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What is Romance?

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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» HALF N' HALF by Isabella91013 (always you kirsty moseley .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«HALF N' HALF by Isabella91013 (always you kirsty moseley .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Isabella91013

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ā€œNO!ā€ My scream could be heard miles away and yet, it didnā€™t stop the bullet. I saw it all in slow motion; it punctured his chest and disappears into his body leaving a bloody mess on the floor. ā€œBenjamin!ā€ I rushed to his body as quickly as my unresponsive legs could and dropped to my knees, ā€œNo, no, no, noā€¦ā€
ā€œMaddie, itā€™s going to be alright.ā€ It was clear how much it pained him to speak, ā€œI love you and donā€™t you ever forget that.ā€ As I stared into his beautiful sapphire eyes I watched the light dim, and then altogether disappear. I was vaguely aware of my shriek of agony and heart wrenching sobs, my attention focused solely and wholly on Benjamin, quietly begging him to speak to me. I wrenched my stare away from his eyes to the blood that are now all over my jeans. Benjaminā€™s blood. You never know what you want, until it is taken from you.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

ā€œI NEED SOME HOT STUFF BABY THIS EVENING! SOME HOT STUFF BABY TONIGHT!ā€ Groaning I rolled over to answer my cell phone. I glanced at the time. FOUR IN THE FREAKING MORNING! Pissed, I grabbed my phone and flipped it open.
ā€œHello.ā€ My voice sounded sleepy and annoyed to my own ears, but who could blame me? I mean only freaks get up so early.
ā€œMadiza!ā€ My best friend voice was one of urgency and immediately panic started to rise in me.
ā€œWhat happen are you alright?ā€ My previous emotions lost in a haze of panic and worry.
ā€œNo, no Iā€™m not.ā€ Stacy sounded so, for lost of a better word, depressed.
ā€œHow can I help?ā€
ā€œYou can help me by getting your ass over here and tell me which one of these outfits I should wear today.ā€ Irritation overwhelmed me. I stared at the phone for a moment, not knowing whether I should hang up on her or yell at her for waking me so early in the damn morning. Taking a calming deep breath, I decided to finish this discussion and go back to sleep calmly and quietly.
ā€œAre you telling me that you woke me so early in the frigginā€™ morning because you donā€™t know what to wear?!ā€ Each word got louder until I was all but shrieking. Okay, so Iā€™m not a calm person, sue me. The silence on the other end of the phone lasted so long that I actually calm down.
ā€œErā€¦..umā€¦.maybeā€¦ā€¦yeah pretty much.ā€ Stacy was probably a little scaredā€¦okay let me stop lying, scared pretty damn much.
ā€œStacy, wear anything you want and Iā€™ll just go back to my beauty sleep, kapeech?ā€ Without waiting for a reply, I turned off my phone and drifted off back to dream land.
Allow me to introduce myself, Iā€™m Madiza Medina and Iā€™m not normal. Iā€™m half human and half vampire, or like the vamps usually call my kind, Iā€™m half and half. My mother was a human (note the ā€œwasā€) when she had me, and my father, obviously, is a vampire. I was never accepted in the Underworld of vamps so my parents took me out of that horrid place and from then on we lived in the human world. I am now a 16 year old teenager to the humans (Iā€™m really 100 years old), living a normal human life, except my once a month feeding. My family is also a gifted family. My mother shields herself and others around her both mentally and physically, my father control the earthā€™s elements and I, well letā€™s just say that I got a lot. I can shield, control earthā€™s elements, read minds, teleport, and electrocute. No man is ever right for me, so Iā€™m single and damn proud about it and I donā€™t give a shit about what the students says behind my back because they know, I know, and we all know that I can kick their ass if they dare wrong talk in my face.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. The house across the street alarm was going off. I groaned, silently cursing my excellent ears, and stretched to my full five feet nine inches height; popping bones in the process.
Glad to hear that youā€™re finally awake, my mother thought, I was beginning to fear that you died in your sleep. I just grumbled and headed to the bathroom to prepare for my nightmare of boredom, school. Five minutes later I bounced down the smooth, golden stairs and headed to the kitchen. On the table were cupcakes and milkshakes, butā€¦ā€¦no parents. I used my power to find their thoughts butā€¦nothing. I heard movement behind me but reacted too late. The person jumped on me and held my arms and legs down so that I couldnā€™t move. I didnā€™t fight back for the smell was familiar.
ā€œGotcha,ā€ My dad grinned at me wickedly. I rolled my eyes at his triumphant expression; men and their egos.
ā€œOnly because you cheated,ā€ I accused when he released me and back up. ā€œYou had mom shielding your thoughts from me so it doesnā€™t count.ā€ Mom came around from underneath the stairs, laughing and smiling in affection while I scowled at dadā€™s innocent face.
ā€œOh, darling donā€™t be a sore loserā€, dad was still radiating with triumphant. However I knew just how to get back at him. I smiled sweetly at him making his expression turn wary.
ā€œSo dad what are you getting mother for her birthday coming up? I really hope it not that toy ball you had intended to buy for her.ā€ His face turned into a satisfying scowl. You promised that you wouldnā€™t tell her! I just smiled sweetly and turned to mom, who was waiting for more information on her birthday gift, but I just wanted dad to get in trouble so Iā€™m not going to mention that he give that idea up after I all but smack him at the back of the head.
ā€œErrā€¦umā€¦I just remembered that Iā€™m supposed to be at the office right nowā€, dad said, glancing at his wrist watch. ā€œSee you guys later.ā€ He turned to leave but mom snagged him back.
ā€œNot till I hear more about that birthday present?ā€ he groaned and I stifled a laugh.
ā€œBye. Donā€™t want to be late for school.ā€ I grabbed a cupcake and was on my way out when dad screamed his thought at me; WAIT TILL YOU GET HOME MADIZA MARIE MEDINA! I laughed loudly now that I was away from my home.
I glanced right and left, checking to see if anyone was looking before I headed into the forest. I donā€™t know why, but I felt like running. I took off, enjoying the wind whipping against my warm face, blowing my hair back, and the stretching of my legs as I increase in speed. I reached to school in less than three minutes, faster than if I had walked. I walked to a car to see my reflection so that I could fix any ruffle in my hair the wind mightā€™ve caused, examining my clothing as well. I was wearing a black and red strip tank top and black pencil leg jeans and I absolutely adored how it fitted on my perfect body. I listened for Stacyā€™s always active brain but found nothing. She probably still was trying to figure out what to wear.
I took a deep breath to prepare myself for the same education all over again when I caught a whiff of something absolutely delicious. Blood, except it wasnā€™t fully human blood; it smelled delicious, like raspberries or maybe something sweeter. I felt the familiar ache in my throat when Iā€™m thirsty, but I just drank yesterday. Puzzled and hungry, I stepped around the car not paying attention at all, and stepped right into someone who felt like a rock (which is a surprise considering that Iā€™m half vampire, Iā€™m almost indestructible). I staggered backward, struggling to keep my balance, when an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled my back into the rock figure. My head span, not because I rammed into someone, but because this person smelled delicious like the scent I had just picked up not even a minute ago.
ā€œHey, are you alright?ā€ a concern, deep voice asked. I opened my eyes and stared straight into blue sapphire eyes.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

It felt like I was swimming in warm blue water, drowning in his eyes. I was shocked back into reality when I ā€˜heardā€™ Stacy come into the school yard, her thoughts excited. I shook my head to clear it for I was a bit dazed, me, Madiza Marie Medina, half breed vampire of 100yrs dazed, well thereā€™s a first to everything. I realized that the delicious stranger was still holding me to his rock hard body and was waiting for my response.
ā€œErrā€¦..umā€¦.yeah Iā€™m fine.ā€ I pushed against him to indicate that I wanted him to release me and he did so immediately, if not reluctantly.
ā€œOkay, if you say soā€¦ā€ he trailed off, still looking concern. An unfamiliar feeling washed through me by the way he was staring at me, with concern and warmth, but I didnā€™t analyze it to see what emotion it was.
ā€œIā€™m great, honest.ā€ I smiled at him and heard his heart picked up, beating twice the normal rate. Who is that hottie Madiza is talking to? Of course that was Stacy. The stranger wasnā€™t thinking anything rational so it couldnā€™t have been him; apparently Iā€™ve stunned him by my smile. Humans, so simple-minded, but he isnā€™t human. I could hear Stacy footsteps hurrying in my direction, hoping to get a chance to talk to the boy, so I decided to depart before she get the chance to charm himā€¦but the question is why? Just then the bell rang the phrase ā€œSaved by the bellā€ played in my mind as this was my chance to go.
ā€œBye, and nice meeting you.ā€ I turn to leave but a hand caught my wrist pulling me to a stop. Iā€™ve didnā€™t notice before but now I can feel electric currents following from his hand to my body, from the startle look on his face, he noticed it

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