Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Arrangement (unenhanced Edition) by AnnaRCase (books to read now .txt) 📖

Book online «The Arrangement (unenhanced Edition) by AnnaRCase (books to read now .txt) 📖». Author AnnaRCase

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Chapter 25- You could at least buy me dinner first

                Over the next five hours, as Amberleigh was violated, she came up with a nice review to post on the web about the facility. Clean and inviting. Cookies top rate. All staff was professional, though unfortunately sadists. The exam table was heated so that’s a nice and unexpected touch. The gown was a bit flimsy though made of soft cotton. It seems cold hands and no personalities are a requirement of the job.  Overall I would give my experience a go fuck yourself and die you bastards rating.

Amberleigh was subjected to every medical test known to mankind it seemed. Luckily, she still liked Dr. Gainey when he gave her a complete head to toe physical exam. It even felt kind of nice when she bent over and touched her toes so he could feel her spine. It gave her a tingly, feel good feeling.

She liked him less when he made her scout her ass to the end of the exam table, and place her legs in those stirrups, before shoving that speculum up her cooch. It wasn’t that she was against things shoved into her vagina, quite the contrary actually, but rather against cold, medical torture devices which opened her up unnaturally large. She preferred warm, solid dicks for that job. But what came next was even more fantastic as he scraped a variety of swabs around her vagina, and she was certainly she had little skin left down there afterwards.

But it turned out the fun was just beginning, as he shoved some fingers in there and felt around, pressed down on her belly, all that jazz. It would have been a bit more romantic if he wasn’t digging around for lost treasure in there with frigid hands. Usually, she enjoyed fingers in her snatch, but Dr. Gainey managed to take all the fun out of it. At least the finger he inserted up her rectum was well lubed and less aggressive.

By the time he felt up her breasts, all the romance was dead. Her nipples were peaked from the cold air hitting them, not arousal. He was thorough at least, she’d give him that. Afterwards, he threw his gloves into the garbage, told her the nurse would be in shortly to take some measurements, and gave her another smile. The nurse was a bitch, no other way to describe it. She measured Amberleigh’s hip bones and charted it into the computer, told her to get dressed, all with a sour expression on her face, like it disgusted her to even touch Amberleigh. And she sighed and huffed a lot. Was it from  asthma or bitchitis? She certainly didn’t like it when Amberleigh asked her if she was having an asthma attack.

                After Nurse Ratchet, came a delightful series of tests which involved being shoved in and out of tubes which made noises like a freight train, and some exposure to good old fashioned radiation, and cold ass stickers and wires. It seemed Amberleigh had covered every letter of the alphabet with a CT Scan, an MRI, A PET scan, an EKG, but her personal favorite had to be the EEG.

 I mean how awesome was it to have sticky goop put all over your scalp, then wires coming off your head attached to a computer, and have to stay still for thirty minutes while a bored young tech, glanced away from his smart watch every two minutes to tell you to hold still. Dr. Gainey had explained it was to check for any sign of abnormal brain waves or seizure like activity. Had even laughed when Amberleigh joked she could save him the trouble because she wasn’t normal.

Oh and don’t you worry, they had a test for that as well. Legit, they tested her fuckin IQ with a computed based test, and had her sit down with a psychologist. He showed her ink blots and asked for her interpretations. By this point she was exhausted, annoyed, and tempted to mess with him, to led him to believe she had homicidal tendencies. Which she was feeling a bit homicidal at the time actually. Instead, she plastered a smile and said what well-adjusted people would, no that’s a stream of clear water, not a river of blood flowing from your jugulars which I just sliced open doctor. It seemed Grayson Godwin was taking no fuckin chances of having a crazy or sick kid.

And just when Amberleigh was convinced their couldn’t possibly be any more tests, Dr. Gainey led her to the ultrasound department. She was given a shit ton of water to drink to get her bladder nice and full so her uterus was nice and visible on the scan. There she had the pleasure of lying on a table without heat, wearing nothing but a blanket, crossing her legs and saying a prayer she wouldn’t pee herself, as a hairy man roamed a probe allover her body- heart, kidneys, uterus, the whole nine yards. And just when she thought it was time to get up and have a sweet releases of her screaming bladder, oh no he shoved the probe up her vajayjay.

What Amberleigh wanted to scream was “I’m going to kill you motherfucker and burn this place to the ground!” Instead, she yelled, “Sweet Jesus! You could have at least bought me dinner first!”

She wondered if it were too late to demand more money for her pain and suffering after all this shit. She was whore working for an elite club, so feeling like she lost her dignity was some major shit alright. When she was allowed to pee, a nurse shoved a cup in her hand and demanded a sample. That cup was filled to the brim alright.

The nurse also swapped inside her mouth with a swab, before she dropped it in a small tube and sealed it up. Gotta test that mouth for the herpes. And probably run her DNA and shit no doubt. Couldn’t have a crazy, deformed, sick kiddo popping out, not after the Godwin paid good money for it. Daddy had to protect his investment after all.

Next up, how fuckin wonderful, a dental exam. She would be a dirty liar if she claimed she wasn’t tempted to bite off that dentist’s finger. But she knew her mouth was clean and healthy, she needed it for her job after all. Her teeth all shiny and white, it seemed cum worked dental wonders. Well at least from what her clients believed anyway. No, her healthy white glow came from fancy toothpaste, obsessive brushing and flossing, and regular time spent in the dental chair at the Cobra Club.

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