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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Boarding Schools, Secrets, and Jerks (Editing) by Alyza Slaton (good books for high schoolers .txt) 📖

Book online «Boarding Schools, Secrets, and Jerks (Editing) by Alyza Slaton (good books for high schoolers .txt) 📖». Author Alyza Slaton

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He yelled AGAIN

“So…are you gonna tell me anything about the place you’re in or are you gonna have me searching the whole little see-ers den looking for you?”

I asked in a bored tone

“I said to go home! I can handle this!”

“Sure. So, what do you notice about the room?”

I asked, ignoring his anger

“God damn it, Kelsey! Why don’t you ever listen?! By you coming here, you’re giving them what they want! They WANT you to come and get me! Just so they can kill you! Go. Home!”

He yelled furiously

Unfazed by his anger I sat back in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, “ I’m coming whether you want me too or not. And if you don’t want to tell me anything about where you are, then I guess I’ll search the whole place. So I’m going to give you one more chance. ‘Kay?”

I waited for him to respond

“Go. Home.”

He said slowly

“Nope. Last chance, KeeKee. Where do you think you are?”

“Kelsey! Just go back home!”

He yelled

“Are you going to tell me where you might be?”

I asked

“No! I want you to go home!”

He shouted in my head

Man! I’m so gonna have a headache from this little conversation.

‘I‘m not going back. I‘m coming to get you. Bye, I love you. See you soon.” I said before blocking him out

“You okay?” Benji asked throwing an arm over my shoulder

“Kyle wouldn’t tell me anything about where’s he’s being held.” I sighed

“Why?” Benji asked

“Because he wants me to go home.” I said

“Why is he so stubborn?” Derek growled lowly

“Don’t know but I do know that I’m more stubborn.” I shrugged

A few laughed, easing the tension slightly.

“Is he still trying to tell you not to come?” Jonny asked

“I blocked him out.” I stated

Jonny looked in the rear view mirror at me, “You blocked him out?” He asked in confusion

“Yes.” I said

“You cant do that with your mate.” He frowned

I shrugged, “I guess I can.”

I looked out the window as we passed the ice cream parlor.

“Stop!” I yelled

Jonny slammed on the brakes and I jumped out of the truck.

“Kelsey!” They yelled behind me

I ran to the alley and looked around. Laying there was the used-to-be-shape-shifter. He was still unconscious from the spell I used. I didn’t know it at the time but that spell was really powerful.

I grabbed him arm and started dragging him back to the truck.

“Who the hell is that?” Jonny asked suspiciously

“Wanna-be-Kyle.” I stated throwing him in the back

I hopped in behind him and shut the door.

“Why are you back there?” Jonny asked turning around

“I have to get him conscious again. He might know where they’re holding Kyle.” I said setting one hand on his chest and the other behind his head.

“Drive.” I commanded Jonny

He did as told and started the car, driving off.

I don’t know how spells come to me but it’s like I always knew them. They just come to me. Always the right one for the situation too.

A spell came to my mind and I started chanting it quietly. I felt a current of energy flow out of me and Wanna-be-Kyle’s heart started beating faster, almost like he was afraid.

I looked down and he was blinking rapidly.

“Morning sunshine.” I smirked

He blinked some more then he looked a little more focused. When his eyes landed on me they widened and he scrambled away from me.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” I smiled

His chest moved up and down rapidly, “Y-y-you t-took away m-my powers.”

“Congrats buddy! You figured it out. It’s not like you weren’t there or anything.” I teased sarcastically

“A-and you k-k-killed me!” He stuttered

“You’re here aren’t you? That means I didn’t kill you. I’d never kill anyone on purpose or if I had a say in it.” I said, offended that anyone would think that about me

“Nice going, Dickhead! You made her sad.” Benji spat glaring at Wanna-be-Kyle

I smiled at Benji and looked back at Wanna-be-Kyle. Wow! That’s a mouth full!

“What’s your name?” I asked innocently

“Why do you need to know?” He growled

“Growl at her again and it’ll be the last

thing you ever do.” Derek snarled

Yup! They all snarl!

“Thanks Bro! So, Wanna-be-Kyle. What’s your name?”

“Adam.” He spat, not looking at me

His gaze was transfixed on my upper arm. He was staring intently at then his eyes slowly slid up to mine.

His eyes were wide in shock and horror. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to speak but no words were coming out.

“What’s wrong?” I asked worried

He opened his mouth again but closed it.

“What?!” I yelled

“Y-you’re the U-uniter.” He stared in horror

“The what?” I asked in confusion

“That’s the official name for you.” Declan said

“Ahhh, then… Yeah, I guess I am.” I shrugged

He suddenly started apologizing.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t know!” He sobbed

“Didn’t know what?” I asked softly

“They didn’t say the uniter was involved! They just said they had to get this one girl to save that guy! I didn’t know!” He cried into his hands, “I’m such a disgrace to my kind! If they ever found out I went against or hurt you in any way, I’ll be killed!

“Why would you be killed?” I asked

His head shot up, “You’re our hero. You’re suppose to save us!”

“Now let me ask you something Ad. Is it alright for me to call you Ad? Of course it is. Okay, back to the question at hand. Why in fuck’s name would I want to save a species that helped in the kidnapping of my boyfriend?” I asked angrily

“The shape-shifters aren’t in this.” Adam sobbed, looking at me, pleading

“Then why the hell did you shape-shift Kyle?” I sneered

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the pack flinch slightly.

“I had too.” He said quietly

“I’m waiting.” I said impatiently when he didn’t elaborate

“They have my little sister. They said I could get her back if I did this.” He sobbed

“How old is your little sister?” I asked


“Why do they have her?” I asked him in a formal tone that hid all my emotions

The see-ers are going extinct tonight. That’s all there is too it.

He chuckled softly, “She yelled at and tried to kill the see-ers leader for talking bad about the Uniter.”

“So it’s basically my fault.” I stated in a whisper

He looked up at me and searched my face but I hid my emotions with a blank expression and cold eyes.

He flinched when he looked at my eyes, “Why are your eyes black?”

“Because I want them to be.” I shrugged not wavering my gaze

He nodded and the car jerked to a spot. I looked around and saw little houses.

“Come on Lily. It’s time to see grandma.” Jasmine smiled but you could tell it was forced

“Grandma?!” Lily screamed in happiness


Lily jumped down from he car and ran around to the back. The door flung open and Lily jumped into my arms. I held her tight.

“Be careful, Sissy.” She murmured against my neck

“I’ll try.” I smiled

She pulled back, “Love you, Sissy. Will I see you in the morning? And Kylie?”

“You’ll see all of us tomorrow.” I smiled at her confidently

I’m confident because I know nobody’s going to die. I won’t let it happen.

“Promise?” She held her pinky out

I linked my pinky with hers, “I swear.”

She kissed my cheek and jumped down from the truck.

“Bye guys!” She yelled running up the stony path

“Bye!” Everybody yelled

Jonny and Jasmine walked Lily to the door and hugged her before knocking. An old lady came out and started talking to Jonny and Jasmine.

You could see the worry on her face all the way from here. Suddenly they all looked our way and the lady met my eye.

I saw her visibly stiffen before relaxing. She smiled warningly at me and I smiled back slightly, still confused about her reaction.

Were people meant to be scared of the uniter or whatever I am? Cause if they were then I don’t want to be it.

“Kelsey! Can you come here a minute!” Jonny yelled

I frowned in confusion and got out of the truck, and slowly made my way over to them.

“Yes?” I asked slowly

“She would like to meet you.” Jonny said motioning to the old lady

“Well, hey, I’m Kelsey. You?” I asked smiling, holding my hand out to her

“Lorraine. It’s such a pleaser to meet someone as powerful as you.” She gushed holding my hand so tight I thought it would fall off. I suddenly felt a bolt of electricity run up my arm and I shook my whole body.

What the hell?!

“Kelsey?” Jonny and Jasmine asked

I couldn’t reply because my body was shaking so hard I could barely breathe.

“What’s wrong?!” I heard Benji yelled

“I don’t know!” Jonny yelled setting his hands on my shoulders

I looked up into Lorraine’s eyes as saw that they were white. Just white. No pupil, no color. Nothing.

I felt power flowing into me. But it was too much. She could kill me giving me this much power.

“Get-her…off me.” I choked out, “Hur-ry!”

I felt people trying to pull Lorraine’s hand off mine but the lady has a death grip on there.

It felt like I was about to blow up. Is she trying to kill me?! Who the hell is this lady?

The shaking heightened and I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head momentarily.

When I looked back at the women, her eyes were no longer white. They now has a wickedness to them I didn’t see before.

“She’s-trying-to...kill me!” I said

“What?!” I heard people yell

“Elias! Find-power!” I gasped

“Okay!” Then I felt air rush by me

“Shape-shifter, demon and witch. Rouge.” Elias spat

“Step-back!” I tried to yell but it came out in a soft whisper, but I’m sure they heard

When I was sure they stepped back I lifted my leg and kicked the ladies chest. She went flying back into the house and I felt myself stop shaking.

I ran into the house and pick ‘It’ up by it neck.

“What are you doing?!” I heard Jasmine scream

I turned around, “This is not your mother.”

“What are you talking about?! Yes it is!” She yelled trying to get out of Jonny and Elias’s grip

I banged ‘It’ against the wall.

“Why don’t you show who you really are.” I growled, “Demons have to show themselves it someone asks, right? So do it. And don’t try that shape-shifting crap on me.” I spat

She smirked and ‘It’s’ face started to contort until it was a man that screamed “Demon! Yup! Right here! I’m a Demon!”

“Wow, you are really ugly.” I stated

‘It’ growled and tried to bite me.

“What the hell?! Did you just try to bite me, you freak?” I asked in disgust

“A demon’s bite can kill the Uniter.” Adam‘s voice stated

“Ah, thanks for the tip.” I said before kneeing him in the groin

He doubled over in pain and I kneed him hard in the face. He fell to the floor unconscious.

I walked away, “I’m not killing it.”

“Psh! I am!” Benji said walking forward

I shrugged and walked down the hall. I opened the last door in the hallway and saw a lady tied up to a chair, all bruised and bloody.

I gasped and she looked up, frightened. I started walking towards her but she flinched so I stopped.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just gonna untie you, get that weird thing out of your mouth and heal you. That’s it.” I said with my hands raised

I saw her nod slightly so I started walking forward again.

“Kel-” Jonny abruptly stopped as he took in the lady

“Keep Jasmine out of here.” I said as I stood in front of the lady, “Shut the door, please.”

He stared a second more before nodding and shutting the door.

I started by getting the thing that looked lick a sock out of her mouth before untying her.

“Is anything broken that I might need to know about?” I asked as I stopped from picking her up

“I think my left ribs.” She whispered staring at me in amazement

I nodded and picked her up on her right side. She groaned and I quickly walked over to the bed and laid her down gently.

I sat

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