of Eldon.


That corner behind the west ally park, and two blocks down my house. So I found it easy to reach in walking distance. The (f) corner was called the (f) corner for a reason. It was for all the fucked up people like me. I could hear loud laughing then something made me stop I was half way down the road when I heard a loud “fuck you…” then the girls were all moving aside to let Mandy through and Eldon was chasing me. He for the first time didn’t have his arms folded and I did. I only did it when I was frustrated.


He caught up to me then said “don’t think you can get away from me,” then put his serious face back on. I think I was going to like him very much, more than I had intended. I know didn’t want to take him to the (f) corner because I knew I was messed up mentally but having him around I didn’t want to show him that side of me, well not yet, so I just slowly started to walk with him trailing me from the behind. “So can I ask where the hell you are going?” he asked after a few more steps. Well I didn’t know what I supposed to say, I shrugged and kept walking still with my arms folded.


I was watching the pavement so carefully that I forgot he was there until her began to walk beside me rather than behind me. We were way passed (f) corner now. I was walking and leading him straight in to town, I wonder if he knew his way around from here, or was he from here at all? I think he found out that the mood was killed so he folded his arms so for the fun of it I dropped my arms making him drop his then I would fold mine. Even while playing the drop and fold arms game he kept his face straight.


I finally got tired of our silly game and tired of walking that I stopped at a nearby bench and just slummed myself on it taking the whole space up. I purposely took all the space so there was none left for him; I wanted to see how he was going to react. He didn’t say anything I lay on the bench my eye looking him directly on the face whilst he stood right next to my head. He stood quietly for as long as I didn’t say anything till I broke the silence by saying “so do you know anything?” he looked at me and said “what do you mean?” I got up from the bench and sat up and made clear what I wanted to say “well did my parents tell you anything?” he shook his head then he said “all I was instructed to do was that you needed to be protected until a special ceremony and that’s it, those were my orders.” I made a face at him and said “do I look like a Princess of Sheba or Cleopatra? They are lying to ya, they’re keeping me prisoner.” He straightened his back and said “it may seem that way, but then what is the truth?”

Chapter 4:


On our walk home I explained to him everything that had happened and how unfair my parents were. At first I thought I shouldn’t tell him so much about my life but then again he is going to be around for a while so I think he deserved to know. Plus it makes me feel more comfortable with him. Ok I have only known him for what an hour and a half. Elvira get a hold of your freaking self, this guy you don’t know jack shit about him but he knows everything about you, I thought to myself. I couldn’t help but have inner fights with myself. But who cares right I don’t.


After I had told him a brief summary of my life we walked in silence. Nothing said or exchanged we just walked till we got home.


I think I just wanted some fresh air.


I walked in like normal and as I walked into the hallway mum and dad were stood there Katy just walked in from behind them. Dad looked pissed like normal. Mum looked freaked and pissed. Katy looked like a sod up like always.


I thought I could get away with just running to my bed room and spending the rest of the time there. However they weren’t having any of it. Mum walked up to me and slapped me across the face. “Awch! What the fu…” I said putting my hand where my mum had slapped me. I saw from the side of my eye that Eldon jumped a little when the loud slap came out of nowhere. He looked a little shocked that she slapped me.


“Don’t you think you’re getting away with this missy?” mum said looking like she was going to give birth, her face bright red and flaming. Then dad said “calm down dear” he walked a little closer. But I knew I shouldn’t have done what I did but still why did she slap me, she never slapped me. I did even worse things like get drunk and come home at five in the morning. She didn’t say anything then but now, what the hell was her problem I thought to myself still holding my face.


She then straightened herself up and said “Eldon, Katy please go to the other room.” Eldon did as he was told but Katy tried to protest but mum shot her with one of her -get your ass moving- looks. Dad stood for a few seconds and then said “I think I better give you ladies some room,” with that he disappeared into the other room along with Eldon and Katy.


“Look I’m sorry,” she started. I was still stood like I had been slapped. I didn’t realise but I had tears going down my face. “I’m sorry darling about what has happened but the truth is I have to go, you’re……grandmother remember she wasn’t feeling well.” she paused letting tears roll down her face she began to cry. I think I knew what had happened, but still she didn’t have the right to slap me. Anyways I didn’t even like grandma she was a bitch and a half if you ask me.


I finally put my hand down and said to her “mum chill it, I get it,” she then picked her head up. I knew I didn’t mean it. I wanted to do what I had done earlier throw a tantrum and walk out but I don’t know it just didn’t seem right.


She began to wipe her tears and said “yeah, yeah so what the thing is,” she paused as she cleaned her face up. “I and your father have to go to the funeral so we have to leave you and Katy behind.” my eyes widened did she really mean that. That meant having the house to me. Right but exception of having stupid Katy as well but I think we can work our way around that.


She continued “were going to be gone for at least three weeks, and we should have taken you with us,” please don’t say that I thought. “But your finacee will be coming to see you and the week we come back is….” she stopped and looked at me and said “your wedding preparations.”


Chapter 5:

After what she said at the end things didn’t go well. I threw my normal fit and got locked in the cellar. Well it was her fault why she talk to me like that what does she think it’s going to be easy. Nothing changed about her, yeah she’s going for a

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