Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » You're My First Wish by Leandra A. (graded readers .TXT) 📖

Book online «You're My First Wish by Leandra A. (graded readers .TXT) 📖». Author Leandra A.

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her, is what I thought every time she would have this happy face when she tell those stories, and suddenly became sad when she talks about and remember her family.


But what I don’t get is myself who is now with her outside walking around like an ordinary human and being seen by many people, which I wanted to avoid most. I, without thinking when I saw her making that irritating sad face asked her if she wants to go outside with me.


Really, you are going to take me outside with you, Gin? (Giggles), she asked while grinning at me.


Yes, I am and don’t make me repeat myself! I shouted irritably because I was surprised with myself for even suggesting these. I can’t believe that I am being pulled around by this little fool…


While outside I’ve noticed that she’s fidgeting about something and then suddenly she grabbed my hand and told me that she like us to hold hands while walking. I was surprised when she suddenly grabbed my hand but seeing what’s around us I think I get what just suddenly got into her. There are annoying couples everywhere making a scene on our way which for some reason made her happy and excited.


Hey…. you, what do you think you are doing? I told her and then lift our hands that are hold together.


Hmmm…yes my husband, what is it? She answered while smiling innocently at me.


Sigh…how nonchalantly you to utter the word “My husband”, do you have any idea what that means? I said thinking that I’ll just waste my breath explaining this to her. But since the night’s wind is cold, I guess this little bit of warm will do for now…

A Child's Own Definition of Love

 This feels nice, is what she thought even if the hand she's holding felt cold, but her warm blood rushing through her face felt good in the cold night's air.


Even if her body was of that a child, her heart and mind knows that what she feels for the man she wished to be with was what the adults called "Love". I'm so glad to met and be with you...Gin, I Love you so much!  she told him and then gave her a gentle smile


What the hell are you blabbering about!? He shouted and then turn away his head from her as he blushed because of her straight forwardness with her feelings of him. 


Anne noticed that even though he was shouting and seems to be mad at something, Yet he still doesn't let go the little hand that's giving him a little bit of warm and nice feeling.


It's getting colder and late now, should we go back? he asked her as he noticed that her hand is getting colder. that so? she answered while looking so disappointed that this moment will have to end soon. But then her eyes got bigger as she notice the flowers that she remembers that has a sweet taste and edible. She hurriedly picks up some and then showed it to him.


I almost forgot what day it is today! she shouted and showed him the flowers she picks up.


What is it now this time? he asked him while looking at the flowers she handed over to him.


I was not able to make you a chocolate but these are sweet too, she answered and told him that it's for valentines day.


Valentines day? You mean those humans called season for lovers? he answered with a dumbfound face, thinking that how can a child like her be thinking of such things.


Oh so you know it? hehehe...I was hoping to give you a chocolate and confess my love again for you but I guess it doesn't matter , she then gave him the flowers and suddenly jumps on him to gave him a hug.


Ouch! Hey be careful! he shouted while lying behind his back holding her.


Gin, today also marked the day my parents died but I've recieved such wonderful gift in exchange...which is my life together with you, she told him and then suddenly tears starts falling in her face.


What are you crying for? Gin asked her as he wipes her tears from her face and then pinched her nose to stop her from crying. Look how ugly you become, how can you make me fall for you with that face, he said and then gave her a laugh. meanie! she shouted and felt his hands touching her head making her lean on his chest.


That's why always smile for me, for some reason I really hate seeing your crying face of all things but your smile calms me down, he told her and felt that Anne's face felt warm and becomes red all of the a sudden.


Anne was hoping for her wish to came true and then this genie became true. One cannot explain this child's own definition of love that she found with him. But deep inside she was so scared that once again this happiness she found will be taken away from her but for now she wish to stay dreaming in her life together with him.

Cursed Fate

Heh...I see that you're enjoying living and pretending to be a human yourself, suddenly an eerie voice spoke to them and seems to stop the time around them, except from the two.


Gin...What's happening? Anne asks him as she notice that the people around them stops moving and his face gone pale.


 Guess I'll have to take a human form as well in order for that young girl to see me, suddenly a dark black smoke appears and a man surfaced from the smoke. He slowly moves closer to them then suddenly hugged Gin. I've been searching for you for a long time now, he whisper to him and then turn his look towards Anne, Is that your new play thing? He told him and then gave Anne a condescending look.


Get away from me, Gin muttered and then release a powerful blow on him. The man was able to catch his hands and avoided the strong impact, Hahaha...You're still strong and hot blooded as usual, he said to him while laughing and suddenly the time starts moving again, the same with people around them.


As if nothing happened, the people around them continued on chatting and didn't even notice what happened a minute ago. Anne was so shocked with what happened earlier, but was more concerned on Gin's trembling back as he covers her from the man, who suddenly showed up in front of them.


I'm not here to fight with you but who would have thought that you're just around the corner, the man suddenly told them and then points his hand to Anne, Is this reason why you won't go with me? He asked and waits for Gin's answer.


Who is this man? That's what Anne thought as she looks on the hand that's pointed to her.


I don't need to explain myself to you, he answered and then grabbed Anne's hand, and didn’t I make myself clear to you all before? I'm not interested with your problem; he shouted and suddenly realized that they are still outside surrounded by many people. He then pulled Anne's hand and told her to run back home but Anne refuses to leave him behind.


Let's talk somewhere without other humans, Gin told the man and then transported them somewhere inside the forest. The cold air that surrounds them becomes dry, making Anne hard to breathe but she still refuses to stay away from them.


 Out of all Djinns, you are the only one who has manifested such intelligence and skills a kin to heaven and the humans, the man starts talking while ignoring the presence of Anne who was just beside Gin, You have my interest ever since the first time I saw you and I believe that your origin was the cause of it, he continued and made Gin reluctant to made me listen any further than this.


Stop your blabbering! He shouted and then moves closer to the man, I didn't know that beings from the underworld were so weak, that you'll keep pestering a being that doesn't give a fuck about hell and heaven! Then Gin turns his head towards his wife who's having a hard time just staying conscious.


Hey! Brats are you alright?  He whisper to her and noticed that she's having hard time breathing because of how thin the air becomes around them. Gin then carried her and glared to the man who's been causing a disturbance to them.


Don't worry I won't do anything to her, the man told him, I'll come back again and this time I won't take " No" for an answer, he said and then disappeared from them.


Tsk! I thought I was able to hide my presence completely from them! he muttered then looks at Anne, to see if she fine now. Cursed this fate that you were entangled with!  he told her thinking that she will be entangled with his cursed fate as well.


Gin, please don't make a sad face like that, Anne whisper to him and reach out her hand on his face, everything will be fine as long as I'm with you, she added then gave him a gentle smile. 


Little fool, you don't know what you have just gotten into, he then flicks her head with his finger, Ouch! That hurts, Gin! She shouted then suddenly felt the cold gaze Gin is giving, while looking at the full moon's light. 


Let's go back for now and please forget what happened today, he told her as he turn his gaze out of the moon and carried her back home.


He's been in a bad mood ever since that man came in, Anne thought to herself as she notice Gin's attitude towards her a week after the incident. She tried asking him on the reason why would such man after him, but as a child Gin knew that it’s pointless to explain things to her.


He doesn't want her to get more involve than what she's already was, and refused to let her know more than what she has heard before. 


I'm not worried about what those demons will do to me...but... Argh!  He muttered to his self while thinking that what he really doesn't understand is his concern towards Anne's reaction once she learned and understand the truth behind his true self, and what will happen if she was caught in his cursed fate.


Gin! Anne called out to her and then stared at his face, like a curious child.


What is it this time? Gin shouted then turns away

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