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Read books online » Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two by Navaura Campbell (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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watched as she turned the faucet on.

“Are you alright?” She spoke to the girl.

“That's a good question. I really don't know.”

“What do you mean you don't know?” Amerie had placed the gloss in her bag and was now staring at herself in the mirror. She pushed her black rimmed glasses upon her nose, liking the look of sophistication they gave her.

“I think I have a problem.”

“What's that?”

“There is a guy I can't really stand, but he has the ability to get under my skin.” She stated. Amerie sighed, “Jordan's already worn out his welcome?” When Denise heard her speak Jordan's name, she didn't know if she should be talking to Amerie because if Amerie knew who he was, then she knew who she was, which meant that she knew who Chuck was because Chuck and Jordan were good friends.

“If you need to talk, I'm not going to go blab your business, I'm pretty good at keeping to myself and besides, why worry? Sherry and Pamela graduated a year ago, they can't fuck up anything for you and as well all know, Candice is currently best friends with your sister.” Denise washed her hands with soap. “How do you guys get wind of this? It's like a live twenty four hour soap opera that never side down.”

“It's the small town quality. There's shit here to do except get in everybody's business, you know what I mean?”

Denise laughed at this. She was starting to like Amerie. “So, how do I know you won't go run your mouth?”

Amerie shrugged, “You don't. It's just about how badly you need to speak to someone.”

Denise exhaled, “I need to talk to someone. Tanya's not here so I don't really have anyone to ask advice from.”

“So you're getting tired of Jordan, right?” Amerie inquired. Denise took this time to look up at the girl and came face to face with a pecan colored skin tone, full lips and a wide nose with black hair that was straight and hung at her mid back. She had a streak of pink going down the front of it. Denise smiled, “I like your hair it's cool.”


“My problem's not with Jordan.”

Amerie nodded, understanding, “Ok.”

“It's with Chuck.”

Amerie smiled at the mention of his name, sweet Jesus that boy was as fine as they came. Jordan was a looker, but Chuck, he looked like he belonged on a center fold. Amerie felt the drum of her heart began. “What about Chuck?”

“He's a pervert.” Denise stated.

Amerie licked her lips, “You mean he's a freak. I think that's well established around school. He always has something sexual to say and when he does, he manage to make it sound hot as hell.”

“I think pervert is a more accurate term.”

Amerie smacked her lips together, “Would you ever call Jordan a pervert?”

Denise grinned, “No, he's definitely not a pervert.”

“He's just the type of guy that can put it on you real good isn't he?”

Denise furrowed her brows. “How do you know?”

Amerie laughed, “Your face says it all. Anyhow, obviously he and Chuck like the same things, I mean they both like breasts, butts, and the pie, if you know what I mean.”

Denise sighed, “Yeah, but Chuck is very blunt with his.”

“And that's why you call him a pervert?”

Denise shrugged her shoulders.

“You know what I think Denise.”


“You call him a pervert because you like the way he talks, it turns you on and he isn't supposed to turn you on because you are with Jordan, right?”

Denise groaned, “Oh my God, is it really that obvious?”

Amerie smiled, “For a girl like me, hell yeah. I could tell by the way you were screaming in that bathroom a minute ago. There's nothing wrong with a little crush. You can always look and not touch.” She stated.

Denise laughed, “That's where the problem lies. He's always finding some excuse to touch me or hold me or do something where he can feel up on me.”

“So, tell Jordan. I'm pretty sure he'll kick his ass, although I do believe it would be a close call.”

Denise shook her head, “I can't.”

“Why not?”

“Girl this morning he threw me up against a brick wall and kissed the hell out of me.”

Amerie laughed at the choice of words she used. Denise exhaled and went to the nearest wall. “I loved it, it was like one of the most sensual kisses I've ever felt. I mean it was so much raw passion in it.”

“You mean lust?”

“What ever, it just was one of those kisses that I'm used to Jordan giving you know. I always think of it being just me and him.”

“That's how you want it right?”

Denise put her head in her hands, “Yes. I wish that Chuck wasn't so damn fine. If he was ugly then maybe, just maybe I would stand a chance but although I can't stand him, I find his bluntness really hot. Too hot for my own good. I thought that everything would be ok when I left this morning, because Jordan...” Her voice trailed off and she looked back up at Amerie, who was standing there just shaking her head. “You poor girl you.” Her tone was sarcastic.

“Very funny...”


“Amerie. The truth is that I love Jordan, I don't want to hurt him and I definitely do not want to trade him in for a good fuck. You know what I mean?”

This caused Amerie to giggle. She and Denise had found a corner and were talking. The bell had yet to ring for the next period, so luckily, they were the only ones in the bathroom.

“So, I take it you already tested...”

“No, no, no, and I won't be doing that either. Jordan means everything to me. You understand. He and I have been through hell and back just to work at what little good we do create together, plus he's really good at what he does.

“So, then how do you know Chuck will be a good fuck?”

“He told me this morning after he kissed me into oblivion that when he does get to fuck me, I was going to enjoy it.”

Amerie's eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor, “No.”

“Yes. I tried to warn him by telling him I'd go to Jordan, but damn, he's so good at manipulating.”

“Is he now? How long has this been going on between you and Chuck?”

“It started at Jordan's birthday party. It slowly escalated to him walking me to school with Jordan and then when Jordan became to distracted to walk to school with me anymore, Chuck started doing it and in between that time, he's managed to make me confused. I mean he would ask me simple questions you know like what did I think of him and if I thought he was handsome enough to get a girl. I'd say yeah, any girl you want, then he'd asked me what I thought his best feature was and of-course like an idiot I would answer him and then he started complementing me. Little things at first and then those went from I like your hair, to do you know that that shirt fits you perfectly and those Jeans look perfect on you, especially the way they curve to your hips. Then he started touching me to express how nice I look.”

“You poor thing.” Amerie stated, again, sarcasm riddled her words.

“Amerie! I told you I don't want to screw around on Jordan, he's my world. Every time I think I think of us not being together I start having chest pains.”

Amerie laughed, “Yeah, you got it bad. So, obviously this guy poses a threat to you and Jordan's relationship, so you don't want to really have anything to do with him. Why don't you ever just tell him to leave you alone and avoid him like the plague?”

“I tried that, it didn't work, he just became more persistent.”

“Girl you must have gave him a little bit of something for him to be sniffing after you like a damn dog.”

“I think to be honest, he only wants me because Jordan has me.”

“That would mean he's not really Jordan's friend.”

“If he's sitting up here chasing me, he can't be too much of a friend.”

Amerie cleared her throat, “You want me to get rid of him for you? I got a cousin that will do it for some weed and a bottle of Hennessy. “

Denise laughed, “Girl no, that's alright.”

“I could try to get him to like me.” Amerie stated,” just to get his attention off of you.”

Denise looked at Amerie. She was a slender girl, who kind of resembled Denise with the cheekbones and eyes. She also had a cute little figure on her. Getting up, Denise said, “Stand up a sec, Amerie.” Amerie did as she was told. Denise grabbed her classes and tucked them away. She was actually really pretty. Going in her bag, Denise grabbed some make up and began working her magic on Amerie.

When they entered the cafeteria, Amerie turned a lot of heads, even if she couldn't make out any of those heads due to the fact that Denise insist that she not where her glasses until she'd had the chance to look Chuck in the eyes. Denise had done her best work yet on Amerie, dolling her up in baby blue eye shadow and mascara and a faint blush to give her cheeks a glow. The eye shadow was meant to match her outfit and that it did. She had also taken the front of Amerie's hair and pinned it to the middle of her head, giving her hair a lifted look that would only serve to increase the look of beauty in her eyes. Inhaling Sharply, Denise walked her to the table where Jordan and Chuck were the only two people there since the other guys had miraculously disappeared. When she got to the table, Jordan's arm immediately went to her waist, “Hey sexy.”

Denise gave him a loving smile. “Hey love. This is Amerie, I just thought she could sit at our table and chill out.” Jordan glanced up and nodded at Amerie. When he glanced up at her Amerie was speechless, this was the first time she'd gotten an up-close and personal look at his eyes. They fit well in his olive complexion. Beautiful Forrest green colored eyes with a gold tent to them. As her eyes went over the rest of his form she formed one word on her mouth. Maybe she'd been wrong about Chuck being more handsome than Jordan. “Amerie, you can say hi, you know.” This irritated Denise, making her lean in closer to him as his protector. Amerie blinked, “Oh yeah.” Her face flushed and you could see the embarrassment in her eyes. Taking a seat next to Denise, her face turned to see Chuck, she felt chills course down her spine, yes, he was fine, but he seemed to be watching Denise with a peculiar smile on his face. Denise glanced over at him and made the introductions, but even as she did, Amerie noticed that all was lost on him. He only had eyes for her friend.

Jordan noticed the look that Chuck gave Denise and it irritated him. Just to get him to keep from starring at her the way he was, Jordan suggested that they all go hang out at the mall. Amerie perked up at this idea. “What do you guys want to do when we get to the mall?”

Denise shrugged and laid her head in Jordan's lap. She felt his manhood twitch at the contact of her head in his lap. She snuggled deeper and closed her eyes, “I don't really care. Just as long as I don't have to go home too soon.

“So, Amerie, where are you from?” Chuck asked, adding fuel to the fire. He could already see that Amerie knew he wasn't interested in her, but why not play with Denise and make her think that he'd slack off her just a little bit.


When they exited the school building after class, all

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