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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » PENALTY by Annika Sturm (love books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «PENALTY by Annika Sturm (love books to read .txt) 📖». Author Annika Sturm

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heart was racing as he ran up the flights of stairs, all the way up to Tom's penthouse suite. He rang the bell and knocked on the door as well.

Tom opened and stared at him before he fell into his arms. He hugged and squeezed Alex and pulled him into his flat, quickly closing the door behind them. 'Hey,' Alex stroked his cheeks and kissed him. Tom jumped and wrapped his legs around Alex’s hips as he kept hugging him. The boys couldn't stop kissing each other.

Alex slowly carried his friend further into what he assumed would have to be the lounge and gently sat him down on the sofa. Tom studied his face as he softly ran his finger over his nose, mouth and cheeks. 'You're here,' he whispered, 'you're really here. You're crazy!' He laughed and Alex hugged him again. 'How are you?' He asked him and gently stroked his hair. Tom smiled at him. 'Better now,' they looked into each other's eyes, 'you must be in so much trouble.' Tom said and shook his head. 'Oh, you know I'm used to it now. Sod them all.' Alex grinned and Tom chuckled again.

Alex took a moment to look around. 'Nice flat Mr Stiller.' He whistled admiring the apartment. Tom followed his eyes. 'Yeah,' he sighed, 'I was hoping I could show you under different circumstances.' Alex nodded. 'When is this story going to break?' 'Tomorrow I think,' Tom cast his eyes down, 'I'm frightened Alex.' He said quietly. Alex pulled up his chin and kissed him lovingly. 'Don't be. I'm here now. I've told them I'll stay till Saturday. I had to commit to be back for the match though.' 'You're staying that long?' Tom's eyes lit up. Alex looked at him in surprise. 'Of course you muppet. What do you think?' Tom had to laugh again.

Alex looked at his friend and felt so madly in love with him, he couldn't have found the words to describe his feelings even if he had tried to. 'Tommy,' he slowly let his hands slip under his friend's jumper, 'why don't you give me a tour of your flat,' he kissed him, 'I'm particularly interested in the bedroom,' he picked him up and carried him across the flat again and Tom put up a struggle giggling being carried around, 'what have we got here?', Alex said as he entered Tom's bedroom, 'this looks like just the room I'm after.' He threw Tom onto the bed. His friend was chuckling with laughter and Alex lay down on top of him stroking his body. 'It's so good to see you.' Tom said and beamed at him lovingly before he closed his eyes and let Alex tenderly kiss and stroke his worries away. Just for a moment that morning, Alex managed to make Tom forget about everything.

They had gently dozed off together and Alex jumped and sat up as he realised he'd been asleep. He looked around the bedroom and let himself fall back onto the cushion. It was such a beautiful room. Light and airy, the bed was huge and so comfortable. He stretched and turned towards Tom, who had his back to him as he was still asleep on his side. His gentle breathing made Alex smile. He kissed his shoulder and cheek and turned him towards him. 'Alex.' Tom mumbled half asleep still and put his arms around his neck. Alex kissed him gently and let his hands run up and down his naked back. Tom slowly opened his eyes and smiled at him sleepily.

'Hey,' Alex whispered, 'are you feeling better now?', he grinned cheekily and Tom slapped him against the chest, 'ouch.' Alex giggled. 'What time is it?' Tom stretched and wiped his eyes. 'Almost 1 pm.' 'Ah dammit,' Tom sighed, 'I have to warn my family before this story breaks,' his face turned serious, 'they have no idea Alex. My dad will kill me.' He gulped and closed his eyes. Alex nodded and stroked his hair. 'Okay,' he said, 'let's go then.' Tom looked at him. 'What?' He forced a laugh. 'I said let's go. About time you introduce me to your parents as your boyfriend,' he touched his nose, 'don't you think? I mean, we're quite serious and all that.' 'Have you lost your mind completely now?', Tom asked in disbelief. Alex grinned, 'they'll kill you. I come from the most catholic family, you know what they're like,' Tom shook his head, 'with a bit of luck my brother may just hear me out. It'll be messy Alex.' Alex kissed him again. It was a long and gentle kiss. 'I can do messy quite well myself now. Loads of practice over the last few weeks.' Tom smiled shyly and held his friend's head. 'You're crazy.' 'Yeah,' Alex nodded, 'crazy about you.'

The boys got ready to drive out towards Cologne to see Tom's parents and brother Marco. Tom was pale and nervous and Alex didn't feel his friend was in a state to drive so they went in his hire car instead. He tried to distract him throughout their short car journey but the closer they got, the more quiet Tom became.

Once they had arrived, Alex put his arm around his shoulders and looked at him seriously. 'Tommy,’ he said, 'they're your parents, they will understand.' Tom laughed and shook his head. 'I hope you're right but I'm afraid I'm not so sure,' he gulped, 'are you certain you want to come in with me?' He looked at him unsure. 'I will do whatever you want me to do.' Alex stroked his thigh. 'Then I'd like you to come.' Tom reached for his hand and cast his eyes down. Alex nodded and kissed him briefly. 'Let's go then.'

'Tommy, darling!', his mother opened the door and fell into his arms, 'I haven't seen you for so long. You look great!' She beamed at him. 'Hi mum,' Tom smiled nervously and gulped, 'I..., I have brought Alex along. You..., you remember Alex from my time in Hamburg, don't you?' She laughed and hugged Alex. 'Yes, yes of course. Your best friend! Come on in,' she waved the boys in and Alex closed the door behind him, 'I had to bake a cake when you said you and your brother would both be coming over. You will eat some chocolate cake, won't you?', Tom looked uncomfortable but tried to keep smiling, 'or are you not allowed to?' She looked worried. 'No, mum, we can have some cake. It's fine.' Tom nervously rubbed his forehead. 'Yeah I'd certainly love some of your cake Mrs Stiller.' Alex said and grinned at her trying to help Tom relax a bit.

'Tommy,' Marco came out of the lounge and hugged him, 'you alright man? I took the afternoon off for you, sounds like you've got quite an announcement to make!' He winked at him giggling. 'Hey Marco,' Tom took a deep breath, 'yeah thanks for taking the time. It is quite important.' Marco gave Alex a pat on the back. 'Are you alright, Alex, man? Nice to see you again. Your club’s still in a bit of a muddle without Tommy, hey? Not as far up the league as we are, shall we say?' He chuckled and Alex laughed.

'Why are you all standing in the hall, come on through, come on let's sit down and have some coffee and cake.' His mum cheered and waved them all through into the living room. 'Hey dad.' Tom walked towards his father, who sat in a big armchair reading the paper. He looked up over his glasses and smiled at him. 'Hello son,' he slowly stood up and gave him a hug, 'nice to see you. Feels like quite a special occasion these days. You're so busy usually.' He smiled at him with gentle eyes. 'Dad, do you remember Alex?' Tom said nervously, pointing at Alex with his hand as he waved him closer. 'Yes sure,' his father shook Alex’s hand, 'how are you doing in Hamburg these days?' 'Hi Mr Stiller. Yeah, could be better.' Alex smiled and scratched the back of his head.

As they all took their seats around the impeccably set up coffee table Tom gave Alex a worried look. Alex noticed how pale he was. He nodded at him encouragingly and Tom took a deep breath as he sat down. The family was relaxed and chatted about the latest family gossip and news and Tom's mother was serving everyone huge slices of chocolate cake. Tom became more and more quiet and Alex was getting worried for his friend. He looked at him intently across the table and felt increasingly helpless as he watched him slouch more and more.

'Anyway, enough of other people,' Marco said cheerfully and nudged Tom's elbow, 'we're all here to hear your news today. So, little brother, what's the occasion?’ He smiled at him cheekily. 'Erm.' Tom muttered caught out by the directness of Marco's question. 'Can I guess?', his mother asked and clapped her hands together in excitement. Tom stared at his mum, 'you have finally made up with Christine and asked her to marry you and she said yes,' her eyes lit up and she looked at him in anticipation, 'am I right?' Alex stared at Tom, who was frozen at the table. His friend took a deep breath as the whole family's eyes were on him, waiting for him to answer. 'No, mum.' He finally said quietly and shook his head. 'Oh...,' his mother sounded disappointed and embarrassed, 'oh, oh well.' She said quickly and forced a laugh. 'So what is it then?' Marco asked impatiently now. Tom closed his eyes as he was collating his thoughts. 'I'm afraid it's not going to be the type of news that you will necessarily like.' He gulped as he looked at his family. 'Well, you've got us worried now. Tell us son.' His father said assertively now.

'Christine and I won't get back together.' Tom said quietly. 'Oh but why darling?', his mother sounded disappointed, 'she is such a lovely girl, you were the perfect match!' 'Mum!', Marco interrupted her, 'let Tommy finish.' He gave her a look. Tom took a deep breath. He gazed at Alex, who nodded at him again. Tom understood and smiled. 'Because I'm in love with someone else.' He wouldn't take his eyes off his friend as he spoke and despite the desperate situation Alex’s heart jumped at his words. 'You've got a new girlfriend?', his mother asked in disbelief, 'who?' 'Mum!' Marco said again but he looked stressed now. He had clocked how Tom's and Alex’s eyes were locked across the table. 'No, it can't be...,' Marco whispered in shock and jumped up, 'tell me this isn't true!' He shouted at Tom. 'Marco, what is going on?', their mother stood up as well and looked worried, 'Tom?' She gave him a warning look.

'Can't you see?', Marco pointed at the two boys, 'he's gay!' He shouted. It was only then Tom cast his eyes down. 'What?', his father said in disbelief, 'tell us this is a bad joke son.' Tom looked up at him with tears in his eyes. 'I'm sorry dad.' He bit his lip as the tears started rolling down his cheeks. Alex had to control himself not to jump up and hug him. Tom's mum sat down at the table in shock. 'Gay?', she whispered and her breathing turned harder, 'but…, but…,' she looked at him in panic, 'but this can't be.' She muttered. 'Why mum?' Tom asked quietly. 'Do you realise that this is a sin and will get you into hell for sure?' 'Mum,' Tom held his head in despair, 'no-one is going to hell.'

'Is this his fault?' Marco asked Tom the question and pointed at Alex. 'What?' Tom forced a laugh. 'You're with him, yeah?', Marco nodded in disgust, 'you have a nerve man to bring
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