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Read books online » Romance » PENALTY by Annika Sturm (love books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «PENALTY by Annika Sturm (love books to read .txt) 📖». Author Annika Sturm

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on the bed. He was too tired to move again and take his jeans off. And as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

The whole of Germany woke up to the sad and shocking news. Tom stabbed and Alex injured after they had been assaulted in a homophobic attack. Two important and loved figures in German football had become the victim of violence because of their relationship. And it had happened right at the heart of a country that was proud of its liberal views and attitudes towards homosexuality in general. The news sent shock waves through the nation and it was going to be a wake-up call to no longer turn a blind eye on homophobia in football. Things had gone too far.

'Mr Hanisch,' Doctor Schwarz gently placed his hand on Alex’s shoulder trying to wake him, 'Mr Hanisch.' He said again. Alex jumped. 'Tommy?' He mumbled as he woke up. He wiped his eyes and was breathing hard. The doctor smiled at him. 'How are you feeling? I see you managed to get some sleep,' Alex looked at him confused and disorientated, 'I'm sorry to wake you but I thought you'd want to know that Mr Stiller is conscious again and has asked to see you.' Doctor Schwarz said gently and smiled again. Alex gasped. 'He..., he can speak?' 'He seems a lot better already this morning. His parents were with him until now,' Alex’s heart sank. He cast his eyes down and nodded.

The doctor sat down next to him, 'forgive me if I'm perhaps being intrusive, I don't mean to be....' Alex smiled at him. 'Go on, ask away.' 'It seems that Mr Stiller's parents are very much against your relationship,' Alex nodded silently, 'they have asked me to not let you see him,' Alex stared at him in disbelief. His heart started racing and he was about to protest but then Doctor Schwarz continued, 'I know what you are going to say, Mr Hanisch, and I fully agree with you. Don't worry, legally your partner can decide for himself who is allowed to visit him in hospital and who isn't now he is conscious. I just had to let you know, that's all.' Alex was speechless. 'Will they ever stop fighting me?' He gulped. 'Give them some time,' Doctor Schwarz patted his back, 'I'll take you to his room.'

'You don't seem to have a problem with it,' Alex said suddenly, 'you have been nothing but kind and understanding to us. Why can't everyone just deal with it.' He grunted. The doctor turned towards Alex. 'Perhaps I have learnt my lesson in life,' he took a deep breath, 'I have lost someone I loved very much. My wife died of cancer three years ago.' 'Oh God, I'm sorry.' Alex whispered and felt bad. 'No, no, that's okay. What I'm trying to say is that I know what it feels like to lose someone you love. And if two people love each other then I think they should be able to enjoy life together. It doesn't matter surely if it's not a man and a woman.' Alex looked at him. 'Do you have children Doctor Schwarz?' He asked him. The doctor nodded. 'I do,' he smiled, 'two in fact. My son is 18 and my daughter is 15. 'If your children ever fall in love with their best friend, please be kind to them.' Alex smiled cheekily. The doctor laughed. 'And how is your son Mr Hanisch?' Alex gulped thinking of Max. 'Oh,' he took a deep breath fighting back tears, 'he's with his mum. I haven't seen him for a few weeks. Things are a little difficult.' He took deep breaths. 'But you followed your heart,' Doctor Schwarz said quietly, 'that's very important. Your son will love you regardless, believe me. He'll still feel how much he means to you even if you are not always there physically.' Alex nodded and smiled. 'Thank you, you're awesome.'

Alex quietly entered Tom's room. He carefully peeked his head around the door before he went in. When their eyes met, Alex’s heart jumped. Tom's beaten face lit up as Alex stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him. 'Alex.' Tom whispered and he managed to lift his hand slightly and stretch it out towards him. Alex carefully walked to his bedside, every step still hurt. He gently took his hand and smiled at him. 'Hey,' he said gazing at his friend, 'how are you feeling?', Tom took deep breaths and his eyes filled with tears, 'hey,' Alex sat down on a chair by his bed, 'shhh, Tommy,' he became worried and gently stroked his cheeks, 'are you okay? Are you in pain?', Tom struggled to speak but shook his head as the tears started streaming down his face, 'Tommy, what is it?', Alex squeezed his hand and kissed his lips gently. He knew then that Tom had been waiting and dying for this kiss. It became more and more passionate and Alex kept stroking Tom's cheeks relishing every second of this moment, 'I can't believe I still have you,' Alex whispered still kissing Tom, 'I thought I'd lost you,' he looked at his friend, 'I have never been so scared in my life Tommy.' Tom placed one finger on his friend's lips and smiled at him lovingly. 'They didn't quite manage to finish me off, hmm?' Tom said quietly, his voice still weak. Alex kissed his forehead and wiped the tears off his friend's cheeks. 'I told you they won't bring us down. Not us.' He smiled and Tom was going to laugh but his injuries didn't allow him to. Alex squeezed his hand.

'It seems you're my hero,' Tom said as he carefully touched Alex’s cuts and bruises again, 'the doctor said you saved my life,' Alex shook his head and felt embarrassed, 'not so humble Mr Hanisch.' Tom brushed over his hair. 'But I couldn't protect you.' Alex said as he stared at Tom seriously. Tom sighed. 'Neither could I. Look at you,' he touched his swollen cheeks again, 'look what they've done to you.' Alex forced a laugh and shook his head in disbelief. 'This is so typical of you. Always thinking of me first.' He said and Tom smiled and squeezed his hand.

'I wish it was me lying here instead of you.' Alex had closed his eyes and took deep breaths. 'How dare you say that.' Tom gently held his head. He kissed him again. 'It's true though Tommy. Your brother is right. And Kai and everyone who wished it could be the other way round.' Tom frowned at him confused and hurt. 'What are you talking about? They said this to you?' He started breathing harder. 'How can I be possibly making you happy Tommy? I cause you nothing but grief and pain. You nearly died because of me for Christ's sake,' Alex shouted as he started crying and bit his lip in agony, 'perhaps your family is right. Perhaps I should just stay away from you.' He gasped for air under his tears.

Tom was getting stressed and looked at him anxiously. 'Alex, what the hell are you talking about? Will you stop this nonsense right now', he squeezed his hand again and pulled his head towards him. He looked into his eyes, 'please,' he whispered, 'why would you listen to a word they're saying to you? Didn't you just tell me no-one can bring us down? Hmm? My family don't understand. Nothing new there. I don't know what the hell Kai was on about, but all that doesn't matter,' he desperately kissed Alex, who welcomed his friend's soft lips, 'are you perhaps interested in what I think? Hmm?', Tom asked him. Alex laughed again in despair and ran his hand through his hair, 'well I couldn't care less about what everyone else thinks. You are everything I ever wanted. This is our life and I swear what happened to us last night will only make me even more determined to fight for us,' Alex stared at him in tears, 'I love you, you stupid idiot. Will you now just shut up for God's sake?'

Tom suddenly took deep breaths and held his side. He was grimacing in pain. 'Tommy?' Alex had jumped up and stared at him in fear. 'It's alright,' Tom was trying to play down the wave of agony that had hit his body all of a sudden. He grabbed Alex’s hand, 'it's alright.' 'Let me get the doctor.' Alex said in panic and was about to make a move. 'No, I'm fine,' Tom shook his head but was breathing hard as he was trying to control the pain. Alex gently brushed over his friend's forehead, which was covered in sweat, 'listen to me,' Tom mumbled and looked at Alex intently, 'I never want to hear anything like this ever again, is that clear?', Alex was helplessly staring at his friend and clutching his cold hand, 'promise me Alex.' Tom was forcing his words out at this point, still breathing hard. His face turned paler and paler. 'I promise', Alex gulped and Tom smiled with relief still holding his side, 'I'm getting the doctor.'

Alex ran out of the room and stormed down the corridor. He had forgotten about his own injuries again. He grabbed the first nurse he saw. 'Please, can you get Doctor Schwarz. Quick. Tommy is in pain.' He explained hectically and out of breath. Then he ran back into Tom's room, sat down by his bed and squeezed and kissed his hand again. 'He's coming, he's coming now. You'll be alright.' Tom had closed his eyes gasping for air. 'Man, are you trying to kill me or what?' He mumbled and forced a laugh. Alex was worried sick again by that point and kept kissing his friend's hand.

'What is going on?', Doctor Schwarz entered the room at a fast pace. He checked the monitors around Tom with concern. He pulled up the duvet and examined the dressing of his wound before he took his pulse and felt his forehead, 'he's exhausted. His body has gone into total spasms. What happened?' Alex had stood up to make room for the doctor. 'I'm an idiot.' He mumbled. 'At least he learnt something today.' Tom joked as he was convulsed with pain. 'Mr Hanisch would you please leave the room. It seems you have caused enough damage here.' Alex stared but Tom smiled at him. 'Go. I'll feel better in a few minutes. Don't worry.' He winked at him as Doctor Schwarz prepared an injection. 'Now Mr Hanisch.' The doctor sounded assertive. Alex was going to protest but thought better of it in the end. He slowly and reluctantly left the room and closed the door behind him.

'Okay, let's get you to relax Mr Stiller. This will help you feel better,' Tom was still breathing hard as Doctor Schwarz gave him an injection, 'there we are,' he placed two fingers on Tom's neck and checked his watch. Tom's breathing slowly became calmer and his pulse steadier again. He had closed his eyes with exhaustion, 'this wasn't what we had agreed. We agreed that you would rest.' He gave Tom a disapproving look over the rim of his glasses. 'I know, I know.' Tom whispered and opened his eyes again. 'Feeling better?' Doctor Schwarz asked him. 'Much better thank you.' He licked his dry lips and the doctor supported his neck to help him drink some tea. 'Come on, just a few gulps,' he smiled at him gently as he made him drink. Tom took sips from the cup and pulled a face after every gulp, 'one more.' 'I hate peppermint tea.' Tom mumbled as he took the final sip. 'Well done,' Doctor Schwarz put the cup down and let Tom's head rest back on the pillow, 'what tea do you like?' 'I much prefer coffee actually.' Tom smiled cheekily.
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