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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » My Best Friend Boss 2 by Beatriz Costa (popular e readers txt) 📖

Book online «My Best Friend Boss 2 by Beatriz Costa (popular e readers txt) 📖». Author Beatriz Costa

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with her bag.

- Are you mad?

- Of course. You don't scare people in the middle of the night.

- Sorry. I just wanted to surprise you. - He leans and gives her a soft kiss.

She walks away from him. The walk home was long, boring and very quiet. They ate the dinner Luke cooked and talked about work.

- Do you still want to go for drinks? - He asked with a innocent look on his face.

- No, I need to rest. Has been a long day.

- You sure?

She gets up and does the dishes, Luke approached her took the plate from her hand and pushed her against him and gave her a kiss. His hands traveled down to her waist, putting one hand under her shirt and pulling her more against him.

Ailyn breaked the kiss - I'm really tired, I ...

Luke smiled, gives her a soft kiss - goodnight, Ailyn. Dream of me.

- Thank you. - She smiled back - goodnight.


She went into her room, took a shower and called her parents she needed to hear her mom voice to comfort her , before going to bed.


- You need to have some big balls, to be pointing that gun at me.

- I'm not afraid of you. - Said the man holding the gun, is body covered in tattoos.

- Do you have any idea who am I? - Said Mikhael very calm.

- Don't need to. I just have to kill you and get the money.

- Come on then. Shoot the gun. Shoot .... SHOOT ... - he screamed - ... KILL ME ...

The man shoot the gun right in the middle of Mikhael head. Making him fall on the ground instantly.

- NO ... - Screamed Ailyn waking up, breathing heavily and crying.

She sat on the bed with her legs crossed, runed her small fingers thru her hair. - What's wrong with me. - Wipes the tears away and lies down again.


Saturday morning, Ailyn leaved the house before Luke waked up and went for a walk. She spoted Mikhael car, parked in the road near the coffee shop she used to work.

She stared at the car and remembered the nightmare from three days ago.

- Are you going to steel my car?

Ailyn jumped scared, looked back and saw Mikhael in a blue suit that fit him perfectly. The same woman from New York was standing next to him, wearing a short black dress with gold details, her beautiful blonde hair falling down on her naked shoulders, and her big light brown eyes staring at Ailyn.

Ailyn says nothing only looking at them.

- Give me a minute. - He says to the woman.

- Of course, Mr. Stark. - The blonde woman answered and walked to the car across the street.

Mikhael keeped staring at Ailyn.

- Do I have something on my face? - She asked calmly.

- There you are. I thought for a second that you were gone. - He smiled.

- Very funny.

- Where you looking for me?

- No - answered very fast - I was looking at the coffee shop, I ...

- Of course you were. - He cut her off.

- I have to go. It was not nice seeing you, Mr. Stark.

She was about to walk away but he grabbed her hand. - Do you want to play a game with me? - He asked playful.

- I don't want to play with you. And you should go, she's waiting for you.

- I see you´re still jealous of her.

- I'm not. I have a boyfriend I don't ...

He cut her off again - Who? Luke? I can tell you, who's gonna win.

- How ...

Cut her off one more time - I gave to go, I have a very important meeting. But I will see you soon. - He let go of her small hand and walked away - and it was nice to see you, Ailyn Smith.

She looked at him and watched him drive away, she could not believe what had just happened and how he knew about Luke, she was just astonished.




Aylin finished the walk after she bumped with her best friend's boss and went to Mia's apartment after having lunch alone.

- So sorry about yesterday. Do you still want to talk? - Mia asked while giving her a hug.

- You're right. - Said Ailyn freeing herself from Mia.

- I am?

- Yesterday Luke was kissing me, things were getting steamy and I stopped him, it felt very wrong.

- Have you two already ... you know ... did it?

- No, I can't do it ... - Ailyn paused. - I bumped into him this morning ...

- Who?

- The devil ... I felt weird inside but felt good. Just the way he talks, the way he touches me.

- I have nothing to say. You already made up your mind, babe.

- And that scares the crap outta me. I'm not going to jump into Mickael's arms ... is just ... Luke doesn't deserve this. I don't know how to tell him.

- Just tell him everything.


- Are you crazy?

- He will understand. If he doesn't now, just give him some time.

- I don´t know.

- Just trust me. - Says Mia confident.

- That's a beautiful dress. What's for? - Askes Ailyn curious.

- It's for work. Every year they do a big dinner to all the clients and partners. There's a lot of dressing up, good food, people to meet, you know.

- I don't. Never went to any.

- It's boring, not fun at all. - Said Mia.

- When is it?

- Friday night.

- Can I stay here for the night?

- You know you can. But you can't avoid him forever.

- I know that, but I'm not ready to talk to him.

- I get it. - She hugged Ailyn.




The next day after spending most of the night talking with Mia, Ailyn went to work without talking to Luke since the kiss. It was a beautiful day, so on her lunch break she went to a restaurant and decided to eat on the table outside. She was wearing a short white dress, her hair in a high ponytail and black heels. Her phone rang but she didn't know the number.

- Hello. - She answered.

- That dress looks good on you. - Says Mikhael.

- How do you know what I'm wearing? - Asked looking around.

- I guessed it. I guess I got it right.

- Where are you? - She asked.

- At work, why?

- Bye.

- Don't you dare hang up on me.

- What do you want?

- I have this thing I have to go and I need a date.

- Why are you telling me?

- Why are you playing dumb? - He asked.

- Go to your contacts, scroll thru the massive amount of the girls and choose one.

- I already did.

- Do it again. - She hangs up the phone.


Five minutes later he called again but she didn't answer so he texted her.

- "It landed on you again. "

- " Try again ". - She responded.

He answered: - " It will always land on you. What now? "

She smiled and said: - "what about the blonde from the other day. "

- " I see she left an impression on you. "

- " I´m busy. " - She said.

- " Eating? " - Mickael asked.

Ailyn felt a presence behind her but before she could look, he put his mouth against her ear and whispered - you don´t need your mouth to text.

She looked up behind her and saw Mikhael wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, no tie, with two undone buttons, his hair falling into his forehead and black jeans.

- What the hell are you doing here?

He didn't say a word, sat down in front of her and runed his hand thru his hair. - Why are you alone? No friends at work?

- I like to eat alone. Can you leave?

- You're the only one eating. Technically you still are eating alone.

- Very funny. - She smiled.

- About the date ...

She cuted him off - not happening, I told you already.

- Why not? If you give me a good excuse, I may let you not go.

She laughed - You're crazy.

- What's the reason?

- I don't want to. Don't need to give you one.

- Why are you playing hard to get?

- Not playing hard to get. I just want nothing from you.

- Stop lying, for once tell me the true. You tell me to leave you alone, two months later you're talking to me again. You're telling me that you are not playing hard to get but you clearly are. You told me to choose another girl and I told you that I already choose. You say you have a boyfriend, but you are avoiding him. Just tell me what´s going on inside your crazy head.

Ailyn was about to get up and Mickael says: - Of course you´re leaving. You always walk away. Have some guts for once.

Ailyn got up - You want the truth, I will give it to you. I don´t want to see you or speak to you because I don´t want what happen last year happens again. And you don't know shit about my feelings. - She starts to walk away.

- Then prove it. Come with me to the party dinner.

- Fine. - Turned around to face him. - I will go if you give me your word that after, if I say for you to leave, you leave for good from my life.

- We have a deal.

- You better keep your word. - She walked away going back to work.





# Friday night #




Ailyn got home from work went to the fridge to get water and saw the note that Luke left. " Went out with some friends from school. Don´t wait up gonna be late. PS. A package came for you, put it in your room. xoxo "

She grabbed the water put the note on the garbage can, went to her room and opened the box. Inside the red box was a dress, shoes and a note " I will pick you up at 8 ". Ailyn took a quick shower, did her hair, makeup and got dressed. At eight o´clock on the dot she got a text " I'm down stairs".

Ailyn took a deep breath and went down the stairs of the apartment. Mickael mouth opened when he saw her, her straight long brown hair falling into her naked shoulders, some big silver earrings matching her long red empire waist dress with a sparkle silver jewel top.

- You look stunning. - Said Mikhael opening the

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