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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » You're My First Wish by Leandra A. (graded readers .TXT) 📖

Book online «You're My First Wish by Leandra A. (graded readers .TXT) 📖». Author Leandra A.

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close my eyes and hold on tightly my hands with this tattooed ring that bind us together. And then I'll call your name I gave to you; Gin!


And to my relief, you would always turn your head with that sour and grumpy face you always. But upon seeing my embarrassed yet still smiling face, you never failed to laugh and smile back to me. And behind your harsh words I can still see your kindness and unconditional concern you have for me.


You are a mystery for me, that’s what you always say to me with such curious eyes. I am a strange child that was lost in this beautiful story you created with our memories. You are also a mystery for me and I don't understand myself as much as I want to go deeper in your memories and know the real you, those eyes I see in you, each time I tried know the real you, scares me and I was unable to move farther.


Now I've come out from this darkness of my old days back when I'm still alone. And now I live for tomorrow with you and pray this silent prayer.


Is it because I'm still a child? How I wish to grow up soon and be at your equal footing. Maybe at that time you'll allow me to see more of you and I might be able to understand more of you as well. Right now with this childish demur of mine, you are reluctant to be honest and show the real you in front of me.


I want to hurry up and be freed from this body of a child that's so weak and innocent. I want you to show me more of the real you and know more about you. I can't make this wish to you since it will be pointless if you'll fall in love with the person I am not. For the days that will soon gone by, I'm now praying for the happiness tomorrow may bring. I hunger for your affection and for me everything is so sweet when I'm with love.


I know even in the near future, each time you'll smile for me I'll still tremble like a child. Because of these piling emotions that soon will pour out of my for now let me live in vanity for a while.




Painful Truth

Man has made different theories and stories of what was life after death or if this is the only world they had. Unknown to all that different worlds do exist and beings as well. I for one thing doesn't give a damn thing on what kind of life I should have and what is it for. That was my belief until I met this little fool. 

I heard that once passed, all memories of man on his life will disappear not even one will remain, no matter how important that that memory was for that person. 

Her life, that was fleeting and will soon die out, what is this feeling of madness I am experiencing right now. These are my thought while looking at this child sleeping and defenseless face.

I wasn't aware that you Djins do feel lust as well, suddenly the same eerie voice who came to us beforesaid this to me. It made me no surprise at all that he'll soon find this place.

It made me sad that you were able to break through the strong barrier I put up without an effort;  I answered back to him; See I'm not that strong as you think,  I stand up and move closer to him, But then again I wasn't thinking the the King of death will be the one who's coming...King of Hades, what is it you really want from me!

Shhh..You'll wake your princess if you shout like that,  he hushed with his seemingly mocking voice.

Let's get out of here, I'll come with you! 

I opened a black vortex in order to bring him to that place, he and I are quite accustomed and can talk freely. He leered at me and walk slowly as he entered the black vortex.

I'll be back soon, I whispered as  I turn my head towards my sleeping wife before I enter the vortex and then both of us disappeared.

I'm surprised that you chose to bring us here of all place, This king of Hades said to me while grinning.

The place was surrounded by mist and crystal like stones. Every where you look was dyed in white and transparent translucent silver white.

There's no other place I can think of than here, I then point my finger upward and look at him, Here even him won't  know  or even hear what we are going to talk now.

You... Djinns out of all beings were free and doesn't have that fate, heaven has set upon all of us, the king Hades begun talking to me, How I envy you for having such freedom! he then slowly move closer at me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Don't try to cover your real intention with these words, I shrugged him; You were just like the demons, who were fallen beings from heaven that has been cursed because of your endless greed to have everything above and below, I chuckled. Laughing on his desperate look. 

Hahaha...well that's true, I won't deny it, The king of Hades again leered at me.

You think I won't notice? I clucked my tongue, the king I'm speaking right now is only a reflection of the real you in Hades!  A created a ball like mist figure on my hand that shows an image of a shadow hiding in the realm of Hades.

So what if that's really the case? I just don't want to hassle myself in seeing you personally, the king's tone change into more serious approach.

Back when you all were thrown away from heaven, it is not that you have found hell as your place but it's actually a prison made specially for you all!  I shouted and then laugh at him, Right now all of you had been trying to escape guarding that prison, care for me to tell you the reason why?

Yes...just like what you thought, the king of Hades grins, It was all thanks to my power and the others that we were able to exist even today! 

He grit his teeth and clenched his fist, That place was made to slowly kill us!  We're supposed to be immortal beings! They said we are only to guard that place, but slowly that lake of Fire is slowly sipping through the gates of Hades as well!

Man was able to recognized the three places where one dead soul will go once he died. First will be the "Paradise" where heaven beings currently live now, and the place for those whose name will be written in the Lamb Book of Life. Second will be "Hell" which is divided into two: "The Lake of Fire" which is the final Hell, the place of eternal punishment for all unrepentant rebels, both angelic and human, It is described as a place of burning sulfur, and those in it experience eternal, unspeakable agony. And Lastly the "Hades" which is the realm of the dead.

That's right its a place to slowly have your powers perished and will slowly eat your very soul, I move closer to him and then whispers, and guess what? We Djiins actually was created from that very power and soul that perished first!  the King of Hades then turn his head and look my way. are really an interesting fellow! The king laugh in an eerie voice that can be heard all over the place, What would I expect from the real king of Djiins!

Tsk! Don't remind me of that foolish title, he clucked his tongue and then look around to see if anyone has come near. 

Ever since the start, power,fame, lust or greed, it never interest me at all. That's why when they told me that I was their their king it bore me and even decided to leave this place, I brought King Hades to. But they wouldn't stop pestering me about this and from time to time someone will approach me to insist this issue.

Before I can't find any weakness from you, the king of Hades suddenly stopped and grin; You see, I rather die as well than to be forever stuck in that place much worst than Hell for me!

Suddenly I felt chill, as I remember Anne that I left all alone in my house.

Don't worry its not like I can kill her...directly, He move closer and whispered to my ears, I meant they are the only ones  that I can't touch, humans...

Just try it if you can, Gin smirks at him and then a dark mist surrounds him making the King Hades back away.

 I will with all of my strength and power will protect what is mine now, nobody can touch her...not even those in heavens! he shouted and then disappeared in front of him.

The time difference of the two worlds were different that's why by the time he came back to Anne's room, she was still sleeping soundly, as if nothing happened. He sat down near her bed and then hold her tiny hands to warm them from the cold.

While looking at her, the king of Hades last word to him before he completely vanished kept on repeating on his mind.

Unlike you and heaven, I know a way to make a human like her live forever! Just call my real name whenever you're ready to talk with me! that's what he told him while grinning.

It was unnecessary for him to say that! Gin clucked his tongue, thinking he never  wished that on the first place. But somehow there's a tingling feeling he had felt when he heard that possibility.

At most she'll live for just another 80 years right...he clenched his hands that's holding her, unable to grasp the pain in his chest he is experiencing right now.

Hmmm.. Gin?  Anne wake up and surprise to see Gin who was sitting beside her and holding her hands while looking all sad, What's wrong? she asked him and then move her hands to touch him.

Nothing I just thought of what will happen 100 years from now, he answered her while giving her a painful smile, You'll probably be gone around that time since you humans are so weak that you don't even have more than ten decades to live, he added and then suddenly he grabbed her hands, Hey! Why don't you wish for me to make you an immortal, he suggest her excitedly.

By that time I'm probably an old lady right? She asked him.

Ye..Yes? He answered her while being confused why she asks such obvious question.

I don't want to be forever jealous of the young woman that might be probably around you

She answered him while pouting, But you will never die right? 

Anne remove his hands that's grabbing hers, You'll probably remember me and the memories we will share in my lifetime, forever...that's enough to keep me alive inside my beloved heart.

 Anne chuckled on how silly Gin's face looks right now; Just like how my parents and love ones never dies in my heart, she touch his face and then gave her a smile, I believe one will truly dies if she was forgotten by someone they held dear most, so don't forget me please.

Gin was lost in his words

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