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Read books online » Romance » HALF N' HALF by Isabella91013 (always you kirsty moseley .TXT) 📖

Book online «HALF N' HALF by Isabella91013 (always you kirsty moseley .TXT) 📖». Author Isabella91013

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I was transfixed on.
“That right there was a half fairy” was my reply as we continue to stare in the direction Benjamin disappeared to.

__________________________________________________________________________________________Sorry for making you guys wait so long but currently I'm working on Chapter 4 and hopefully i can make it longer than the other chapters. I've been getting encouragements from other members on this site and I just want to thank you guys so much for reading my book and enjoying it :)
Chapter 4

Chapter 4
I tensed when I once again smelled a familiar scent coming behind me, could it be him? I turned and got a big wet smack on my lips; I really do mean wet, it was like he licked his lips before coming to kiss me. As quickly as possible I pushed him off me.
“What’s wrong babe? Wait, what the hell happened to you? You look horrible.” I rolled my eyes; Matthew always had a wonderful way with words (note the sarcasm). I wiped the spit from my lips and looked at my appearance; during the hustle some of the pie mess came off but I still had that disgusting substance in my hair.
“First of all, I’m not your babe; we broke up a decade ago. Secondly, what happened to me is none of your business since we broke up a decade ago!” My parents once again came by my side staring at Matthew with open resentment.
“Oh it’s the mutt again,” My dad said, staring at Matthew like he would stare at his foot after stepping in shit. A decade ago I would’ve defended Matthew, but now I’m not rebellious to date another one of his kind.
“Aw pap, don’t be like that,” Matthew obnoxiously replied. What on earth did I see in the guy? “I just came to tell my princess that I’m joining her in high school.” He turned his captivating green-grey eyes on me and I had to fight against shiver that came over me every time I stare in those eyes. “Bye babe, I’m going to see you soon.” And just like that he turned and walked off into the woods, not even a backward glance at me.
I couldn’t help staring at him as he walked away; Matthew was actually a pretty good looking guy. He had bronze tousled hair that suited him perfectly, thick eyebrows pulled down over his green-grey eyes making them look mysterious, a tall body with muscles that ripple whenever he moved, and an ass that could make any girl drool all over herself. I realized that I was staring at him with my mouth slightly open for a while when I felt my dad pinch my arm causing pain to be shot up my arm.
“OW! What was that for?” I turned glaring at him and saw a smirk on his face.
“You were drooling all over yourself, I was just knocking some sense into you before you did something stupid………again.” With a furious huff I marched inside, grabbed my bag off the floor and went straight to my room. Within a few minutes I came down stairs freshly showered and dressed in clean clothes. I met my family in the living room and sat down so that we could go over the afternoon events.
“Okay, first thing, Madiza how did you know that the stranger in the woods was a half fairy?” My mom was usually leader of family discussions since me and father don’t always get along well as I’m sure you had witnessed previously.
“Well……” For some reason I hesitated to tell my parents about Benjamin, I didn’t want them to find out about him, the question was why? Shaking the abnormal feeling I went on to tell them how I met him at school and how I followed him into the woods and saw him fly. By time I was finished they were gaping at me while I tried not to fidget under their gaze. Slightly shaking herself out of her thoughts, my mom returned to the matter at hand.
“Okay…well that will be dealt with later. Now we have to discuss the mutt…oh I mean Matthew.” I still can’t believe that she went out with him! I mean what was she thinking? She had to choose his kind, really? I’m sure she could’ve done better than that. Seriously—
“Mom I could hear EVERYTHING you are thinking…..can you tone it down a little?” She rolled her eyes at me and continued to discuss Matthew with my dad, rudely ignoring me. I got up from my chair, not wanting to be in the discussion about my ex, and left the room.
That night I tossed and turned, unable to fully rest because my mind was still on Matt and Benjamin. Around early morning I made the decision to avoid both of the boys that would ruin my life or, less dramatically stated, invade my usual life pattern. Fully contented in my decision, I drifted off to sleep listening to my parents light snores from their room across from mine, dreading the next morning.
Beep. Beep. Beep. I swear I’m going to destroy our neighbour’s clock. Groaning I got up out of bed and got ready for school. With a last lustful glance at my bed I made my way down stairs and saw the placed cleaned up from my father’s oh so wonderful prank (oh please note the sarcasm). Quickly grabbing something to place in my stomach, I ran outside to avoid my parents and jumped into my car. Considering that I’m addicted to speed, I got a fast car for my 99th birthday, well 15th birthday for the humans. Why did my parents wait so long to give me a car? I had no idea.
I was one of the first students to arrive at the school in my haste to escape my parents’ lectures and advices to stay away from the guys, blah, blah, blah. Okay it was rude of me but so what? I had years to listen to them and now I can bet that I know everyone of their lectures by heart……no joke. I heard whistles as people arrived at the school admiring my car. I rolled my eyes, amused of how a silly car can attract such attention. I mean yeah my car was some good eye candy but a car is just a car for me. My car was a Silver Porsche Carrera GT that cost quite an amount of money. I stepped out and got some more whistles, this time for my body. I rolled my eyes once again, and headed for the entrance of the school when I was yanked by the arm, caught by surprise. I stumbled into the instigator’s chest, trying to maintain my balance. I pushed away from the familiar chest and give him my “If only looks can kill” glare.
“This better be important or so help me I’m going to rip your-” his lips rudely cut off the rest of my threat. For a moment I was too shock to move, well to do anything, his lips were moving against mine in such a familiar way, trying to deepen the kiss. When his hands started to wander that’s when I snapped out of my state of shock and disbelief. I placed my hands around his neck and sweetly kissed him back, he groaned in triumph and I smiled. I gently nipped his bottom lip then raised my leg up and kneed him where the sun refuses to shine with such a force that I swore I heard a crack. He let out a scream of pain (and I do mean a girl scream) and dropped to the floor in pain. I smiled in satisfaction and stooped down to his level, ignoring curious eyes around us.
“Next time you touch me I won’t be so gentle, Matthew.” I got up and headed for my locker, receiving resentful and envious looks from girls who obviously wanted a chance with Matt and fearful looks from guys, some protecting their “little friend”, scared that I would hurt them; that I had to laugh at. I got what I needed from my locker and headed for my first class, unconsciously scanning the area for Benjamin with no positive results, feeling a ridiculous pang of disappointment I carried on with the motions of school.
The day past in a blur, filled with disappointment that Benjamin didn’t come to school, anger at myself for feeling that foolish and unexplainable disappointment, resentment for Matt who unfortunately healed quickly so the pain in his penis is gone but hopefully it was still tender, and annoyance for the amount of homework the cold-hearted teachers gave me even though I would finish it in a matter of seconds. I drove home knowing that I’m about to receive the same lecture I escaped from this morning. With a rueful sigh, I opened the door and saw my parents patiently, sitting on the sofa. I carelessly dropped my bag to the floor and sat in the chair opposite to them and placed an expressionless face on while my parents talked. “You should be more aware of your surroundings……” blah, blah, blah. “No one is your true friend; they will just use you…..” yada, yada, yada.
I kind of blocked out the rest idly wondering where Benjamin was and what he could be doing right this moment. I shook my head to get the foolish questions out of my head and my parents perhaps thought that I was disagreeing with whatever they were saying, set off again with another lecture. Once again they were ignored by me. Why was I suddenly curious about an inferior fairy?
Maybe it’s because you like him said my inner voice.
No, I don’t.
De nail isn’t just a river in Egypt.
Whatever, I don’t need to listen to you.
Then why are you?
What’s the matter with me? I’m talking to myself and thinking about a silly boy. Troubled, I wondered if I indeed liked Benjamin Taylor.
Benjamin P.O.V.
I had my wings spread out, the setting sun warming them. On a normal day I would’ve enjoy the sensation but today I was on a mission. Elegantly landing on my feet, I folded my wings in and walked into my palace, my guards bowing before me. It does my ego good to be welcomed like that. My faithful servant and best friend Simon came running towards me, his brown hair tousled as if he ran his fingers through it many times, his expression which was stressed prior to seeing was now filled with relief, and his wings which were different shades of red was now being folded as if he had intended to fly somewhere.
“Oh, Prince Benjamin, I was just about to look for you. The King and Queen require your presence, they said it was urgent.” Simon said it all in a rush when I was in hearing range; then he chuckled. “They said that I must even drag you if it comes to that.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“You would drag me to my parents?” I feigned

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