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Read books online » Romance » PENALTY by Annika Sturm (love books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «PENALTY by Annika Sturm (love books to read .txt) 📖». Author Annika Sturm

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still clean and dressed. He almost felt emotional seeing and touching Tom's body again after two weeks. He gently stroked his shoulders and chest but couldn't help getting angry whenever he spotted remaining bruises on him as evidence of what had happened to them. As he was touching his friend's skin, Alex desperately tried to fight any feelings of desire for him. Tom smiled as he briefly opened his eyes again. 'That feels good.' He whispered. Alex kissed him gently as he forced to control himself and tucked Tom in under the duvet. 'I'm still crazy about you.' He gulped and closed his eyes. Tom laughed quietly as he stroked his cheeks. 'That's a relief,' he hugged him tightly, 'haven't gone off me just yet, hmm?' Alex gazed at him as Tom was forced to close his eyes again and watched him fall asleep. He smiled to himself as he kept stroking his cheeks and hair and felt grateful to have him home.
Chapter 9

Alex was wide awake at about 5 o'clock in the morning. He hadn't slept well as he had kept sitting up countless number of times during the night to check Tom was alright and still breathing calmly next to him. Alex was contently watching him still fast asleep and kissed his friend before he got dressed and sleepily went downstairs into his living room. He took a look around and realised that it felt like a long time since he was last here. Max's room was still ready to welcome him with toys and games whenever the time was right. Alex gulped sadly and closed his son's bedroom door. 'One step at a time.' He told himself.

He took a deep breath and got to work. He unpacked his and Tom's clothes, sorted his friend's medicine in the kitchen and placed all bandages and wound dressings in the bathroom. By that time it was almost 7 o'clock in the morning and whilst he was trying to make some breakfast for them with the little food he actually had in the house and preparing Tom's medication at the same time, his mobile rang. 'Hey Anna,' Alex said cheerfully, 'I just thought of you.' His sister laughed into the phone. 'Oh yeah, why? What do you need?' Alex chuckled. 'Well, I was wondering if you fancied looking after Tommy for a couple of hours today while I'm at training. I don't want to leave him alone here just yet.' Alex bit his lip desperately hoping she'd say yes. Anna laughed. 'Oh I see! Anything else?' 'Yeah. Breakfast would be good.' Alex said and grinned. 'You are nothing but trouble. I'm on my way.' 'Oh I love you!' Alex cheered as he hung up. He punched his fist in the air and focussed back on Tom's medication.

'Do you have a new man already? I swear I'll beat him up.' Alex stopped short in shock as he heard Tom joke and breathe hard behind him. 'Tommy!', he turned around and saw him in Alex’s dressing gown exhaustedly leaning against the hand rail at the bottom of the staircase, 'Jesus, are you crazy?,' he stormed towards him and held him in his arms, 'what are you doing up by yourself?' Tom put his arms around his neck and was gratefully leaning onto his friend. 'I just wanted to see the house. And what you're up to.' Tom said and smiled but the exhaustion of his little excursion was already visible in his face. Alex kissed him hectically. 'Christ, Tommy. You are still weak. You could have fallen down those stairs and break your bloody neck.' He cursed as he kissed him again. 'I didn't though, did I?' Tom laughed triumphantly. Alex tutted but couldn't help but smile at him. 'You want a tour? You can have a tour.' He picked him up gently and carried him into every room whilst Tom was chuckling with laughter. 'Put me down, Alex, Jesus! I'm not a girl!' He protested giggling. Alex gave him a look and kept carrying him around.

The tour ended back upstairs in the bedroom and Tom moaned being put back into bed. 'I know this room already!' He complained. Alex was breathing hard from carrying his friend. 'Moon on a stick, is it?', Tom laughed and propped himself up on his elbows, 'right. I'm going to finish preparing your medication downstairs. Alone,' Alex said and touched his nose gently, 'then I'll bring it up to you and we'll wash you and dress your wound while my heaven-sent sister is bringing us some sort of food. I'm bloody starving.' Tom smiled shyly. 'I hope I won't be too much hard work for you.' He said nervously. 'You already are!' Alex laughed and kissed him passionately.

The first attempt of a wash had both boys in stitches and tears of laughter. Alex carefully washed his friend's back, arms, neck and hair and Tom was sitting in the bath causing havoc, giggling all the way through. 'Oh man, I feel like I'm four again!' 'That's because you are behaving like it. Stop making such a fuss! We mustn't get your wound wet.' Alex shouted and laughed as he washed the shampoo out of Tom's hair. He wrapped him in a big towel and supported him as they were slowly walking back towards the bed.

Alex made him lie down on his back as he carefully changed the dressing on his side. The cut was visible as a long red aggressive line on Tom's pale skin and Alex couldn't even count the endless amount of stitches that had saved his friend's life that night. Tom watched Alex concentrate on the task at hand with a smile. 'How's it looking?' He asked him. 'Check it out,' Alex nodded at him. Tom inspected it carefully and pulled a face, 'it's healing nicely though.' Alex said and kissed him. He was pleased with himself once Tom was sorted with a clean bandage and dressed in some jeans and a warm jumper.

Alex sat down on the bed with a sigh. 'I'm exhausted now.' He said and laughed. Tom smiled at him gratefully. 'Thank you,' he whispered, 'not the sexiest side of me, hey?' He laughed quietly. Alex took a deep breath and lay down next to him. He stroked his cheek. 'You're the sexiest man alive. Nothing will ever change that.' He grinned and kissed him lovingly as he started stroking his stomach, slowly unbuttoning his jeans again. Tom gasped and held his head smiling at him. 'Hey, you only just got me dressed.' He chuckled. As Alex slowly continued and let his hand slip into his friend's boxer shorts, Tom closed his eyes and started moaning quietly and kissing Alex lustfully.

'Alex,' Tom stopped him and gulped, 'I can't. This body is too bloody weak still.' He looked nervous. 'I know,' Alex stroked his cheeks, 'but I can still make you feel good.' He grinned and slowly pulled Tom's jeans and boxers down before he kissed his stomach carefully, conscious of the stab wound on his side. He smiled at his friend breathing harder and then lay down on his front, holding on to Tom's thighs, as he relished going down on him. Finally, after all this time of pain, he could help him feel some pleasure again and when he heard him moan with lust and taste him shortly afterwards, Alex experienced the same moment of excitement. He stifled a moan and shivered kissing the inside of his friend's thighs gently. 'Alex,' Tom grabbed his arms and pulled him up towards him. He kissed him and stroked his hair, 'that felt so good,' he whispered breathlessly into his ear, 'are you okay?' Alex giggled quietly and nodded. 'Told you. You drive me crazy.' He said licking his lips. Tom smiled at him. 'Perhaps best get changed though before your sis turns up.' He whispered in his ear again and both boys giggled hugging each other tightly.

When Alex arrived at training that morning, he felt odd and out of place being finally back at his club after three weeks. His team mates were all pleased to see him though, which was a relief. His managers and coach welcomed him back but briefed him on a press conference that had been organised straight after the training session. Alex felt most nervous about the fans who had gathered at the football ground wanting to watch him train on his first day back. He gulped as the boys started their warm up and Alex could indeed hear some people shout out abuse or laugh at him. The club had prepared for this, however, and anyone making homophobic remarks was banned and asked to leave by security. Whilst this made Alex feel safer, he was disappointed to learn that despite of what had happened to them, the boys would still have to suffer through all kinds of abuse for a while yet.

Alex dutifully attended the press conference and answered as many questions as he was told to. Some were about his future at the club, some about the upcoming World Cup and of course about his relationship with Tom. Alex played cool and stayed calm at some of the irritating questions. 'The police still haven't caught the attackers. Do you think there is any hope of ever finding them now Mr Hanisch?' 'What is it like still being hassled by fans because of your homosexuality Mr Hanisch?' 'How long will your relationship with Mr Stiller last if you ultimately play for two different clubs Mr Hanisch?'

Alex felt exhausted when he drove back home that afternoon and his head was spinning. As he was trying to forget about it all and started looking forward to seeing Tom at home, he thought of his son. He hadn't seen him in weeks and was getting desperate. He decided to be brave and take the first step. He felt nervous when he dialled her number. After a few rings Emma picked up the phone. 'Hey,' Alex said quietly, 'how are you?' He asked her carefully. 'Hey,' Emma responded in a distant tone of voice, 'I'm okay. How are you feeling? I saw you are back in Hamburg now?' Alex hesitated. 'Yes, yes. We both are,' he took a deep breath, 'Tommy is still recovering and needs looking after.' There was an awkward pause. 'I'm sorry about what happened to you both Alex,' Emma said quietly, 'despite everything, I really am truly sorry.' Alex gulped. 'Thank you Em, that means a lot to me. I know...,' he gasped for air, 'no, I can only imagine how hard all this must be for you,' they both didn't speak for a moment, 'do you..., do you want to come round for dinner tonight?', Alex still felt nervous, 'Anna is over at mine and, and...' he struggled for words, 'I would love to see you.' Emma laughed in disbelief. 'Oh Alex, you have always been a rubbish liar. You want to see Max. Not me. I'd rather you just say.' 'Well, I want to see both of you of course.' Alex explained and started sweating with stress. 'You have a nerve. I don't want to see your new happy

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