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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» The Phantom Thief by Snowrabbit (short story to read TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«The Phantom Thief by Snowrabbit (short story to read TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Snowrabbit

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ā€žCatch him!ā€œ, was the only thing heard that night at the mansion of some rich guy apart from ā€œHe went that way!ā€
The people shouting were policemen, who frantically ran around the estate, apparently chasing someone. And that someone was a young man who called himself the ā€˜Sapphire Phantomā€™ and was named that in nearly every newspaper, some even entitled him the ā€˜Prince of Thievesā€™. Because thatā€™s what he was. A master thief, who stole treasures from rich people, always sending a note beforehand and leaving a blue rose at the place of the stolen thing. His appearance was stunning and definitely memorable. He had short, electric blue hair and wore a mask over his eyes to disguise his upper face. His clothes seemed as if they were taken from some old opera, with ruffles and everything, but also completely in white and blue and it never seemed to bother him when fleeing from the police. He even wore a black hat, with a blue rose on top and some blue feathers pinned to it. These were his typical thief-clothes and he made himself quite a name with it, because he still looked so charming and only ever stole from people who seemed to have dirty business going on.
And today, he had stolen some jewelry, which was worth some hundred thousand dollars, if not even millions.
A crowd of spectators had gathered in front of the main gates of the mansion - the Phantom sent his notes to the owner, the police and most of the time the newspapers too, so almost every of his thefts was in the news - and they all looked for a sign of him as suddenly, he himself landed in front of them. Cameras flashed as he even stopped shortly to look at them and smile mysteriously, before the running footsteps of some policemen were heard and he jumped on the wall next to the gate ā€“ however he did that - and disappeared into the night...

Chapter One (Yuri)

ā€žYuri? You awake? Itā€™s almost noon!ā€ The voice of my older sister, Lily, cut through my sleep.
Tired, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. ā€œYeah, donā€™t worry, Iā€™m awake... now!ā€ I answered her call and began to get up and doing my ā€˜morningā€™ routine. As I came out of the bathroom, still brushing my short, blonde hair, my other sister came to me.
ā€œHey, you did an awesome job yesterday, you know that? And you have to look at the newspaper!ā€ she said, grinning. ā€œOf course, part of it was my work, but still!ā€ She brushed some of her bright red hair out of her face. ā€œJust come on!ā€
I rolled my eyes. Lucy - thatā€™s the name of our red haired devil here - was always so energetic. But she really was awesome, so I nodded, smiling.
ā€œOkay, give me just a sec.ā€ I put the hairbrush away and followed her into the kitchen where the last of us - my twin brother, Alec - sat at the table, reading said newspaper but looking up as I entered the kitchen. Lily was there too, cooking lunch by the looks of it.
ā€œOh, finally awoke from your beauty sleep?ā€ Alec asked and I stuck out my tongue at him, before he closed the newspaper and gave it to me. ā€œLook at it. Iā€™m not sure if I like it or not, but whatever...ā€
I wondered what the hell was that interesting, before I saw the big picture on the front page. The headline was a big ā€˜The Sapphire Phantom struck again!ā€™ and the picture... well... it was a pretty good shot of me.
Yeah, Iā€™m the so called ā€˜Sapphire Phantomā€™, ā€˜Prince of Thievesā€™ or whatever they come up with. I actually prefer Yuri - my real name, you know? - but itā€™s not as if itā€™s a good idea to tell the newspaper and the police my real name I guess, since I really donā€™t want to be captured. I mean, Iā€™m doing this flashy stuff for a few month already, would be stupid to get caught now. But Iā€™m good enough, as long as I donā€™t do something really

stupid, there wonā€™t be any problems.
Oh, and if someone is wondering why Iā€™m blond while ā€˜Sapphire Phantomā€™ has blue hair... well, ever heard of wigs? And Lily is an awesome

makeup artist, hairstylist and whatnot. She made my whole thief-outfit, including all the accessories, the wig and of course the mask. And itā€™s a real help, because no one would think it was me stealing all that stuff as I donā€™t have blue hair.
Lucy on the other hand helps me out differently. Sheā€™s the best hacker I know, so she is the reason why Iā€™m that good informed considering illegal activities of rich guys. And we have many rich guys here, especially the ones with some dark secrets.
And I mostly steal from the ones with the really

dark secrets. Itā€™s their own fault I guess.
Anyway, back to the newspaper. Like I said, the front page was a big shot of me as the Phantom, followed by an article about how I stole that mans jewelry, how awesome I looked, that the police still had no clues and that I was getting more fans.
ā€œNice!ā€ I commented as I finished reading and grinned. Which caused Alec to roll his eyes.
ā€œYou should try not to draw that much attention to you... one day theyā€™ll catch you.ā€
I shook my head. ā€œNah, not with Lucys little toys. And even if they would, I still have you to help me, right?ā€
He grumbled something and I took it as a yes.
ā€œGreat!ā€ I turned to look at Lily. ā€œWhatā€™s it for lunch?ā€
ā€œSpaghetti. But we donā€™t have that much stuff anymore, I wrote missing things on the list. Try to get them as soon as possible, kay?ā€
I nodded. ā€œSure thing. Iā€™ll go looking for it today.ā€
ā€œI added some new tools, too. Could you also look for them, please?ā€ Lucy then added from behind me. ā€œI got another toy for you in exchange.ā€
I laughed and nodded again. ā€œNo problem, will do!ā€
And if youā€™re wondering what ā€˜the listā€™ was: Itā€™s simple some kind of to-do list with things we still need. But I donā€™t like stealing money (mostly because rich guys probably have the numbers noted somewhere and I donā€™t wanna steal from other people) so instead I simply grab my stuff from the markets. I mean, not like those teenage pickpockets, Iā€™m a professional! But Iā€™ll show you later, as I just promised to go out today.
Now it was time to eat though, as Lily just finished cooking!
And maybe I can get some explaining done while enjoying that tasty meal of my big sister.
First, about my family: It consists of us four, Lily being the oldest with her 26 years, followed by Alec and me being 22 (though I was slightly older) and then Lucy, who was 20. Our parentsā€¦ well, our father was an asshole and our mother died when Lucy was about four, so letā€™s leave it at that. We live alone now and pretty much like our life, though it might be strange for an outsider to understand why we live this way. I mean, having a master thief as a brother and everything.
But itā€™s actually not that confusing once you know the details. Back in primary school we all had our problems. And I donā€™t mean the simple problems of 6- or 7years old kids, but real

problems. Because we are different.
I donā€™t know why or how it was even possible, but itā€™s reality and back then I hated it. All four of us have abilities which are not exactly normal.
Lily is the most normal of us I guess, since her ā€˜special abilityā€™ mostly consists of the fact, that she is able to make any wig, outfit or mask look real without problems. And sheā€™s doing it fast. On good days, she can sew two or three complete outfits. And I mean complex ones. Also, sheā€™s our medic as she knows a whole lot about medicine. Especially healing plants, because none of us likes doctors at all. Bad memories, you know?
Then there is me, whose ability is a bit more physical oriented. Iā€™m able to run surprisingly fast and jump really

high. Like about five meters and more if Iā€™m doing a running jump. Iā€™m also able to move surprisingly quiet, but I think that is something Iā€™ve gotten through my training, just like most of the martial arts stuff I can do.
The next one is Alec, who is probably the strangest one of us. Heā€™s actually able to use telekinesis! At first, I didnā€™t really believe it, but he showed me. He really can move things from far away just with his thoughts, without touching them. Cool thing, but he doesnā€™t like to use it often because it seems to drain his powers pretty fast. Though Iā€™m sure he trains it secretly. Also, he always stays near me when I steal, if one day Iā€™ll get caught - something that simply wonā€™t happen, just hypothetically - heā€™ll save my ass.
And Lucy has the most helpful ability for my thefts I guess. Itā€™s not really an ability, but her IQ is the highest Iā€™ve ever seen. She understood the theory of relativity with eight. And now, she has learned to hack. Sheā€™s able to get into any system at all, probably even without leaving any traces so, like I said, sheā€™s the one providing me with information. And that sheā€™s a great inventor is awesome too, as she always has new ideas for toys I could use, being able to build nearly everything from scratch. I guess Iā€™ll show you some later when I go shopping.
Though I kind of dread that

and the reason is Lily. Easy to see once Iā€™ll want to go, just wait.
But to explain why Iā€™m stealing: After we finally got that we werenā€™t made for society, we somehow started our own not-quite-legal business. We bought a house in a big city, where Lily is paying the monthly bills by selling her self-made stuff online on a website designed by Lucy. It looks really awesome and as the stuff isnā€™t cheap ā€“ though the quality is great too so itā€™s okay ā€“ it pays enough for the bills. But life is simply better if youā€™re not normal I guess. So instead of doing normal jobs, maybe even with a low pay as we donā€™t have any graduation (Lucy taught us everything we needed to know) instead I steal stuff, Lucy invents interesting new toys and Alec helps me spotting out the locations. Like that, everyday life is an adventure. Nice, huh?
And while Iā€™m talking with myself in my mind, we finished eating in the end. So I guess I have to go shopping nowā€¦
And as to why Iā€™m dreading it: Since my stealing method would be pretty obvious if they would always see me before something getā€™s stolen (after some time even the biggest idiot would probably get it) Iā€™m shopping disguised most of the time. I mean, Lily has more than enough stuff.
The bad thing? Every few times I have to go as a girl. Because ā€˜switchingā€™ genders helps confusing and shattering any distrust. But it really is stupid.
On the other hand, Iā€™m even kinda familiar to it now, soā€¦ Iā€™ll just do it and then get over with business.
And just like that, about twenty minutes later Iā€™m a perfect young lady with a bag in one hand and

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