Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Lost Wife by pokhila (management books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Lost Wife by pokhila (management books to read .txt) 📖». Author pokhila

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Hi there .... 

I don't have much idea of the court functionings in other country ...  

Its all that I got tits bits from  net ....

so if anything is out of proportion , I'm sorry for that .


At the airport .......

 They reached early ,it was just 9am here  , they will reach home in another one hour , that means it will be peak hour of office , Runi calculated , she decided to visit Anirudh at his office , and later go to moms place , she looked at her daughter , she looked so happy getting the colourful bundle of ballons ....  


Sumit and Neel fought to hold her first , at last Pari gave her hand to Neel as he was holding some more balloons .... Pari was giggling  and looking around loving all the attention and affections that her uncles were showering   ...  Runi felt herself a villain  , she was depriving Pari for these many months , keeping her away from all her uncle , aunts and nana nani . 


Thank God ! Anirudh  kept his parents with me , or else Pari and me would be so lonely in that big house   ...  Runi looked around , a few months back she  was here , but it was a different time a different situation , she boarded her flight all alone , running away from all her beloved ....  everything was just for Pari ...  to save her , not only from my evil minded sister ...  but also from being unwanted . At that time I was not sure , if Anirudh will accept my baby ....  will love her .


Today my Pari is alive and healthy only because of her dad ...  my husband . 'shame on you Runi ', I cursed myself .


I came to know it very late , that my doctor gave an ultimatum , just a few minutes before  my operation  ...  she  said , she can save only one life . If Anirudh was not there , my financial problem would have delayed my operation and who knows , if both of us .....     For that I cannot thank Anirudh enough ....  my life , my baby all belongs to him .


Mom took a seat and called me to sit near her , I asked her water , and we both took a gulp from our bottles . 


" We are so happy that you took this decision and came back ...  you don't know how Anirudh passed his days without you , after you left ...  that An .....   " she stopped abruptly , just patted my cheeks ...   " Now everything will be alright ." she loked sad and happy at the same time . 


I looked away , Mom ... I wish I can show you all how much  I love Anirudh ....  may not be in a crazy way showing it to people , deep inside I fell in love with my husband in this short time of our married life , I couldn't express  infront of him , but these long months of our separation made me realise the truth , I cannot stay without him , ... he was and will be the only one , no other man is allowed in this lifetime , I love my husband ...  I want him to stay happy ....  thats why I left him ....  because he found happiness with my step sister . I thought to myself , tears  ready to spill , hidingly I rubbed it away .


I don't know why mom was happy about me coming back , Anirudh and Anu ...  whatever ...  I just pray that I don't come face to face with my step sister . I came here for a vaccation , not to see her face . What if she show up in Panchi's engagement ...  if she comes along with Anirudh . 


Again I started to question my decision ....  at present regret it  whole  heartedly , I should 've stayed back , even Anirudh didn't invite  invite me , Panchi was his own cousin sister , whearas I was just their adopted daughter . 


 Dad went to get  a newspaper .... 


After sometime , I saw him  amidsts  the crowd of passengers , he was coming hurriedly , but in short steps , as if he was finding some difficulty  , his face was all red , maybe his BP went high as we just landed from our flight . , Runi felt scared , dad was already a heart patient , Runi went ahead , to get him . " dad ....  " Runi hold him ....  dad was much  taller than her still she let his arms rest on her shoulder and went on looking ...  he was breathing heavy ...  may be finding difficult to breathe . 


" Dad ...  " we stood there amidsts the rush , he was making me more scared nw , he was holding his chest , some passerby who were not in hurry stopped , some took a look and went away , some came and helped me to take him where mom was sitting . At first mom didn't know why I left abruptly , only now she saw me and two other unknown persons carrying dad towards her . she stood up and paved way , we three made him sit , but he was sweating ....  gasping for breath ... 


Runi looked around for Sumit and Neel , they must call help , in his hectic she forgot that her mom was a doctor .


 She brought them , without giving any second thoughts , Anirudh was always careful with his aging parents , moreover he don't let them travel economy , he have his own private plane , now she was very scared  on top of that she didn't inform Anirudh , want to surprise him . In her desire to meet him and to attend Panchi's  engagement she overlooked mom and dads safety , what will she do now ... what will Anirudh think 



" Dad , are you okay ....  Runi made him sit in the waiting area  , she opened a water bottle and gave him . Mom too looked worried , Runi was sure , Anirudh will kill her if something happens to his dad . 


Sumit and Neel were busy with their neice , whom they met for the first time today , theywere busy pampering Pari , then Neel noticed it first , a small crowd near Runi , circling aunty and uncle , he pulled Sumit , when they reached near , they  saw that Anirudh's dad was sweating , cannot even sit straight , was gasping for breadth .... 

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