Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Maid by Athene Minerva (the reading list book .txt) 📖

Book online «The Maid by Athene Minerva (the reading list book .txt) 📖». Author Athene Minerva

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are part of this family now , I got your back . And if I had a daughter , I'd be more than happy to let you guys date . " Leyla couldn't believe what just happened , so she just took a deep breath , thanked her boss and hugged her even tighter and thanked her lucky stars .

' Will I have to pick your son up from school ? ' , Leyla asked . 'Sweetie , I don't have children . It's just me and Mr Brown .' , her boss replied . ' So , what is it that you want me to do ? ' , the young woman asked . ' Well , you can make the beds and swipe the dust . ' , Mrs Brown kindly ordered Leyla . ' I'm on it . ' , the 20-year old said .

After finishing the chores she was told to do , she took a rest on the couch in the living room and Mrs Brown accompanied her . She wanted to talk about her friend , Mrs Miller. ' Do you want me to talk to her ? ' , Leyla's boss asked . ' Well , only if you want to . I'm really happy to work for you , it's totally okay . ' , Leyla said blushing out of embarressment . ' Well , I do want to talk to her . I feel like she mistreated you . She tends to overreact , she's a drama queen . ' , the kind old lady says smiling . 'Sounds like you're used to that . ' , Leyla comments . ' Honey , we've been friends for over 30 years . It's a miracle this old woman is still breathing . ' , Mrs Brown replies laughing . All Leyla could do was just laugh until she cried . ' I'll let this old woman hire you again , don't worry .' 'Thank you very much , I really appreciate that a lot . Thank you . ' , the maid said gracefully .

Some time later , Luca Alfonsi stepped by to prepare dinner for the Brown family . Mr Brown is known for just sitting in the balcony and hating on everyone who dares to make eyecontact with him , then he eats and sleeps . He basically doesn't do much since he retired . When Leyla and Luca were done eating in the kitchen , they went their seperate paths again . He went home while Leyla cleaned the dishes and went to bed . The next morning she recieved a text message from her former boss , Mrs Miller , stating that she forgives her and that she is willing to take her back as their maid . Leyla was so happy about these news that she was jumping up and down in her room , waking up Mrs Brown . ' I see she hired you back ? ' , Mrs Brown asks happily . ' YESSSS !!!!! ' , Leyla responds happily and hugged her boss immediatly . The lady laughed and said : ' Good morning to you too , Leyla ' . ' And I am so so sorry that I woke you up , I swear I didn't mean to .. ' , Leyla apologizes . 'Don't worry about it ,sweetie . I was already up . ' , Mrs Brown reassures Leyla . 'Did I wake up Mr Brown too ? ' , she asks . ' No sweetheart . He is a heavy sleeper anyway . He might have also passed away in his sleep , I don't feel like checking on him .' , Mrs Brown lets the young woman know . After both of them laughed , Mr Brown says that the walls are thin and that he can hear them loud and clear , which made the two women laugh even more .



 Twitter: Athene_Minerva_

 Instagram: athene_minerva_



New beginning(s) ?!


When Leyla arrived at the Miller's house at 9 am , she was 'welcomed' back with an 'it's about time , you're finally here .Get back to working and there are boundaries that you will follow' by the legendary Mrs Miller . Leyla took a seat , ready to hear all about those boundaries at 9 in the fucking morning . ' We have installed hidden cameras , the wine and any other liquor is out of your reach , we put it in a safe place , which even Sarah doesn't know about and you will not be left alone with Sarah  again . Do you understand ? ' , Mrs Miller explained . ' Yes , Ma'am , I understand . ' , the 20-year-old answered . ' Where can I put my belongings ?' , the young woman asks embarressed . ' You can put them back in your room .. And avoid Sarah , she's busy studying for her test tomorrow , so don't even think about it . ' , Mrs Miller advised Leyla .

When Leyla walked past Sarah's room to put her belongings on her bed , she overheard the teenager crying . She felt guilty so she decided to check on her . She knocked on the girl's door and entered , since the door was half open . She found the 17-year-old crying in front of her desk . 'Sarah , why are you crying ? What's wrong ? ' , the conserned maid asks . After hearing these words , Sarah looks up and says ' You're back ' very releaved and so so happy . ' STOP ! STAY WHERE YOU ARE !! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HER ROOM ?!?! ' , Mrs Miller screamed at the top of her lungs , making Leyla and Sarah gasp for air . ' Didn't we just talk about this ? What's wrong with you ? Is this how you and your people communicate ?! I am your boss and you have to listen to me !!! Did I make myself clear enough ? ' , Mrs Miller added . ' Yes , Ma'am , you made yourself very very clear . I am very sorry and this won't happen again . I just wanted to check on her .. She was crying .. ' , Leyla tried to explain . ' She. Is . Fine . She is probably crying because she disgraced this family with her naughty action two nights ago . The whole neighbourhood heard you . Whore ! ' , Mrs Miller expressed her feelings as well as her deep seated issues she tries so hard to deny .

Leyla felt an intense amount of shame she's never felt before .. When she felt like she couldn't take this anymore , she ran into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror , just staring at herself . She felt this insane amount of rage and hatred towards herself .. When she was ready to leave the bathroom , she stepped out and started cleaning the house .

After she was done with these chores , she went to sleep , like the rest of that family . She cried herself to sleep , she couldn't stop thinking about what the boss told her that day . She feels so violated, so vulnerable ... Sad enough , she wasn't the only one crying herself to sleep - Sarah was doing the same .  As she stood up to make her way to the teenager's bedroom , she remembered one of the rules she was told hours ago : she wasn't allowed to enter Sarah's room . It took her a few minutes to figure out how to communicate with the teen without entering her room . Then she had this idea : Write Sarah a note and push it under the door .  Soon enough , she found a piece of paper and a pen in the middle of the dark , wrote the message and pushed it underneath the teen's door .  Then Mrs Miller's bedroom-door opened unexpectedly.




 Twitter: Athene_Minerva_

 Instagram: athene_minerva_



Let's escape !!


As Leyla pushed the note under Sarah's door , Mrs Miller stood behind the maid asking her what the hell she was doing. Leyla's heart dropped to her knees. She couldn't move or make a sound . She couldn't even come up with an explanation. She just kneeled frozen . Ashamed of her existence. Ashamed of her core being . Ashamed of being who she is .

Mrs Miller grabbed Leyla by her hair and dragged her to her room and locked her in . Only she has the key to unlock that room. Leyla kept banging on the door screaming 'let me out' but Mrs Miller just couldn't care less . Mr Miller is a heavy sleeper so he couldn't hear her . Sarah kept screaming 'Mom , please let her out , it's my fault not hers' but her mom just ignored her . She just went back to sleep next to her husband and acted like nothing happened . The next morning she went to check on her daughter first , then on the maid. Sarah was sent to school , after that   Mrs Miller unlocked the maid's door to find her head resting on the door . She was sleeping . When Leyla's boss opened the door , Leyla fell to the ground , which caused her to wake up , in shock .

Neither Mrs Miller or Leyla were capable of making a sound. Mrs Miller was too disgusted to talk and Leyla was soaked in shame and guilt , incapable of talking .  After staring at her for 5 seconds , Mrs Miller pushes Leyla back into her room and locks the door with the key . Leyla gave up on even begging her to open it , she just layed on the floor , barely breathing . When Sarah came back from school , she noticed that Leyla's door was still locked so she confronted her mother , who is cleaning the kitchen.  'You know that you are abusing her , don't you ? You need to stop this , mom !   She will call the cops when you let her out . Have you considered that ? ' . The teenager never got an answer from her mom . It didn't matter what she said , she was given the cold shoulder . As if she did something wrong , all she did was make love to

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