This Is What Happens When You Live With 8 Guys by Me :) (free e novels .txt) đź“–

- Author: Me :)
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“Tyler and Xavier.” Jacob says and I walk out the door. I go back out by the pool and the Zac Efron guy yells, “Hey, she's back!”
“Yeah, yeah. I'm here, whatever.” I say not caring about his comment, “Which one of you is Tyler and, uh, Xavier?” I ask scanning all the guys.
“I am the incredibly hot and sexy Tyler.” a guy with short dark brown hair and gray-ish blue-ush eyes says, I loved those kind of eyes.
“Xavier, or as you called, complete idiot.” the guy who bumped into me when I was going down the stairs and barged into my room on day 1 says.
“Oh great.” I mumble as I knew that they would both want something from me in exchange. “Inside, now.” I say as they both walk up to me and we walked into the living room.
“What do you need, babe?” Tyler asks as he sits on the couch.
“So you both helped me and my friends last night, right?” I say making sure.
“Yeah, you were so-” Xavier started saying but I cut him off.
“Yeah, I get it. I was drunk.” I say and then got to the point, “So I don't want Jackson to find out that I went out and got drunk with my friends so could you maybe, not tell him?” I say hoping that they would just say a simple 'ok' and go back to the pool.
“Yeah, sure. No problem, babe.” Tyler says and starts to walk out of the living room but of course Xavier had to speak up...
“Wait-” Xavier says and Tyler stops walking and backs up, “What do we get in exchange?” he says and Tyler rubs his hands together.
“Ugh, what do you want?” I groan.
“I'll tell you later,” Xavier says and walks away. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing comes out..
“What about you?” I say to Tyler.
“Let me think about this. One hot and sexy guy plus one hot and sexy girl equals hot and sexy sex.” he says as he looks at me.
“Hell no. I am not gonna have sex with you.” I say and start to walk away. But he grabs my wrist and twirls me around.
“I don't want to make you have sex with me. I am not that crazy! But I would love a hot and sexy kiss.” he says and puts one of those half smiles on his face.
“Yeah, okay. But not here.” I say and pull him upstairs into my room and he closes the door behind me.
“One kiss.” I say. He takes one step closer to me, grabs my waist and pushes me against the door. I moan as my back hits the door, he places his hands on each side of my head pushing against the door. And he replies, “Yes, one hot and sexy kiss.” He crashes his lips onto mine and his lips were so soft and I loved it. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He bit my bottom lip and I let out a moan so he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Once our tongues touched they danced around. He put his hands down off of the door and pushed his body against mine. I grabbed a handful of his beautiful dark brown hair and pulled it, he moaned. Oh god, it turned me on, so freaking much. I could feel him smile, he started to reach under my shirt and his hand was on my bare skin. He was getting revenge, he clipped my bra without breaking our amazing kiss and started drawing circles around my nipple. His circles were slowly shrinking and once he got to my nipple, he pinched it. I couldn't help it and let out a moan. I could feel his smile, again. I broke the kiss and led kisses down, lower and lower, til I got to his neck. He massaged my breasts as I sucked his neck. He was moaning and I was trying my best not to but he was turning me on way too much. Once I stopped sucking, I led kisses back up to his lips and we kissed. I left a hickie on his neck. I kissed him the best I could and pulled away.
“One hot and sexy kiss.” I say and he nods. I open the door for him but he just stands there. I laugh and walk into my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and say, “Damn, girl. 2 guys in one day.” I thought to myself “Living with 8 guys isn't so bad after all.” I hook my bra back on and fix my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and Tyler was gone. I look out my window and saw that the guys were all out of the pool so I went downstairs into the living room. Everyone was there, Jackson, Drew, Jacob, Xavier, Matt, Tyler and 2 other guys who I didn't know the names of yet. One of them was the Zac Efron guy, he has hazel eyes and the other guy had hair a bit longer than Zac Efron guy and his hair had more volume. He had green-blue eyes, they were beautiful.
“Hey guys,” I say and they all turn towards me. “So I know everyone here except the pool guy who said I'm hot and pretty eyes over here.” I say and pointed as I described them.
“Name's Kyle, and thank you.” says the guy with the gorgeous eyes.
“I'm Blake!” says pool guy.
“Okay, uh, you're welcome Kyle. And Blake, you don't need to yell.” I say looking him straight in the eye.
“He's always yelling. You'll get used to it, uh, I think." Jacob says.
“Oh, okay, uh, Jacob?” I say unsure of his name.
“Yeah, it's Jacob.” he says and smiles. There were no more seats in the living room so I sat on Jacob's lap, he's pretty much the only one who has talked to me and didn't called me hot or sexy or anything like that. They were watching football which I was not interested in. I check the time and it was almost 7pm. I was freaking hungry, the only thing I've eaten today was a doughnut.
“Hey, guys.” I say interrupting their game, “Can we order pizza or something?” And they all just started yelling in agreement. I got up and called the pizza place. I ordered 2 large cheese pizza and 2 large cheese and pepperoni pizzas. I went back to the living room once I hung up. I sat on Xavier's lap just to see if he would say or do anything to me.
“You still owe me something and I will tell you tonight. In my room. On my bed.” he whispers in my ear bringing shivers down my spine.
Then door bell rang which probably meant that the pizza was here. No one bothered to get up and get the pizza so I had to. I asked my brother for money and went to pay the dude and get our pizza. I opened all 4 large pizza boxes and laid them out on the dining table with plate and napkins. I grabbed a pepperoni and cheese slice before the guys came and attacked the whole thing.
“Pizza's here!” I yell to the guys who were still in the living room. I sat on the kitchen island watching the guys attack the pizza as I peacefully ate mine. Once I finished it, there were only 2 slices of cheese pizza left. Drew ran over to it and grabbed, then he ran away. I went to grab the last slice but Xavier grabbed it before I could. I made a sad face and looked up at him.
“Okay, fine. We'll share.” he says and takes one gigantic bite out of the pizza then gives it to me.
“The rest is mine, right?” I say because he pretty much ate half the pizza with that one bite.
“If you want it to be.” he whispers in my ear and walk away. I finish the slice of pizza and clean up. I throw out the boxes and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I grab a can of Coca-Cola and drink it. I check the time and it was 10:40pm. I go upstairs into my room and lay back on my bed. I grab my phone and text Lissa.
Me: Hey Liss! So some crazy stuff happened today and we really need to talk. School starts in less than a week and im goin cray-cray
Lissa: Hey Liv! What happened? Tell me everything!
Me: Ok. So 5 of the guys brought us into bed last nite cus we were soooo wasted.
Lissa: Yeah, and...
Me: i asked the first guy not to tell Jacks about it and he said 'what do i get in exchange' and whatever. i asked him what he wanted and he said that he wanted a kiss, from me.
Lissa: Omg! What did u say and do?!?! Which one is he?
Me: I brought him upstairs so no one would see us and we kiss. It was just a kiss though. Nothing happened.
Lissa: Oh, that's boring then...
Me: Yeah, but then i went to ask two others guys to keep quiet and they didn't ask anything cus i used my boobs and my sweet look.
Lissa: Okay, soooo
Me: The last two guys! One named Tyler and the other, Xavier.
Lissa: They sound hot! What happened?!
Me: Tyler's exact words were 'One hot and sexy guy plus one hot and sexy girl equals hot and sexy sex'!!!!
Lissa: u had sex with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Hell no! He said that one hot and sexy kiss would be enough for him.
Lissa: So u kissed another one of them!
Me: Yes!!!!!!! But this kiss was a whole other level compared to the first guy. The first guy was just tongue but this guy was tongue and touching and I even gave him a hickie! I don't even know if he's seen it yet.
Lissa: So what about the other guy, Xavier?
Me: I have no idea. So he said that he would tell me later (what I owed him) and then he whispered in my ear that he'll tell me tonite, in his room, on his bed. So I have no idea what is happening but it is now tonite so he should walk into my room anytime or I walk into his.
Lissa: Damn girl! I wanna live in that magical house of yours!
Me: Yeah, I've had a crazy day. But I need to explain names to you so you can keep up with me when I talk to you. So first guy that the kiss was average, his name is Matt. Blonde hair, blue eyes, more cute than hot and he's really nice (ideal bf). Next 2 guys Jacob and Drew, Drew worked with boobs and Jacob worked with sweet look. Last 2, Xavier (mystery guy) and Tyler (hot and sexy guy). Other ppl r Blake, he's hilarious and his hair reminds me of Zac Efron, the last guy's name is Kyle, gorgeous eyes but haven't really talked to him.
Lissa: Ok, i'll try to learn all this shit and text u tomorrow. And if the guy who is making u crazy, whatever his name is, doesn't come in yr room. U sure as hell will go into his.
Me: Ugh, okay... Nite Lissa. <3 <3 <3
Lissa: Nite Liv. <3 <3 <3
I checked the time and it was a bit before midnight so I waited on my bed for Xavier. If he doesn't come in my room before midnight then I'm gonna go into his. I stayed on my bed and listened to music until it was midnight.
Midnight came and no Xavier. I took my earbuds out and unplugged them from my phone. I threw them on my bedside table and got up off the bed. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and went to my door. Then I realised that I had a problem, I have no idea which room was Xavier's.
I walked out of my room and passed a few doors
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