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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » No more than perfect by Kaitlynn Fuller (inspiring books for teens TXT) 📖

Book online «No more than perfect by Kaitlynn Fuller (inspiring books for teens TXT) 📖». Author Kaitlynn Fuller

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have somewhere to be!" I raised my voice and I turned heading to my class. 

I walked calmly into my math class I saw megan and a few other girls around her. They were gossiping about something but I couldnt understand them. Suddenly, Megan turned facing me shocked "there she is" that was all she said. I looked at her confused, she gently grabbed my hand pulling to the desk beside her. "Liz, this is Kate and her sister Cloe they are twins. This is also Alice we are all best friends." How did she know my nickname was Liz, only my dad called my that. But Elizabeth is a popular name so it could be nothing. Megan wasnt lying when she said Kate and Cloe are twins they look identical. Both had beautiful long curly bleach blonde hair and a ocean green color eyes. I couldn't tell them apart. I look at Alice she was different she had brown but, with red tent to her eyes i liked them they were unusual. She had black hair that went just below her shoulders and she was pale. She looked like the one that didn't really talk much in the group. "I can not believe you told Isaac off in the hall earlier!" She sounded shock but kept a relaxed face. "Who?" I asked questioning her on her statement. "Isaac..." she paused for a momemt and continue. "Isaac he is the most popular and hottest guy in school other than Zack. Isaac is the footballs team quarterback. But Zack is the footballs team captian." Wow Zack is the schools hottest and popular guy I cant believe I have a crush on him. Wait I didnt just say that I dont have a crush on him. I don't even know him that well. My thoughts began to wonder when I got snapped back to reality by Megan snapping her fingers in my face. "So I have something to tell you Liz!" Excitment filled her voice as she spoke. "Okay, tell me" I asked wondering what in the world this girl was going to tell me. "Zack is having a party this Friday, you should totally come!" I sat there thinking if should go but I have a whole week to think about it. I love parties it gets me relax and having fun. I opened my mouth to say something but immediately shut it. All I could was nod she seemed so happy. 

  It was already lunch and I was starving. I went through the salad line and got the stuff I usally get on my salad. I walked out and began looking for a table I saw Megan,Kate, Cloe, Alice and Zack he was about to sit down I walked over to the table and sat down. I begin to eat my salad it was so delicious at this point. All I could hear was people talking and enjoying their lunch. When I was done I joined the conversation that the whole table was having. I suddenly got the urge to ask Megan how she knew me. "Megan can I ask you something?" By the time I said that the whole table got quite and all eyes was on me. My hands started to sweat and my cheeks felt like they started to burn with fire. My throat went dry and I couldnt talk. I didn't know why I was so nervous it was just a simple question. "Yeah Liz" she said sweetly. I cleared my throat "remember when we first met, well you said that you already know who I was. How?" 

She looked down at her food and then look back up to me. "Your father was very popular in what he did, he was known world wide and I seen you papers or on the news with your dad at 16 years old." She replied in such a low voice it was like a whisper. I looked at her and nodded and she smiled she knew I meant thank you.

    I started to get that weird feeling of someone was burning a hole in the back on my head. I turned around and across the cafeteria with a evil smirk on his face Isaac was staring straight at me. I slowly watch him and he got up walking to my table I began to grow tense and i didnt know what to do. I felt like I wanted to get up and bolt out of the cafeteria, but my body wouldnt move. He was suddenly behind me, I could feel his breath on my neck. It sent shivers down my spine, and I could feel goosebumps appearing on my arms. The whole cafeteria seemed to have went quite. "If you ever decide to talk to me the way you did in the hallway earlier, I won't be as nice as I was." Isaac threaten me in a whisper I didn't say anything I just sat in silence. He was about to walk away when out of no where, my self confidence decides it wanted to stand up. "Just because your the quarterback for the school football team don't mean you run this school and it sure in hell don't mean you run me!" I notice I said my words with attitude, but I didnt care I wasnt going to let him talk to me like that. He turned around so fast I hardly seen him move with my eyes. He was standing so close to me I could smell his cologne. I knew he was mad I could see it in his eyes. It was really scary his eyes weren't their normal caramel brown. They seemed to turn a red color. A little growl slipped out of his throat. He wasnt the Isaac I met in the hallway once before. He was something else but I just didnt know what. "Isaac go back to your table and leave Liz alone, she is new here try to give her a good first day." Zack said nicely, we both turned to him and isaac let out a breath. "Fine" he said agreeing and turned and left the table.

Lunch was finally over and my last two classes went by sorta fast. When the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door. I walked out into a busy hallway it was so conjusted I could barely move with out touching someone by accident. When I reached the doors that let outside I felt free as I push the doors open and walked out heading to my car. I felt to warm sun glazing down on me I heard birds chirping and I smelt the roam of sweet flowers. As I got the my car I unlocked my door and got in. The car ride was relaxing, I was blaring my music to one of my favorite songs "Burning Bright" by Shinedown

I was singing and I was having fun as I pulled into the drive and turn the engine off. I walked into my house to find my mom sitting on the couch in the living room she was watching tv. I didnt know what show i didn't really pay attention. "Im home!" I yelled over the volume of the tv. I went into the kitchen I made me a sandwich and sat on the couch with my mom. "Oh hi honey, how was your first day," she asked curious wondering what my answer would be. I looked at her before saying anything, "it was alright." We sat in silence for a few minutes before I got up heading to my room. I walked in my room and I fell on my bed my feet dangled off the side of the bed. I layed there thinging about how my day was. Before I noticed my eyes started to feel heavy and the darkness engulfed me.



Party time!

The week went by super fast It was already Friday, and I haven't even started to think about Zack's party. I got out of bed and started getting ready. I put my cute light pants with the design on the back pockets and my one shoulder strap shirt on. I straighten my hair and splashed some make up on. I ate breakfast and left the house. Soon as I got to my school I pulled into the same spot that I had been parking in for the past few days. I got out and started to walk away to head to first period. I hated how big the school was. It meant that I had to walk more just to get to my classes. I walked in to Mr . Harper class and Megan and Zack was already in there. It seemed like they was always early to class. "Hey guys!" I said cheerfully with a smile. "Hey Liz" they said both in a unison. "Are you still coming to Zack party tonight?" Megan said questioning me, I looked down at my feet then back up at them both. "Oh damn I forgot about that..." I lied but I tried to sound convincing as best as I could. "Well please be there!" Megan said with a pouty face. I hated when she did that, it makes me give in every time. "Okay fine I will try to be there, what's the address?" I asked and Zack wrote his address on a sheet paper. He handed it to me as he smiled, I returned the smile and said thanks and began paying attention to the teacher. 

Half of the day past and I started to think about what should I wear to Zack's party? How many people might be there? Would there be alcohol or not? All of these thoughts circled my brain. "Mrs. McDaniels!" Ms. Smith yelled bringing me back to what was going on. "Do you mind to explain with the class what you had done." She asked as she folded her arms. I looked down at my desk looking at the paper that was in front of me. I only did a few problems oh my god what am I going to do. I sat there as the class turned quite looking at me. I felt the fire in my cheeks began to burn. I bet my face looked a tomato. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "Umm..." I paused "I only did..." I was interrupted by the sound that I loved. The bell rang and the class scattered trying to get out of the classroom. I hurried trying to gather my belongings ,and ran out of the classroom before my teacher said anything. 

As I was walking to my car, I saw someone sitting on my hood of my car. Who could it be? I hope it wasn't Isaac trying to get revenge. I notice I slowed my pace of walking. I got closer to see it was Zack, why was he on the hood of my car? He got up and started walking towards me. "Hi liz" he said smiling "hi Zack why was you on my car?" I asked my voice was so soft. "I was waiting for you, I wanted ask you something". He was still smiling and I looked at him

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