Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » An Unspoken Truth by Danielle Phillips (best books for 8th graders TXT) 📖

Book online «An Unspoken Truth by Danielle Phillips (best books for 8th graders TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Phillips

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fall in the summer. Being in his arms made me feel so safe and like I could let out all my tears and anger.

“Fraya wake up we are at your house.” Charles whispered in my ear.

I flew up right and realized not only had I fallen asleep on him, but I had drooled a lake onto his shirt. My cheeks heated up and I looked away before saying “sorry”. He laughed and cupped my face before kissing my nose and getting out of the car. My parents unlocked the door and let us in with sad expressions on both of their faces.

“honey will you please come sit in the living room so we can talk?” dad said as he walked toward the living room and turned the lights on.

“Dad I am sorry for how I acted I love you guys to the moon and back and I know you were only trying to keep me safe I love you.” I said and then walked over and gave them both a hug.

“well I’m glad to hear that you for give us” mom said as she looked at my dad.

“but there is more bad news I am afraid” dad said as a tear fell down his cheek.

My mother began to cry and stood up to hug me.

“you are going to be moving out tomorrow morning first thing. You will be living with Charley here and his father Nike Williams” dad said and then walked away with his face full of tears.

I knew this was hard for them but I had to be strong even though this hurt like hell and I thought my heart was being ripped out of my chest.

“mom its ok I understand and I agree I can’t stay here what if I hurt one of you or I get hurt because I have no idea what I am doing. It’s going to be ok I love you” I said as I kissed her on the top of her head and then walked upstairs to my room.

Let the packing begin I thought with a sigh.

Chapter 5


Chapter 5

The alpha and a few of the pack members showed up at the house around 8:00am to pick me and my stuff up. After the cars were loaded up I kissed my parents good bye and got into the car with the alpha and Charles.

A half hour later we were pulling up to a huge house that was at the bottom of a mountain. The house stood tall even though the giant trees where massive. The front of the house had pillars and was all glass window with a beautiful oak door. The house looked like something out of a princess book. Then my inner wolf kicked in. well of course it does he is like the king of all wolves for hickory to us he is royalty. Oh and by the way are we gonna name me or what. She said impatiently. Well I guess I should name you since you are kind of me in a way. How about Clarie? It thought. Clarie I love it. I have the cutest name yay.

The alpha turned on his heels once everyone was in the house and looked right at me and Charles.

“you and charley here are mates so you can share a room with him” he said.

“What I have to leave my home and I don’t even get my own fucking room!” I yelled hey its ok he’s our mate it’s bound to happen sometime. Claries said.

I look to Charles to see his head is down and his cheeks are bright red. He finally looks up at me with a sad expression and tilts his head for me to follow him. I take one last look at the Alpha before I stomp up the stairs after Charles. We walk up a long winding stair case past the second floor and then to another landing with a single white door. Past the door is like Charles, or our little own apartment. He takes me on my mini tour before showing me to the bedroom.

“the top drawers are all yours and you can have half of the closet. If you need anything else just let me know.” He said as he turned to walk out of the room. “oh and it’s ok I will sleep on the couch till you are ready.” Then he leaves.

I walk over to the long dresser and start to unpack. After about an hour all of my things ar in their new places and  I have taken over the bathroom with my shampoos, lotions, and make up. Once I am done I go to walk down the stairs but, but as soon as I open the door Charles is standing there. Before I can get a word out he smashes his lips on mine and pushes me back inside. I wrap my legs around his hips and put my hands in his hair.  He softly bites my bottom lip and I moan. His tongue slowly ventures in my mouth and we explore. The next think I know he’s on top of me and we are on the couch. Just as my shirt and bra hit the floor there is a noise at the door.

“umm Alpha said dinner is ready.” Dave said with a shit eating grin on his face.

I jump up nearly head butting Charles to put my clothes back on. As I turn around I see Charles laughing as he turns to walk down stairs and my cheeks heat up. Once I got down stairs I could see the long table was set, but only for four people. I sat next to Charles on the opposite side of the alpha and uncle James sat across from us. We ate in silence for most of dinner till the alpha broke the silence, unfortunately.

“Fraya since you’re new to our ways and controlling your wolf you will not be going back to school” alpha said without looking up from his plate.

I smirked, ha can’t ruin my family and my schooling I thought, then said “well Mr. Alpha I already graduated to try and ruin my life some other way.”

After dinner everyone was told to go outside to the mountains for the full moon. As we walked up the mountain I noticed almost everyone was male aside from the females who were mated into the pack. About thirty minutes after we got up the mountain I started to feel sick and my body ached. I sat down and closed my eyes then the next thing I know I can hear Charles talk to me in my mind!

“baby its ok open your eyes, are you ok?” he said with a worried tone.

As I opened my eyes I seen a wolf in front of me and realized right away that it was my mate, Charles. I looked down and seen paws. I am a wolf too. Charley slowly walked up to me and nuzzled his head and neck against me and I instangly felt calm and content.

As he back away he said “ babe let go running come on follow me.” Then he took off.

I follow him farther into the woods with the wind blowing past me as my paws just glide across the forest floor. This felt amazing and right. I have absolutely no care in the world until reality kicks back in. I am knocked to the ground by a tremendous force from my right side that injured my paw and knocked me into a tree knocking it down.

Chapter 6


Chapter 6

I get back up to find a huge black wolf stalking towards me with bright yellow eyes. My paw is hurt, I have never fought in my life, and I am scared to death. I look to my left to find Charles cornered by two more wolves that look just like the one about to kill me just a little smaller.

“don’t worry Fraya I’m coming just hold on baby” he said telepathically.

As I turn back to the beast in front of me he jumps. Then I do what I never knew I could. I growl and lunge forward clamping my massive jaws on his neck and snapping it with one movement. Fear and anger consumed me as I went after the bastards fighting my mate. Two are dead and one is left then the rest of the pack finally shows up.

The alpha orders Charles to take me back to the cabin to tend to my paw with James till the night is over. Before we could make it to the cabin I shifted back into human form and everything went black.

Charleys P.O.V

About a mile away from the cabin Fraya was already shifting back to human form so I shifted as well. she must have lacked out because just before she hit the ground my arms wrapped around her. I carried her the rest of the way to the cabin so we could treat her hand.

“put her on the couch so I can look at that hand” uncle james said.

I ignored him and walked straight to my room to dress her first, then took her to the couch.

“ really boy I wasn’t gonna look at nothing but her damn hand” he said while chuckling.

My father the alpha walked in pulling his shirt down  and was followed by the others in the pack.

“is she ok” Alpha asked james

“I think it’s broken. She took a nasty hit. Im not even sure how she was walking on it” james said in surprise.

With his hand on my shoulder “ son are you alright? Can you tell me what happened tonight?” he asked.

I told him how I was cornered by two of them after Fraya was slammed into the tree by the other. Then how Fraya went from full of pure fear to pure anger, hate, and worry then broke the wolfs neck. Once she was done with him she pounced on one of the two cornering me and cut his throat open with her claws. She then turned on the third one but he had the upper hand with his speed cause of her paw and she stayed between me and him so I couldn’t even do anything. Then you came and finished him off.

“ she is a warrior wolf, you have a strong mate my son” alpha said with pride.

I put my head up and smiled in agreement. After an hour we assumed she was going to sleep for a long while so we got Fraya back to

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