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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» The Phantom Thief by Snowrabbit (short story to read TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«The Phantom Thief by Snowrabbit (short story to read TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Snowrabbit

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a shopping list in the other.
Time to get criminal!

Chapter Two (Yuri)

Oh yes, sometimes I hate the world. Sure, it wasnā€™t stupid to disguise myself, but why did I have such a girlish face? Normally, one wouldnā€™t notice it that much, but with long hair, fake eyelashes and a dress - the worst thing actually - I really looked suspiciously like a girl... Even my voice was high enough to not stand out much if I was careful. Like I said, sometimes I really hate it.
Though it had some advantages. I was really surprised the first time I had to do it, but men could be really friendly when they saw a good looking ā€˜girlā€™. So they opened doors for me and did funny stuff like that. But oh well, I shouldnā€™t enjoy that stuff, better concentrate on my work.
So I went into the next supermarket in the mall near our house and started looking around for the stuff we needed. I didnā€™t take anything, I just wanted to locate it. Thankfully, there werenā€™t that many people here, which would make stealing easier, as soon as the cameras were taken care of. Because really, trying to take things in a monitored market was just stupid.
But then I felt a light vibration in my pocket (I had short, tight trousers under the dress) and smiled. That thing was Lucys interfering transmitter, which confused every camera near me. Meaning every single camera in the whole supermarket showed grey stuff right now. It was time for me to strike.
No one noticed anything as other people went on buying stuff as usual, but I myself took the needed stuff off the shelves and into my pocket whenever I was sure no one was looking. Soon enough, I was finished and went out of the market, Lucys toy confused even these things they have at the exits to prevent stealing. After that, I reset it and went to the store for mechanical devices, where I pulled the same stunt again. It was harder there, because the store was so much smaller than the supermarket, but it wasnā€™t impossible.
Afterwards I left the store, smiling at the clerk behind the counter - who didnā€™t see a thing - and went away, turning Lucys toy off now. I was just on my way around a corner, when someone suddenly ran into me with quite some force, which made me lose balance. The person was quick though and caught me before I could fall, but as I saw the man - a not very muscular looking guy, maybe slightly younger than me with short, black hair and reddish eyes behind frameless glasses - I wondered, how fast he mustā€™ve went to bring me off balance.
But he just apologized shortly, before saying something about not having much time and hurrying past me. I frowned and turned to look at his back, as he went into the same store I just came out. But inside was a guy who suspiciously looked around in every direction. He probably tried stealing something, just like me, but he was being so obvious... no wonder that that guy from just now saw him.
But I must say I was surprised as just that guy marched up to the wannabe-thief and pulled out something what suspiciously looked like some kind of police badge. Interesting, Iā€™ve never seen that guy with the police. And I already saw many

policeman. Oh well, letā€™s see how good he is with thieves.
He said something to the thief, probably like ā€˜Stop stealing, come with meā€™ and blah, but of course, instead of listening (really, who would listen to a cop in that situation?) the guy pushed him away and ran. Directly in my direction. Oh great. But I normally donā€™t interfere with other peopleā€™s business, especially if itā€™s not exactly legal. So I stepped out of that guys way, but no, he seemed to have other plans.
Instead of simply using his legs like I wouldā€™ve done (not that I would let myself get caught while stealing in such a store, really) he suddenly grabbed my arm, pulling me to him and turning back to the police guy, while holding a knife - wherever that thing came from - to my throat. Thank you very much, asshole.
ā€œDonā€™t come near me or that girl is dead!ā€, he growled at that black haired policeman and slowly went backwards, pulling me with him.
But if thereā€™s one thing I donā€™t like, I mean, except for people assuming Iā€™m weak - or a girl- itā€™s if thieves start to hurt people. Thatā€™s not thievery, thatā€™s robbery and Iā€™m very proud to say that Iā€™m NO robber as I donā€™t hurt people in the process of stealing. Thatā€™s a big

difference. Anyway, that guy didnā€™t seem to care.
ā€œWhy the hell are you doing that? I mean, not the stealing, I donā€™t care about that, but that whole hostage thing?ā€, I mumbled, still walking backwards with that guy, probably toward an exit.
ā€œWho cares?ā€ he grumbled. ā€œAs long as I get what I want and now shut up or Iā€™ll use that knife!ā€ With these words he pressed the knife even closer to my throat.
Did I tell you that I also really donā€™t like being threatened? By someone who clearly isnā€™t worth being called a thief no less? Thanks but no thanks.
And so I stopped following that idiot. Which of course leaded to a string of curses from the wannabe-thief. And a knife which slightly cut my skin. ā€œWhat do you think youā€™re doing?ā€ he growled.
I rolled my eyes. ā€œWell, I think Iā€™m tired of being your hostage. I donā€™t like people who confuse thievery with robbery, you know?ā€ ā€œSo what?ā€
I sighed. ā€œSo... that.ā€ With a quick move I grabbed the arm with the knife and turned it so that he had to let go of his weapon. And that moment of shock was enough for me to get him down. I did mention that I mastered several martial arts, right? So you can imagine that it wasnā€™t that hard.
The guy went down like a rock and I placed one of my feet at him, took the knife from the floor and waited that the policeman approached. It took a while (that guy probably waited a while to not risk the life of innocent people - aka me, though I wasnā€™t sure about that innocent part) but as he finally came around the corner I had to grin at the stunned look at his face as he saw me.
ā€œHey there. I think you wanted him, right?ā€ Smiling I gave him the knife and took my foot off the guy, who tried to escape but the police guy was already there and cuffed his hands, which was followed by another string of curses. I just smiled. People like him deserve what they get I guess.
ā€œThanks for your help Miss. You didnā€™t have to do that, it was dangerous!ā€, the black haired guy told me and I shrugged.
ā€œYeah, but I really donā€™t like being taken as a hostage. And that guy thankfully wasnā€™t that skillful. But thanks for your worry Mister policeman.ā€ I smiled at the guy and I could swear

his cheeks turned pink. Ah, the fun of being a ā€˜womanā€™. Oh, and if someone wonders why I donā€™t freak out that guys think Iā€™m good looking and even flirt with me sometimes: Iā€™m bi. I donā€™t have a problem with any gender, love is love, right?
But then, the guy saw the cut at my throat and frowned. ā€œDid that guy hurt you?ā€, he asked, narrowing his eyes.
ā€œWell, yes, but it doesnā€™t really hurt, donā€™t worry.ā€, I answered, but he didnā€™t look very convinced.
ā€œAt least take that.ā€ He gave me a tissue and I took it, hoping heā€™d leave the matter alone after that.
ā€œThanks.ā€ I pressed it on the cut and waited, looking at the policeman for a while. Why exactly was he still here? ā€œDonā€™t you have a criminal to take care of?ā€, I asked, looking at the wannabe-thief and he blinked, before nodding.
ā€œOf course, Iā€™m sorry. It must not be nice to see a guy who threatened you still here, right? Iā€™ll take care of him. Thank you very much again for your help, though I think it would be better for your health to not do those reckless things again, okay?ā€
I sighed, but nodded, hoping that that would be enough.
And finally, the officer went away, taking the robber with him and disappearing into the crowd. Gosh, I thought heā€™d never go.
Sure, he was nice and everything, but my bag was full of stolen stuff and I really didnā€™t want someone to notice it. Even though most people would probably think I bought it.
So just like that, I made my way home again, trying not to think about the events of the mall again but instead hoping that Lily would make a nice dinner.

Chapter Three (Yuri)

As I finally got back home again, the first thing I did was pulling off the shoes and starting to search for my older sister. She always helped me putting on my wigs because somehow she was able to attach the wig to my head good enough that it wouldnā€™t come off, not even when pulled. So I needed her to get it off too, because I myself didnā€™t know how to loosen it.
Not that it was a bad thing, because like that no one ever suspected wigs and I could stay innocent.
So I was pretty glad as Lily finally came down from her room (our house had two floors, the upper floor with our private rooms and the ground floor with the kitchen, the living room and so on) and helped me.
And it really was liberating, finally feeling my normal hair again. The only problem was explaining what happened as Lily saw the scratch, but oh well, I stole our stuff, so she was satisfied enough.
ā€œHey, Yuri~! Got my stuff?ā€ Lucys voice could be heard through the house as she wanted her tools.
ā€œYes, donā€™t worry!ā€, I tried to calm her down, because I really wanted to change into more comfortable clothes before giving my sisters what they wanted.
A few minutes later I wore normal clothes again - a simple black T-Shirt and a yellow hoodie - and my siblings got their stuff. So now I had free time, nice!
Though... maybe I should explain ā€˜free timeā€™. For me, it really means free time, playing video games, listening to music and so on, but Lucy is busy with hacking, looking for new victims or inventing new, helpful tools, while Lily is sewing or styling wigs for her Online Shop. Iā€™m not exactly sure what Alecā€™s doing. More often than not he plays with me some nice games, but I think he trains his abilities too.
But whatever, for me, it meant free time, so Iā€™m happy! And if youā€™re wondering why I have free time while my sisters have to work: Iā€™m doing the complicated stuff, like stealing, so we agreed that I can relax the rest of the time so that I donā€™t accidentally make faults. If my sisters do something wrong they can correct it but if Iā€™m caught it would be a problem.
So I can do what I want and relax most of the time. I mean, itā€™s not like Iā€™m not doing anything

- except for stealing of course - Iā€™m helping Lily sometimes too. And yes, I can sew. Actually, I can sew, cook, clean and whatnot. Lilyā€™s a good teacher I guess, just like Lucy. Also I have to work out, awesome abilities - like my speed and so on - donā€™t normally

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