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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Bad Girl. by E Z (android based ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Bad Girl. by E Z (android based ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author E Z

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away from him. How could she respond to that?

With a laugh, he pulled her close and then led her over to a nearby bench, settling them down. After a moment, he let out a sigh, and held her closer to him. She pulled up and folded her legs to rest on the bench, as she leaned her weight into his side and cuddled close to him. He smiled. He loved it when she did that. 

But then, as he watched her close her eyes with a tiny smile, his own faded slightly.

"You're still scared, right?"

Slowly, Libia opened her eyes, lifting them to his. He was serious now, although the remnents of his smiling face was still fading. She could see that he didn't want an assuring lie.

She swallowed, closing her eyes again as she buried the side of her face into his chest.

"I...I can't help it."

He knew that. She had every right to be scared. He was too. He knew how vile a relationship could be between two people - how vile a relationship could suddenly get. But now that he was older, he realized that there were always subtle signs that he was too naive to notice in his parents at the time. When one said something wrong, the other would make remarks, degrading each other instead of simply, politely correcting them. When something happened with work, or life in general, they would always shut themselves off to each other - they never communicated. He didn't know how her parents were, but he knew that his and Libia's relationship wasn't like his.

"I can't say what will happen, because I don't know," He began in a low tone, listening to his own heartbeat pounding at her touch. "But I can say that right now, right here, I have absolutely no intention of ever leaving you, and there's no mistaking that feeling. I won't give up on you, Libia. This feeling will not fade."

She lifted her head to look at him, and he met her eyes with so much determination and conviction, that she had no choice but to believe him. Perhaps she was being reckless, and perhaps she'd regret ever meeting him one day, but as it stood at that moment, she loved him so fiercely, her heart couldn't stand it - it wanted to burst from her chest, with how much it ached for the man in front of her eyes. 

"I love you," She told him with a soft urgency in her voice that he couldn't ignore, "Damon, I'm so in love with you."

The words wouldn't stop coming, as she sat up and leaned forward, pressing her lips to his briefly, before letting the words slip out again. It was as if she was trying to relieve the pressure on her heart by spilling it out through her mouth - all of the feelings that had compiled there. With every kiss she confessed her love, and he accepted them one after the other, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.

"God, Damon," She said once again, her voice breathless, "I can't...I love you...I can't breathe I love you so much."

He slipped his hands into her hair, his heart filling to burst as she reapeated those words over and over, and as much as he loved hearing them, he couldn't control himself. He pulled her close and pressed his lips firmly to hers, kissing her with a fire that he didn't know he posessed. He shifted closer to her, his tongue slipping between his lips and running along her bottom one. She'd never felt such a strange sensation before - his warm, wet tongue persuading her lips open, slipping inside as he began an exploration of her mouth. She couldn't breathe again, but she loved the feeling. His slightly cold hand slipped under her shirt, holding her waist in a more intimate way, and she felt shivers wrack her spine.

She had died and gone to heaven, she was convinced, and she never wanted to be revived.

But the cold harsh reality of life had to rear it's ugly head, as they both needed air. She hated the need for oxygen in that moment, cursing it and it's untimely inturruption.

They sat for a long time on that bench, the two of them catching their breath as they stayed close together, no longer needing the warmth of each other, as they were both burning with heat already.

But as they calmed down, Libia looked up at the moon, and remembered that she had a family that, if they discovered her gone, would be angry if they found her gone. She didn't want to stay out too long, but she also wanted to stay out for eternity, if only it were with Damon. She felt a small smile pull at her swollen lips. She truly was hopeless.

"I should probably go home," She whispered, curling her knees up as she reached up to play with his hair.

He closed his eyes and let her run her fingers through his crazy mane, before murmuring a half-hearted,


She let out a laugh, and then a sigh. "My thoughts exactly."

He laughed, a little breathily, as he peeked an eye open to look at her. Her hair was a mess where he'd gripped it somewhere between kissing her senseless and playing with the small of her back with his other hand. He reached up to smooth it out, and then let out a groan.

"Do you have to?"

The look on his face was pleading, and she couldn't help stare. He looked like an incredibly handsome puppy in that moment, and suddenly telling him that she had to go home was impossible. She really, really was hopeless. She smiled, and shook her head. "No."

"Really?" He murmured, leaning his lips down to the top of her head as he closed his eyes.

"What else do you want to do, though?" She asked, her voice soft.

He let out a sigh that warmed her head briefly, before murmuring, "This late, the only place open would be Mc. Donalds, and a Starbucks. What do you think?"

"Starbucks it is," She said, cuddling into him as a breeze ran through the park.

"Got it," He said, pulling her with him to stand. 

They strolled back to the car, Libia cuddled close under his arm as her nose stung slightly from the cold. She knew that he probably had a smug smile on his face, as she was doing just as he planned in the beginning by bringing her out to the park. She rolled her eyes, but held onto his shirt tightly. When they reached the car, he pulled the door open for her, and she jumped in. She couldn't help but stare at his face as he passed by the front of the car to the drivers side.

His nose was slightly arched forward, only slightly, with eyebrows she could only describe as a man's. His full lips were pulled into a tiny smile. The curve of his jaw made her want to trace the perfectly chiseled edges, and his eyes in the darkness were soft. He looked more relaxed then she had ever seen him, and she was trapped by that peacefulness.

He settled down in the seat next to her with a sigh, reaching over to start the car up. He paused as it purred to life, turning his eyes to hers. 

"You know what? Let's go somewhere."

Her heart studdered in her chest as she felt butterflies take flight in her stomach. She invisioned them driving off together on a road trip or running away to paris or something stupid like that. But quickly, she pushed those thoughts away, knowing he meant something else, and murmured,

"I thought we were?"

He smiled. "I want to be alone with you. I've got a good place, don't worry."

She didn't answer, so he took her silence as consent, and pulled off. They drove down a familiar stip of road, and she felt a smile pull at her lips as he pulled into their school parking lot.

"This is where we're going?"

"Yes, but we're not leaving the car," He replied, ignoring her inquisitive stare as he pulled all the way into the middle of the lot and switched the car to battery. In the soft glow of the dash lights, he looked over at her, and found that the lighting really complimented her eyes. They shined in the dark, and he felt the need to hold her suddenly. 

Refraining, he reached up and pulled the sunroof open.

"Lean your chair back," He murmured, following right after she did. He sat back and looked expectantly up at the dark sky, but frowned. Libia giggled.

"We're in the middle of the city, Damon. You can't see many stars out here," She reminded gently.

He wrinkled his brows, before letting out a sigh, "Well then, we'll just have to go somewhere where there aren't any stars."

"What?" She asked, as he lifted his seat back up and reached over to start the car up again. 

"You heard me. Lift your seat up and buckle up," He ordered, shooting her a grin.

"We're going for a little road trip."



Omigosh can I have a Damon?

So what did you guys think? I'd really appriciate some feedback on the chapter - things you liked, things you didn't like, the works. So please comment and let me know! 

Love you guys, have a purpley panda day. <3

Chapter Nineteen.


"Damon," Libia warned, staring at his face as they cruised through the emptying streets. "You do know that my brother doesn't exactly like you, right?"

"Yes," He said with a nod, "You do know that I don't care, right?"

She couldn't help but laugh. "My point is, that taking me out late at night for hours on end is probably not something he'll appreciate."

He glanced at Libia, and a slow grin rose to his face. She scoffed, how did she know that wouldn't deter him?

"So where are we going on this "Road Trip"?" She inquired, kicking her shoes off and shifting so that her feet were tucked beside her on the seat. 

"Don't know," He murmured, as if musing to himself.

She raised her eyebrows as she leaned her elbows on the center console, putting her chin in her hands, and then laughed. "You're crazy, Damon."

He grinned, "But you still love me."

She blinked , feeling her cheeks warm at the words, and said in a flippant voice, "I guess you're right. Maybe I'm crazy too?"

He looked over at her. She looked so beautiful with her messy hair falling over her shoulder, her legs tucked beside her, and her big eyes looking up at him. She looked more relaxed than he had ever seen her, with that serene look on her face, despite the redness of her cheeks. He felt hopeless against her, and he wondered briefly if this would be the girl he married.

He hoped so.

She decided that she couldn't convince him that what he was doing was a terrible idea, and stayed silent, as she lifted herself back up to a sitting position, getting comfortable for the potentially long ride. He flipped on the radio and turned it up when one of his favorite songs came on.

She closed her eyes with a small smile as the music filled the car with a happy atmosphere, and his hand found hers once again. She felt his thumb stroke the back of

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