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What is Romance?

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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Fire by Kate (different ereaders TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Fire by Kate (different ereaders TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Kate

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and pushed me into the seat, I was about to refuse when he shut the door and a second later was getting in on the driverā€™s side. Quickly he locked the doors, ruining my escape plan.

ā€œI hate you.ā€ I cursed a few words under my breath thinking about Ken. Ken didnā€™t talk the whole ride, his car came to a stop at a Victorian styled mansion. I could feel my jaw hit the floor as my eyes roam the astonishing mansion. It was a dark grey, stormy looking if you saw it you would think ā€˜run awayā€™ but it is truly beautiful and authentic. Ken chuckled at my expression, and that snapped me out of the trance, making me go back to frowning. That instantly earned me silence. Well what do you expect me to be happy, I got kidnapped, and well I still feel very dazed. My eyes closed and that was the end of it, I was out cold sleeping. I felt someone pick me up so I shifted a little then automatically fell asleep again, only more comfortable. The darkness of my nightmare welcomed me.

Sweat beating down my forehead I shake my head and wake up. I fluttered my eyes and saw 5 people starring at me one of them being Ken. There was two girls and two guys, the first girl was a preppy blonde with light blue eyes, the second girl wasnā€™t as preppy but was wear a lot of pink she had deep red hair and green eyes. Also there was the other to boys, the one holding the red headed girl was tall and lean with golden hair and the same green eyes. As for the other boy he had brown hair and regular brown eyes. The weirdest thing about them was that they all had at least one thing alluring about them. I look over at Ken and studied him the longest, he had dark black hair that looks eerie and mystical, and his eyes are just as eerie their a deep blue that I could, well I am, get in a trance with just one glance. He was a skin color in the middle of tan and pale, just as I am. I shook my head and wiped off the sweat on my head. I arched a brow, and then said,

ā€œWhat?ā€ All of them looked at me with wide eyes. The girls giggled and smiled, while the guys just sighed in relief, Ken just stood there looking at me.

ā€œUm, well really what?ā€ They stopped laughing and looked at me. Am I missing something?
ā€œYou looked like you were in pain and sweating and shifting every five seconds, then you woke up and just said what,ā€ the redhead said, then continued ā€œIā€™m Allie by the way.ā€ I nodded then waved hi. I began to sit up but it hurt to back, I didnā€™t show it but some how Ken knew and push me back to laying down. I groaned but stayed laying down on a window seat. I surveyed the room it was like the outside of the Victorian styled mansion, dark grey, half modern, half well not.

ā€œIā€™m Kim,ā€ the blonde preppy girl spoke up to break the awkward silence.

ā€œThis is Jack, and Kyle,ā€ Kim continued. I nodded and smiled a little, I still donā€™t know Kenā€™s name. They all had weird looks in their eyes like I did something impossible. I roll my eyes and sat up taking the pillow my head was on and hugging it. Ken looked as if he was jealous of the pillow, and I giggled at that. Everyone became confused again.

ā€œI giggled because Kenā€¦ I mean that dude,ā€ I pointed to Ken and continued, ā€œLooks like he is jealous of a pillow. I find that pretty funny.ā€ The girls joined me in giggles while the boys looked at Ken in an annoyed way. Iā€™m glad no one asked why I called him Ken, I thought to myself. I felt a presence coming towards door so I tensed up.

ā€œSomeoneā€™s coming,ā€ I stated in a soft voice. Ken glared at me like I was insane, and I felt insane too. As if on cue, the door blew open and the guy who kept snaking his arms around me walked in frustrated. Kimā€™s eyes widen when she realized I predicted someone coming then someone actually came, while the others where trying to clam him down.

ā€œTrey,ā€ they all yelled in unison, it was flinch worthy. Trey has been starring at me since he entered the mansion, I just avoided it. Does he know? No, he canā€™t know who would he know? I frowned at the thought of someone knowing the truth, it is heart breaking to lie to the people I love most, but I donā€™t know how they would react so I donā€™t tell them. I quietly look down at my shaky hands and remember the night I founded out what I was truly not only a werewolf but something more dangerous.

Flashback ā€“ Elizabeth 6 years old
ā€œMs. William, here I come ready or not!ā€ I released my hands from covering my eyes and started searching everywhere. I run to the bathroom giggling as I threw open the curtain only to hear my own scream. There in the bath tub was Ms. Williamā€™s dead body battered and bloody, I said down on the floor and began to sob. I felt a finger tap my shoulder, so I turned around uneasily. There was a man with sharp teeth and blood on his hands, and a knife. I gasp as he smirked evilly. I stood up on my feet and the man still towered over me, he walked pass me and stabbed Ms. Williamā€™s dead body again and I covered my mouth to suppress a scream taunting to come out. I felt my eyes grow different my and body heat up, I donā€™t like this man. He is evil, evil people are horrible. I starred at the man with intensified eyes and jumped on his back, closing my hands around his neck. He killed the closest person to me, how could he. I felt him weaken and he started to fall to the ground, regretfully I backed up and he was holding his neck yelping in pain. M, Mikeā€™s nickname, came into the bathroom and saw the man, he kicked him ending the mans life. M turned to me and opened welcoming arms, I ran into them and began crying again. I almost killed a man.

ā€œWhat did I do, M?ā€ M looked hesitate to tell me but he shook it off.

ā€œYou used your powers, that wasnā€™t strength you used, when you had your hands on him it was burning him.ā€ I gasped in horror and looked at my hands they were shaking.

I looked over at Trey and he was looking back at me with disgust. Looking down I saw my hands still shaking, did I really almost kill someone when I was 6, is that possible. Then I recalled dreaming about that night, that was my nightmare, but instead of M killing him I did. Beams of water swam down my face and I wipe them away quickly before anyone notices them, but of course they did. I squeeze the pillow tighter to my and look away from everyone. Iā€™m ashamed i-i-i- Iā€™ve been hiding myself from everyone in the last 12 years so I canā€™t be here. I canā€™t hurt them like I got Ms. Williamā€™s hurt, no I have to leave. Lightly tossing the pillow back on the window seat I got up and started to walk out of the living room when a hand lands on my arm stopping me.
ā€œDonā€™t touch her, sheā€™ll kill you,ā€ Trey yelled in disgust. My heart stammered, and I broke out into tears again and the hand brought me into a chest. At my surprise I saw Ken, but instead of pulling away I pull myself closer letting the tears just fall. I felt the heat of my skin rising the longer I stayed in Kenā€™s chest. God damnit I need to know his name. On my tiptoes my mouth reached the height of his ear and I whispered,

ā€œWhatā€™s your name?ā€ He laughed and I could feel his breath on my neck, I lowered myself back onto flat feet and wiped away my tears. Trey was still looking at me in disgust, while Ken was in a trance. Mentally I smiled knowing I could do that, but on the outside I couldnā€™t bring myself to smile.

ā€œBlaze, Iā€™m warning you if you touch her she WILL kill you,ā€ Trey exaggerated will. I saw Blaze jump out of the trance at his name and pushed me away. Being rejected like that made my heart sink even father. Trey knows, I thought to myself shamefully.

Just as I thought it couldnā€™t get worst the door threw open again and a very grown up M walks in. I closed my eyes and wished the day would end.

ā€œHey Trey, Blaze, random girl, Kim, Allie, Kyle, and Jack,ā€ M said happily then quickly looked back at me and his eyes got big. I mean GIANT! I gave a sheepish smile and waved.


ā€œIā€¦ needā€¦ toā€¦ breatheā€¦ M,ā€ I told him threw breaths trying to get air. He let go reluctantly, but his giant smile was still there. Blaze looked as if he was about to rip Mā€™s head off and I stepped away from both of them.

ā€œEllie, itā€™s been 12 frigginā€™ years since I last seen you,ā€ M exclaimed astonished that I was here. I smile my usually shy smile and wink of my eye that had the shyness as well, but ever since I was 6 you could see the hint of sadness, regret, and horror it. M hugged me again and I wrapped my arms around my best friend from a long time ago. Blazed growled and M instantly pulled away confused.

ā€œDonā€™t touch my pack, Trey says you kill!ā€ Hearing him say that felt like I had been punched in the gut. I hugged my stomach as if I felt it to holding back the tears I shot Trey a death glare. M was also dumbfounded but he knew the truth all of it.

ā€œARE YOU KIDDING ME, ELLIE WOULDNā€™T KILL A FLY,ā€ M yelled pulling me back into a hug. This time I wiggled free and stood against the wall claiming myself, it was barely working and M noticed. He poked my side, my very ticklish side, and I started to giggle so he continued. It didnā€™t claim me but it defiantly distracted me. Giving him a smile I mouth ā€˜thank youā€™ to him. He nodded and sat on the couch next to the very confused and puzzled Allie.

ā€œOh common, Iā€™ve known Ellie since I was 5 years old, when she left at the age of 7 I was heart broken, we were best friends. I mean yes we encountered a very harsh time, both of us, but she is so innocent and angel like, I canā€™t even believe she is a goddess of fire,ā€ M told them that like it was some easy thing to say. To him it probably was, but I lie to people that are close to me about it. Well I donā€™t have to lie, Iā€™m never close to people, and I refuse. I stood there against the wall gapping at M for telling them. He looked at my horrid expression and then realized they
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