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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » fallen deep by sharon cruz (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖

Book online «fallen deep by sharon cruz (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖». Author sharon cruz

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as he hugged me and soon after our hug ended Kevin lifted my chin so that I would look at him. I saw some tears in his eyes too. I wasn’t the only one who was heart broken…now in the darkest trees we hid as we thought if Chris would even live….. The way the vampires grabbed Chris, I have bad feeling they were going to torture him.

I wiped my tears as Kevin cupped my face. Our foreheads touched as we looked each other in the eyes. If Chris did perish, Kevin would be the only person I have left.
Kevin leaned back beside me as I cupped my face with my hands. I couldn’t stop. To me this was the darkest day of all…….

Hrs flew by, as I stared out in the open, where the trees lay beyond us. We were both quiet for a long time. Not one word peeped out. Suddenly Kevin begins to stand up. I looked up at him. What is he doing? I asked myself. That’s when Kevin looked at me and grabbed my hand. As his hands gently touched my waist and our hands gripped tightly, one of my other hands touched his back. I laid my head on his shoulder. I didn’t know what he was doing until he sang angels on the moon by thriving ivory. Our song. I slowly began to calm down. This song reminded of the many years we spent together. This was our high school song. I then began to hum back as we both rocked back and forth in place. I can’t Kevin still remembered this song. Tears of joy slipped out this time. I looked at Kevin and I knew he read my soul. As I stepped back extending our arms, we both sang the song as we danced. Kevin spins me as he sang, “Where everyone you, know never leaves too soon.”
Than I sang, “don’t tell me if I’m dying, because I don’t want to know…”
The night felt calm and easy as we relaxed. We both managed to sing the same song over 5 times. Laughing, we both looked at one another. For a moment we totally forgot we were in the woods and I was a vampire and Chris was in trouble. When reality hit again, I let go of Kevin’s hand as my mood changed to being gloom. I began walking away as Kevin followed. “Where are you going?” he yelled behind me. “To save Chris...” I said seriously. Flitting over, he stood in front of me as he stared at me. “No…not yet. We can’t just bust in and take charge to saving him.”

“Well I am.” I said as I walked past him. Kevin then went in front of me again. “Shirley do you really want to do that? After Alexander held you prisoner and had sex with you….” Kevin added. That’s when I noticed he had a point. “So then what do we do?” I asked Kevin. Kevin looked at me thoughtfully. “I say we make a plan and that way it will easier to save Chris, but without getting caught and needing to work fast.” I nodded in an agreement. I also noticed that we were getting along and working together again. My heart thumps fast whenever I’m with Kevin. And even though I’m dead and he is too, I know he feels the same. But starting right now we will work together to save his cousin.

We made our traps, and plans on the ground with a stick. Sunrise was approaching fast as we stayed up all night planning what to do. I noticed the weather got a bit chiller since last night. Vampires don’t mind the cold and don’t really feel it like humans do. Since our skin is cold to us it feels like a numbing feeling. Since we can’t feel. I don’t ever regret turning into a vampire. Unlike others they wish the could be human again. To me I think I suffered more as a human than a vampire. (Probably because I’m only half and have a bit of a demon in me) unlike Kevin he was born as a vampire. One side of his family is demon and the other side is vampire. Kevin is built but not much like humans are. Of course tall (6 foot something.) and of course our fangs come out when we are pissed. So now that our plan is figured out… we need the props. Which we don’t have….
“We need to buy them.” Kevin said. “I looked down at myself. I remembered I didn’t have any money. I looked up at Kevin. “I don’t have any money.” I said in a small voice. Kevin did the same. “Shit, neither do I.” he said. “Now what?” I asked. Again Kevin had that thoughtful look. “I remember some tools and ropes Chris has back at his place.” Kevin began. “It’s in his garage.” Kevin finally added. “Let’s go, what are we waiting for?” I asked him as I began to walk. Quickly he grabbed my hand, I looked back. “the problem is I don’t have his keys and I believe he must of left them at the hotel you two were staying at….that’s all the way down town.” Kevin said finally putting things together.

“But that will take us days….maybe weeks.” I added getting frustrated. “What about back at the university…at our dorms?” Kevin suggested. I thought about that….I totally forgot about the college Kevin and I went together. Oh my god….the College….. I wonder if anyone is looking for us or think that we are dead. Kevin and I just disappeared out of nowhere without any notice. I finally agreed with that. As we headed out, back to our college, it felt like years when we finally approached the building. I totally forgot how it looked like. And it felt soon new to me like as if it was my first day. I had that same nervous feeling inside. Plus I felt like a homeless person by the way I was dressed. As we climbed up the stairs, I entered and could smell the new floors and the whole building clean. I saw several students who looked at us strangely; some looked at us as if they knew us from somewhere. I even recognized some of my friends in the distance and they didn’t even notice me. Kevin opened the door for me to the office. That’s when I quickly grabbed his arm. We both stop. “What are you doing?” I asked. Kevin looked at me puzzled. “Getting our keys…” Kevin simply said. “I think not…”I replied back. Confused Kevin faced me all the way. “What do mean? We need to get the keys to go inside how else would we go in?”

“That’s when I said, “We sneak in….”

“Why?” Kevin asked giving me a strange look. “Kevin…look at us…do you think they would give us the keys looking like this? I don’t think so. And what if they think we are imposters…think about it….” I said as I began to walk to my dorm. Kevin sighed and shook his head as he followed me. Kevin was getting paranoid as he smiled at the students around campus and gave a little nod. Even some of the girls around this school think Kevin’s hot and almost melted in the grass. I just ignored them. Finally making it to our dorm we gathered all of or things and quickly headed back as fast as we can. The sun was setting when we were back and in the woods. (Ropes, axe etc.) As we began to knot together the rope, I noticed something odd about Kevin that I didn’t see before. It looks a scar…..eyeing the strange pretty large scar Kevin noticed I was looking at it….. “It’s nothing” he claimed. I then gently moved my hand over Kevin’s and gently stroked it. Kevin paused and then looked at me. He stared at me as I looked at his scar. When I looked back at Kevin’s hazel eyes, that’s when Kevin slowly (a little hesitant) as he leaned over and then pressed his lips on mine. Oh… the good feeling I had for him….the hormones reacted and churned, flaming again as the old times. Kevin pressed a little harder. That’s’ when he pulled me in. I couldn’t resist and pushed him down….I hovered on top as his fingers ran slowly on my back, lifting my shirt. His lightest touches gave me goose bumps. We kissed endlessly as he kissed my neck. He brushed my hair to the side, exposing my neck I leaned forward as he tempted me with nibbles as if he was going to sink his fangs at any moment down my neck. I moaned in pleasure as I pushed him further. That’s when I whispered in his ear; “show me what you got.” even though I know what Kevin has….oh the sex. The best ever. Action started as he took off my shirt and we traded places. I took off his as we were down to nothing. Once and a while I would see animals of all kinds stop and stare and I would smile in pleasure. When it comes to making love Kevin can be really aggressive and I love that. His skin on mine and in me. I scratched his back hugging him tight. I had short breaths and happy cries. Finally Kevin sank his fangs in and I scream. I pressed my nails even deeper into his flesh as he drank my blood. I became hungry…very, very hungry…….

Twitting birds and running deer’s reached my ears. I woke up into a different new world. I looked around as a pair of arms wrapped around me and kissed my neck and shoulders. I turned to see Kevin pressing me against me. We were both still naked, while he covered my chest; the new world was morning….
“Where are our clothes?” I asked Kevin. “Why do you need it now? We have all day… anyway I love to feel you.” Kevin whispered and he slowly touched my thigh. Then I remembered why I said that. Chris…
We slept together and totally forgot to plan and make a weapon to save Chris. Man am I that easy to sleep with? Finding my panties at the pile of leaves I grabbed it and pulled it on. Then I found a shirt. At last my shorts. Kevin did the same (expect had no shirt which was a nice view) focus…. After I was dressed, I started to walk ahead of Kevin. “Where are you going?!” he yelled back at me. I just ignored him and kept walking. Really I didn’t know where I was going….
Within seconds of less he flitted over and appeared right in front of me, blocking my path. “hello.” He said smirking and just brushed him to the side. “Shirley, what’s the matter?” he asked confused about why all of the sudden I won’t talk to him. “Nothing Kevin, I just don’t want to play games anymore. Chris is you cousin and we need to be focused.” I said seriously. “Okay….I get it but we will we really do Shirley? I thought we planned to have a sneak attack on Alexander?” Kevin asked again. “Never mind that, at least we have the materials that we need. We are vampires and we can take them. I mean we did it before.” I added. “Not really.” Kevin said. I stopped and looked at him. Kevin was right… the more I thought about the more I asked myself. Why am I acting like this to him? I love him but I guess I didn’t want to be hurt again. Kevin still has to gain his trust
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