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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » An Unspoken Truth by Danielle Phillips (best books for 8th graders TXT) 📖

Book online «An Unspoken Truth by Danielle Phillips (best books for 8th graders TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Phillips

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the house and in bed.

Fraya P.O.V

As I woke up I could feel something warm on my face and my whole body was sore, but not nearly as sore as my hand. I tried to sit up but the pain was just too much. A few minutes later my savior walked through the door.

“oh thank god can you please get me to the bathroom” I hurriedly asked

He just smiled then gently picked me up pecking my lips before taking me to the bath room. Once I was done he picked me up and carried me down to the second floor and down the hall to the spa room. We changed out clothes and settled in the hot tub.

“how are you feeling my love?” he whispered in my ear.

Chills painfully went down my spine as I said “ like I got hit by a truck over and over.”

He burst out laughing as the words left my lips.

“don’t worry itll get better after one or two more times” david yelled front across the room as he comes to join us. “then again it would also help if you wouldn’t go bat crazy fighting blood hungry rouge wolves either” he said with a chuckle.

I looked down blushing since he was sort of right. My wolf went crazy when she thought our mate’s life was in danger. After a few more minutes Charles and i decided being half naked in a hot tub was too much for us so we went upstairs. I had just undressed and turned the shower on when a pair of soft warm hand spun me around and pinned me against the wall. Within minutes we both were out of breath yet still exploring each other’s mouths till he finally broke away and slowly moved down. He lightly kissed my neck then nibbled on my collar bone till finally finding my nipple. Just as he began to suck he slowly thrust two fingers into my already dripping wet center. I moaned his name and he thrust faster. It was torture until finally I count take it anymore.

“please baby please just take me” I yelled as I grabbed a hand full of his hair.

Finally my salvation arrived when he pulled his pants down and thrust deep inside of me. My back arched off the bathroom wall as I moaned his name. As he moaned my name and growled we both climaxed. Slowly he walked over to the shower while passionately kissing my eyes, nose, then finally my lips and set me down in the shower. As the water fell on us he said “you are truly and forever mine”.

Chapter 7


Chapter 7

As I walk up the steps to the house with the other girls I can hear some strange noise from inside. Since I have transformed the first time two weeks ago all of my senses have become more heightened. I rush through the front door with the other girls on my heels and we run up to Charles and I’s apartment. As I walk through the front door I see him lying on the couch with another girl on top of him and her tongue down his throat. The tears started to spill and then one of the girls yelled               

“Charley what the hell are you doing!” Zoey yelled

His head flew up and he knocked the girl to the ground. Zoey pulled me out of the room and it felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces.

“Fraya wait it’s not what it looks like please let me explain.” Charles yelled from the door way, as the other girls held him back.

Zoey called the alpha and told him what happened and he agreed that it was ok for me to move into the cabin just past the forest line. The girls went to the apartment and grabbed a hand full of things to get me through a couple days and Zoey my best friend stayed with me.

“honey I’m so sorry I can’t believe he did that to you.” Zoey said sympathetically.

“everything was perfect we go running every night, we have been having sex all the time, laughing, joking, going on dates, who is she why did he do this to me?” I ask through a stream of tears.

Zoey pulls me close and rubes my back as she explains that that is his ex-girlfriend Veronica who is madly in love with him. They had dated for all of high school and were still dating up until the day I walked into his cabin. As my friend told me all of this my heart broke even more if at all possible and my wolf felt as if she was going to die.

“Zoey what do I do? He is my mate I can’t love anyone else and we already completed the mating rituals.” I cry out.

She stands up and walks the freezer and pulls out two tubs of ice cream and grabs two big spoons. With a devious smile on her face she hands me my rocky road and spoon then says, “We cry tonight and we plot revenge tomorrow.”

I look at her and just laugh. Thank god David mated to someone my age. Zoey is nineteen years old and mated with David almost two years ago. The past two weeks we have become almost inseparable. We eat our ice cream and watch scary movies until we finally fall asleep. Around 10:00am we are woke up by a loud knocking and giggles at the door. The other girls have come over with make-up bags and a ton of clothes.

“Well hello ladies” Zoey said with her devious smile and bed head.

“zoey what is going on why do they have all this stuff?” I asked as I pulled out another tub of ice cream from the freezer.

She takes my ice cream and says “today is the pack cook out and we are going to dress you up and take you out there so he can see what he is missing”

Before I have a chance to protest I am mauled by make-up brushes and straightening irons. By the time they were done I had black leather 6in high heels, a mini jean skirt, black leather corset top, my hair was straightened and all the way down to my butt, and my make-up was simple yet sexy. I walked over to the mirror and could not believe how different I looked. As I studied my whole body in the mirror the other girls went to work on getting themselves ready. In a way we all matched by the time we left all of our hair was straight, we all had high heels, and skimpy clothes.

“ok girls let show these boys how its done” Alyssa, the oldest, said with a smile as she walked out the door.

As we get closer to the tree line I can see that the cook out has already started. Some of the guys I knew and some I did not. The back yard was packed with shirtless guys talking, drinking, and playing football. As we walked up and out of the tree line everyone turned to stare and some even started to whistle. All the girls when to their mates to say hi, so I walked over to the alpha to say hello. As I made my way through the crowd I saw him with a beer in his hand sitting on the picnic table top talking and laughing with some guys. I put my head down and walked right past them and to the alpha.

“Well it’s nice to see that you made it to the family gathering Fraya” Alpha said with a genuine smile

“If you don’t mind I probably won’t stay long” I said as I look back to Charley

“You know I don’t know what happened but I do know he is my son and we are very possessive” he said and winked at me.

“What is that supposed to mean” I asked confused

“I am just saying maybe you should give him a taste of his own medicine or you could talk to him an ask what happened why” he said shrugging his shoulders

“Well now where is the fun in that? So how would one go about giving him a taste of his own medicine?” I asked with a smirk

“Let me introduce you to some of the other packs that are here” Alpha said and lead me to a group of boys playing football.

“Kyle, Jason, Tim, and Kevin this here is Fraya she is the newest member of my pack and the youngest here” he said with a smile as he nudged me forward.

“hey want to come and play ball” Kevin said with a killer smile.

In my head I was thinking not a good idea to be running in a short skirt with tall dark haired, caramel eyed sexy gods but my mouth said “sure I would love to but you might have to teach me”

Charles P.O.V

I was talking to my buddy from the endeavor pack when I see her walking through the crowd right to me. I missed her not being in my arms last night. I went to say how sorry I was and that she just showed up and kissed me while I was asleep on the couch, but she walked right past me like I was never there and to my dad. I can’t hear what they are saying from all the noise but at least she is smiling. God how I love her smile.

“Hey man are you listening to me?” Josh said as he bumped my leg

“I’m sorry it’s just me and the girl over there talking to my dad mated and everything was going great until fucking veronica snuck in and jumped on top of me while I was asleep and kissed me just as Fraya walked in. she took a bunch of stuff and let I don’t know where she’s staying and she won’t talk to me.” I said looking down at my almost empty beer.

“Well don’t look now but I think you just got some competition then.” Josh said with a worried look on his face.

I turn my head to see she is playing football with some guys from another pack. That’s not so back I mean maybe she will just watch. Boy was I wrong. She kicks off her heels and lines up with the other boy. She takes off running and he throws the ball to her. She catches it and starts to run. A tall guy with short black hair comes running up behind her and picks her up wedding style. She hugs the ball to her chest and her head goes back laughing. My inner wolf is pissed and before I know it I am walking over to them.

Fraya P.O.V

I catch the ball that was thrown to me and before I know it someone is picking me up.

“I thought this was tackle football” I said with a smile

“How could I tackle something as sweet as you” Kyle said

I tilt my head back and laugh. As Kevin sets me down I notice a red faced Charles stalking our way.

“What the hell are you doing touching my girlfriend” Charles yells at Kevin

“Hey man we was just playing football chill” Kyle says with a smile on his face

“Well game is over, don’t

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