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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Second Wife by Melinda Mulera (good books to read for 12 year olds TXT) 📖

Book online «The Second Wife by Melinda Mulera (good books to read for 12 year olds TXT) 📖». Author Melinda Mulera

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Chapter 19: uninvited

A long table covered with a large white table cloth stood in the centre of the room with countless seats tucked in neatly in a perfect line. The table was set with forks and knifes that I did not know existed.

Why have two big and small forks when you can just have one big one?

I walled over with Mrs Bronze towards the table, unsure of where I was to sit.

I spotted two empty seats beside Avery and since I came with him, I just had to sit next to him. I pulled the chair and sat down, tucking myself in as I glanced at the countless covered dishes in front of me.

Looks enticing.

"Mind if I sit here?" A voice suddenly whispered into my ear and I glanced to my side where I met Hazel's soft gaze. I smiled back at him and gestured him to sit. Once he sat down, he sighed and leaned into his seat.

"Being in a place you're not welcomed is a bit suffocating." He whispered as he leaned towards me.

"I thought you were an investor?" I asked and he shook his head with a chuckle. "I heard you were coming here. So I tagged along."

"You just came here? Isn't this the family rooms?" I asked in shock only to gasp when I felt a tight grip on my arm. I glanced to my other side, only to notice Avery glaring at me.

"First of all, your whispering is too loud. Secondly, don't talk to him." He threatened with his eyes and I blinked at him.

"Why... Not?" I asked only to watch him clench his jaw.

Geez. I can't talk to anyone?

"Lets exchange seats." Avery demanded as he stood up.

"Now now, Avery, you know you're not supposed to sit too far from your investor." Hazel said from my side and I noticed Avery glare at him before he sat down angrily. "She's yours by contract, fire her for all I care and I'll take her in, maybe even pay her a truck load." I shot a shocked glance at Hazel.

P-Paid more than what Avery could offer!?

"Don't you even dare think about it Iris!" Avery hissed and I glanced at him with a smirk.

Hazel was nice to me. I might consider it.

"Excuse me, I need to leave, thank you all for having me, but I have to catch a  flight. My apologies for not enjoying this meal with you all. Something devastating just came up." The investor Avery was sitting next to said as he stood up and bowed before leaving.

I glanced around the table, only to notice the other investor was also gone. It was just the family and Hazel.

Avery didn't seem to want to escort the investor out who was tuning out the door anyway. Plus, he was still holding onto my arm tighter than before.

"Avery, that really hurts-"

"Why is he here?" Avery asked as he turned his attention to his mother. "Why the hell did you invite him?"

"I didn't." Mrs Bronze shrugged her shoulders as she glanced towards Hazel. "I thought you did."

"Like hell I would." He hissed and I glanced at Avery, a bit unsure why he was so angry. "Tina, was it you?" He asked some woman I didn't notice before, sitting quietly and tapping on her phone.

"I wouldn't bother." She said smoothly, without looking up.

"Then get the fvck out Hazel, no one invited your dumba**." Avery hissed, squeezing his hold even worse to the point I flinched. I glanced towards Hazel who seemed to have frowned a little, almost looking sad and angry at the same time.

Well you can't just walk into a private restaurant.

"I invited him." Mr Bronze senior said from across the table to the first seat. "He's also family."


"Like hell he is!" Avery yelled.

For God's sake, Avery, shut your trap!

"Even if you scream it out. You're still my brother-"

"I'm not in any way related to piece of sh*t like you." Avery hissed, interrupting Hazel and I gasped in terror.

"Why don't you like him?" I asked in a near whisper, not wanting to be heard by his family.

"None of your business." His hissed at me, shutting ms up in an instant. "Father, get him the fvck out. You promised we'd have nothing to do with him."

"I invited him because we are family, Avery, his your younger brother whether you like it or not." Mr Bronze said and I glanced towards Hazel who clenched his jaw tightly and stared down at his plate.

"His no son of mine. You know he is just extra baggage in the family. We got rid of him and you brought him back, helping him behind our backs up until he even got his own company blooming with poison." Mrs Bronze clicked her tongue as she spat out in anger and shot her glare to the side.


"We all signed the papers, but you didn't even file them and I found them yesterday." Tina said as she pulled from her phone and shot her father a glare. "You stabbed us in the back when we all agreed to remove our family name from him."

"His still our blood." Mr Bronze senior said and I heard Avery click his tongue in distaste.

"Whatever you say, I'm not considering him one of mine. Maybe if he died, I would." Avert said beside me and I glanced at him in pity.

"It should have died with its mother." Mrs Bronze rolled her eyes and I glanced towards Hazel who clenched his fist on the table and stared at Mrs Bronze.

For a man being pondered like that, she sure does hold an iron stomach.

I would be crying.

"Sadly, it didn't." Hazel said, his voice still the same, as though he was unaffected, but the shivering of his body gave him out.

So this was his family. He must have been adopted by Mr Bronze and the rest didn't like it.

Oh Hazel....

"Even after leaving me out to fend for myself, you are still cold blooded. Especially you Avery. You didn't like me the moment our father introduced me to you. You hated me for a reason I don't know until now. I'm extra baggage, but I won't stop clinging onto my own family." Hazel said, like the man he was.

"Like the stupid idiot you are." Avery rolled his eyes and I glared at him. "Get the hint, no one wants you. We're not your fvcking family damn it."

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