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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » fallen deep by sharon cruz (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖

Book online «fallen deep by sharon cruz (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖». Author sharon cruz

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to me. He has to prove it. Kevin walked over slowly as he touched my cheek. Oh the memories we had…
I couldn’t hate him forever… I remembered his beautiful hazel eyes, the way he looked at me, the way we bought hot chocolates, the way we kissed…. A smile spread across his face and mine’s spread as well but I said, “Can we just save Chris already.” Just like that I walked away. I gathered the rope, and axe we got from our dorms and walked past Kevin once again as he watched me. I pushed the leaves aside and kept walking. Soon I turned around, “you coming?”
It felt like a long moment until he nodded….

Tonight is a moonless night. Standing above the tall mansion and on it’s roof, we crept quietly as ghosts as we reached a small window that lead inside the main room where all the vampires have their meetings. I crawled quietly to the other side careful not to slip on the roof. The rope was wrapped around my shoulders as I looked at Kevin, who handled the axe. “Open it.” I mouthed and Kevin nodded. He found the latch and with his fast movements he held it open. He signaled me to move in as I went over and put my legs in first.
Unfortunately you get the point that not all our plans work out to well……
thunder rumbled across the sky faintly as I paused. I could smell rain about to fall at any minute and I pulled my legs back out. “What he hell you doing?” Kevin whispered lowly. I just shook my head and pointed at the sky. “rain.” I said. He looked up at the sky and I bet he could smell the rain himself. I could see his mouth tense as he shut the window door again. I looked around me and saw lightning flash in the distance. Across from me, from where I was at Kevin jolted a bit when something went in his eye. Then I felt something land on my head. Another second later, rain poured like a water fall. Within minutes, we were soaked as the powerful rain hit our bodies. Now we have to find another way in without Alexander noticing the wet floor. Lightning crackled across the darkened sky as we watched below us. That’s when Alexander and one of his minions came in our view. We couldn’t understand a word that they were saying because the rain running in our ears and pounding the glass. They walked along without noticing us as we watched them. That’s when Alexander stopted… Kevin and I saw him knell down and touch the spotless tile floor. We watched him as he put whatever that was on the floor in his fingers and up to his mouth slowly. Guessing that tasted it, he quickly looked up. But we quickly looked away out of Alexander’s view. “Shit.” Kevin said. I began to shake so hard because I was scared that we were close to being caught. Afraid to look back down to check if Alexander left, I didn’t dare move. But Kevin checked. Very slowly…. I watched his expression as he finally sigh. Close was clear! I placed my hand on my face as I slid it down. “He’s too quick we got to be careful.” Kevin whispered. I laid down on the roof as my head laid on it. I sighed. The rain was coming in my eyes as I closed them. Felling relaxed. Drifting to sleep, I heard a thump aside of the mansion. Quickly waking up and sitting up I looked around. “did you hear that?’ I asked Kevin. He nodded. I stood up and began to walk over the edge of the roof where I heard the noise. Looking down, I noticed nothing. Only the lights that were inside that shone out the window and the wet glistening grass. I stepped back and turned around. But when I did I gasped loudly at what I saw next. A man 6’8 stood behind Kevin, holding him from behind and a sword at his throat. I froze. Shit….

Kevin didn’t even seem worried that he was in danger. He was calm…almost too calm. The man grinned at me a grimacing grin that stayed in my head, replaying it over an over. “Let him go.” I demanded. He pushed the sword closer to Kevin’s neck. Just minutes maybe seconds away from bleeding. So I tried a different approach. “What do you want?’ I asked this time. The man just looked at me his go-----t was getting wet and his long black trench coat as well. “Oh just looking for unwanted visitors that Alexander didn’t ask for.” He said. His voice was deep and had a faint Russian accent. “Why are you here?” he asked. “Well you see…” I began as I began to walk closer. “I’m here to save a friend. He doesn’t belong here and your “master” has him locked up somewhere in this mansion.” I explained. The Russian man looked at me intently but was looking straight into my exotic green eyes. That’s what I wanted him to do. He stared at me as I continue. “So it’s an emergency that’s we save him right away…” I added. “Who is this man?” the Russian man asked. “My lover.” I said and that caught Kevin’s attention as HE looked at me now. “Don’t you have a lover?’ I asked the Russian man this time. He froze. “no.” he said. He wasn’t even blinking and I was getting closer and closer to Kevin. “Would you like one?” I said my voice changing into seduction. The Russian man cocked his brow, seeming to be mesmerized. Once I was a couple feet away, I smiled and touched my leg slowly…. “If your lonely, I can give you company….” I said.
Almost there….

“What are you?” he asked me. “Just like you.” I said simply. Finally I reached both of them and slowly touched the Russian’s arm. I slowly moved it up, the one that had a sword and touched his go-----t seductively.
“mmmmmm…” I said. “I love a strong man that can pleasure me.” I said. This time I got him distracted as he loosens a bit the sword at Kevin’s neck. He had his eyes on me the whole time and I stared deep into his soul. I was glamouring him. It worked! I have him under my control. “Why don’t you let him go and show me what are you made of.” I said and slowly touched his leg up to his family jewels. The Russian let go of Kevin as Kevin stumbled, keeping a watch on me. I grabbed his big hands and placed them on my waist. He looked down and moved it up towards my breasts. Underneath my shirt, his cold wet hands went around my back and up to the front. I leaned over and kissed him. But before we went to far though….my fangs popped out and I bit his lower lip and in one swift movement I bit it off. The man jumped and stood back covering his mouth in pain. “oops.” I said innocently. I felt the taste of blood in my mouth and sexy-like I licked it. He’s human. He looked in my eyes again and dropped his hands. “Jump off the roof. You’re a vampire you will survive…” I said. The Russian man then walked to the edge of the roof ready to jump off… when he took one step off, he fell to his doom. And that was the end of him….
I sighed in relief as I blinked several times. I ran over toward Kevin asking if he was okay. He was….
Kevin wasn’t injured and even if he was, he would heal quickly.
I helped him up as we stood face to face staring at one another. “What?” I asked him. “Don’t do that again….Your mine.” He said seriously and I chuckled. “right.” I said to myself but I knew Kevin over heard….

Dropping inside the mansion and landing on my feet followed by Kevin, I stood up from my crouching position and looked around the quiet mansion. Still having the rope in hand and the axe as well, we quickly flitted down the hall and tried to listen or sense where in this enormous mansion Chris would be in. We also wondered where Alexander is.
What seemed like forever we finally found Chris. “Chris.” I whispered knowing that he could hear me. “Shirley?” I heard Chris said. “Yes!” I whispered back. I heard some shuffles inside and walking towards us. I was excited to see him myself. I couldn’t wait until he opens the door! I even heard chains jingle as bit as he unlatched the door and slowly opened it. Chris’s head popped out and I nearly gasped when I saw him. He was beaten and bruised so deeply it was too painful to see. One of his eyes was swollen and his once handsome face smiled at me. “Shirley!” Chris said his voice rasping. Tears began to fill my eyes. “Oh Chris!” I cried and then I pushed the door open and embraced him with a long hug. I felt wetness go through my shirt even though I was wet myself. I pulled back and kissed his cheek. The water works began as I examined him. Oh my god he looked awful! He had painful scars. He was covered with dirt and dry blood as all he had on was his jeans. His chest had deep burning cuts that even for a vampire were going to take long to heal. He looked awfully pale then how he looked before and to wheezing a bit in his throat. Chris was not only torched he was nearly on the verge of death. They wanted his barley alive. Chris looked so weak as he limped over and gave a warm hug to Kevin. Kevin was worried himself. I shut the heavy metal door behind him as Kevin helped Chris towards to the old worn out bed. I walked over and sat beside Chris. “What happened to you Chris?” I said softly as I wiped my tears away. “After you two escaped, I was brought down here and they beat me and tortured me to death….Alex wanted answers but I wouldn’t….tell him.” Chris explained. “What did he ask?” Kevin asked. “Like where you two were going? And I had no idea; he asked me why I did a stupid thing for you guys. And he seemed to be interested more in you kev. Ever since that day you stabbed…Shirley.” Chris added. I looked at Kevin as that memory flooded back. “He said that he wants you to join back the dark hunters.” He said. I stared at Kevin who didn’t notice me staring until he looked at me and I looked away. “I bet he does.” I murmured. “What else?” Kevin asked not paying attention to my remark. “He also talked about a wedding he wanted but I don’t know with whom.” Chris said and frowned. “A wedding?” I asked disturbed and feeling bad about the woman who would marry that evil man. Chris nodded. “Who’s the lucky woman?” I asked again but with sarcasm. “I’m not sure.” Chris stated “but I want to find out.” He added. And at this point it also made me curious. Now one thing we need to do? How to get out without getting caught? And going through Alexander’s room and finding information about the lady, quoted by Chris, which Alexander wants to
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