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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » No more than perfect by Kaitlynn Fuller (inspiring books for teens TXT) 📖

Book online «No more than perfect by Kaitlynn Fuller (inspiring books for teens TXT) 📖». Author Kaitlynn Fuller

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both was breathing heavy as I caught my breath I looked at him. "Im sorry but I cant do this" I said confused. "No Im sorry I came on to you first. I didn't know what I was doing." He apologize as he walked back to the driver side of the car. He opened the door before he got in he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. He started the engine and backed out of my driveway as he drove off. I walked into my house heading up to my room I closed the door and sat at the edge of my bed. All I could think about was what just happened!?  Akwardness

I couldn't hardly sleep last night. I was twisting and turning to get comfortable, but it seemed like I couldn't ever get in the right position. It felt like 6:30 came faster than it usually does. I rolled over and turned my alarm off. I sat in my bed looking up at the ceiling hoping I didn't have to go to school. Although i knew I had to get up and get ready. I got up out of my bed as I walked over to the bathroom. I turned the water on hot, the mirror already started to get steam on it. I walked out into my closet picking out some regular blue jeans and a pink aeropostale shirt. I picked up my black flats and laid them on the bed. As I walked to the bathroom I stripped my clothes off and put them in the dirty clothes hamper. I got into the shower I took a pretty fast shower than I normally do. I got out drying the water droplets off my body. I towel dried my hair as the best as I could. I didn't feel like putting any make up on and I put my hair into a bun. I pulled some hair letting them to fall at the side of my face. Then to top it all off I decided to put a hair band with a bow on it on my head. I guess I was ready for school even though my mind and body was begging me to stay home. I walked out of my room closing the door behind me. Slowly I walked down the stairs and headed outside to my car. I threw my bookbag in the passenger seat and got in starting the engine. I backed out of my driveway into the road. I put the car into drive and I was off to my school. It took about 15 minutes to get to school. When I pulled into the spot I parked at usually Megan and Zack was waiting for me. That was unusual they never waited for me to get to school. I parked my car grabbing my bookbag. I got out of the car shutting the driver door and locking it. "Hey guys whats up" I looked at them with questionable eyes. "Hey Liz" Zack said with a smirk on his face. I started to get butterfly's in my stomach just looking at him. "We was just waiting for you to get to school so we can walk together" Megan voice was sweet like candy. Making me turn my head facing her now. "Oh okay cool" I said and started to walk to the school. Megan was on my right side and Zack was on my left. It felt weird but im glad I have good that want to walk into the school together. As we was walking to first I tried so hard to avoid Isaac as much as possible. It was already weird thinking about what happen last night between us. I didn't like isaac in that type of way. I liked Zack but I don't why I did, its not like he liked me back or anything. I would never have a chance with Zack. He was the hottest guy in school and im just me. I was pretty but not enough to claim him mine. 

    Finally we got to first period and I rushed into the classroom and sat down taking out my stuff to start the day. Zack and megan sat down right beside me like they normally do. "What's your problem skittish pants." Zack said as he bursted out laughing. His laugh was deep but sexy. I really didn't want to talk about this right now, but before I could stop myself my mouth started to take over. "Umm... 'I paused trying to collect my thoughts on how I am going to out this. "Something happened last night and it was weird." I said as I continued I told them how isaac drove me home after my run and how he got out of the car walking towards me. "He kissed me!" I blurted out and every then went silent. I heard a little growl sound come from Zack. Why did he growl, was he jealous? Omg he was! It was all over his face that he was jealous that Isaac kissed me. I turned to face Megan she looked shocked. I didn't think telling them what happened Sunday would make them go quiet. I knew that they would be shocked but not like this. The class period went by slow without the three of us talking it was awkward. The bell suddenly rang I got up gathering my school books. Megan was pretty much the first person out the classroom. Everyone left after her and it was just me and Zack. I grabbed my stuff and started to walk to the door but something stopped me like a brick wall. My stuff fell out of my hands and dropped to the floor. I stumbled back trying to catch myself from falling but it was no use. I was falling to the floor so I braced myself for the hard impact. Though it never happened someone caught me before I hit the ground. I opened my eyes seeing who caught my fall it was Zack. He picked me up setting me back on my feet. I dusted myself off picking my stuff off the floor. "Thanks for catching me." I said as I felt the embarrassment fill my cheeks. "No problem" he said softly. I looked down at my feet and looked back at him he looked like he wanted to say something. It was silent between us it seemed like forever. "Heyy can you do me a favor, can you just stay away from Isaac?" I took a minute to respond but I couldn't say anything. It was like I had lost my voice. I nodded and I walked to my next class before I was late. 

   It was already the end of the day wow today flew by. The last bell rung and I was the last one out of the classroom. I took my time getting out of the classroom,because I didn't won't to accidentally bump into Isaac. When I headed out of the classroom I walked towards my locker. I put my books into my locker and closed the door. I was about to walk away and head to the doors that lead outside to the student parking lot was. Instead I felt warm strong hands wrap around my arms. I had no idea who it could be I hope it wasn't Isaac. Suddenly I felt a pain shoot through my spine. I was slammed into the lockers. My eyes were being to get blurry so I still couldn't see who it was. All I really see was shapes and colors but I couldn't even see that hardly. It took a few minutes but I finally got my vision back. What the hell! Why was Zack holding me up against the lockers? His eyes weren't a dark blue color they normally are. They were black and filled with lust and heat. "Zack..."I paused trying to get my words out without stuttering. "What are you doing?" I finally said. As I got the words out of my month. Soft, warm but sweet lips pressed against mine. I felt a small shock of electricity pass through me as his lips touch mine. I instantly started to kiss him back, I started to snake my arms around his neck. I ran my fingers through his soft silky hair as I pulled at it gently. A little groan escaped his throat. Oh my God that was so sexy. He licked my bottom lip asking for access to my mouth. I granted him entry, our tongues entwined each others like snakes. I searched his mouth with my tongue he taste like honey so sweet and soft. As he pushed me further into the lockers I felt his erection on my stomach. I let out a little giggle into his mouth letting him gain access more than he already did. He lifted both of my hands over my head and held them there with one of his hands. With the other hand he wrapped around the middle of back. Bringing me and him closer closing the space between us without losing contact with our lips. Then he moved his lips from mine trailing down my jaw bone to my ear. I didn't won't him to leave I wanted him to come back. He nibbled and sucked on my ear for a second or two and made his way to my neck. He left soft kisses on my neck like he didn't won't to hurt me. As he kissed he nibbled and sucked on my neck. A moaned escaped my throat without me knowing it. I felt him smile on my neck. Embarrassment filled my cheeks it was then reality hit me in the face. I was being pushed up against a locker after school making out with Zack. How did this happen? He let go of my hands letting them fall by my side. He looked back to me his eyes were back to the normal dark blue. "Liz I don't know what it is about you but I can't stop thinking about you." He said looking at me with his soft eyes. 

"So will you please go out with me!" 


Publication Date: 07-24-2014

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