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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Unmasking the Truth by faze1315 (phonics readers txt) 📖

Book online «Unmasking the Truth by faze1315 (phonics readers txt) 📖». Author faze1315

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seat, wondeirng if he was doing the right thing.

Sapphire nooded in encouragment, what could he possibly want to tell me after six long years? Derik opened his mouth about to speak, but quickly closed it and glared at Oz. "Would you mind?"

"I want him here," I spoke before Oz could walk away. "I trust him, if you tell me than you are telling him too." I looked over at Oz who stood by the door his hand tightly gripping the handle. He turned around and made his way back over to me, but sat down in the seat next to me instead.

"Well it started when we were sixteen. Mom had just gotten sick and she was on her death bed. She had place the responsibility of taking care of you onto my shoulders. I was the man of the house, I couldn't watch my sister starve, so I did what she wanted, I got a job."

"Well after a crappy week, I realized all my hard work and long hours won't be enough for the both of us and the house, so I got a different job. Working for Chris."

I silently gasped, "You were working for that- that loanshark?"

"Well... he wasn't, isn't a loan shark. He is a drug dealer, I was his new recruit. It paid the bills on the table and we had enough money left to buy you a new car. I sold drugs to the school, getting half the money for myself and giving half to Chris."

"You were the drug dealer?" I stood up again, the chair dropping to the ground a second time. "You were the fucking bastard!" I lunged at him, but Oz caught me before I could sink my claws in. I scratched at Oz's arms, pulling to get to Derik. "She had so much going for her, you no good son of a bitch!"

Derik stood and backed toward the wall, his mouth hung open, "I didn't know."

"She was a deppression pills, she couldn't take any other pill than the ones her doctor gave to her," I tried grabbing for him again, but Oz pulled me back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, restraining me from completely loosing it.

"I didn't know!"

My best friend, Kelsey, had the world at her fingertips. Good grades, great personalilty, but one day I walked into her room. She had overdosed on pills. I ran down the stairs screaming for her parents. When they fianlly ran up to me, my eyes were leaking and all I could do was point.

Later that day she died in the hospital. I watched my best friend's life slip away from her. When the doctor came in, he told me and her parents that she overdosed on different pills, ones that was not prescribed to her. But he didn't have to tell me that, I knew about this problem for awhile now. She told me that she was getting over it and she was, but that day...

"J-J-Just leave," I slumped into Oz's chest watchng as Derik made his way out the door. I silently cried, but I softly tugged Oz's arms off of me and wiped my eyes. "You should go too, you probably have work or something to do in-"

He pulled me in his arms; he was cradling my head into his shoulder. I cried for Kelsey, for the others that died because of my brother. I cried for the safe arms that were wrapped around me, thinking that Kelsey should be here, experiencing this. That she should already be married and have a great job. I cried for the other lives lost.

"You know most guys wouldn't know what to do. They would either push crying women away or take advantage of them."

"I am not most guys," he quietly mumbled into my hair line. He kissed my forehead and lifted my chin, "I will always be here if you need it."

"Thank you," I quietly said. I cursed under my breath. I have noticed I have been saying that frequently, especially toward Oz. I looked down and gasped as blood ran down Oz's arm. "Did I do this?"

"It is nothing," Oz tried pulling away, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the sink. Placing a towel under the faucet, I waited for it to turn cold, before placing it on Oz's arms. Patting the blood away, tears swelled in my eyes again.

"I'm sorry," I dropped the towel in the sink and pulled another one out from the drawers.

"It really doesn't-" he winced as I pat his arm, drying the water up. He looked down at me and gave me a cocky smile, "You know I am really enjoying this."

"Shut up," I hit his shoulder with the towel and hung it on the oven's handle. Grabbing his hand, we walked to my livingroom and I pulled him down with me. I turned the TV on, clicking it to cartoons. "Spongebob!"

"What is this?"

"You have never seen Spongebob?" I got up from my seat and got onto my knees looking for my Spongebob CD set. "Then be ready to laugh your ass off." I placed the disk in my player and sat back on the couch. I cuddled into Oz's side, but he has gone stiff.

"Umm, Sapphire, why does your brother call you Lilly?"

"Everyone called me Lilly back then, it is my middle name. Sapphire Lilly Banks. I never really liked it, so that is why I force everyone to call my Sapphire again."

"I like Lilly, it suits you," Oz placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me back towards his side. The show came on, but I wasn't paying attention. I was watching the gorgeous man that sat next to me, our warm bodies brushing against each other.

His shirt had risen again, and I could feel his skin sending me goosebumps. Oz leaned down close to me, "Your not even watching it," his breath brushed against my cheek giving me tingles.

"Yes I am," I retorted and turned back to the Tv, but my eyes wandered back to Oz. He was starting to notice and began looking down at me. Back and forth we would stare at each until we both looked at the same time. I tucked a piece of hair behind me ear, remembering the flower he placed there a couple days ago.

"Lilly," he gently said, his hands sliding down my arm. I wanted to reach out and run my hands through his hair.

"Mhmm," I felt this tug inside me, pulling towards him. I was so attractive to this man, everything about him was addictive. Just the way he blinks, his long eyelashes gracifully brushing his cheeks could make my legs go numb.

I could feel his body getting stiff again and he pulled away slightly, breaking my trance. Turning my attention away from him, I was disappointed he didn't feel the same way about me. He didn't see me like that, "I think you should go."

I looked back at Oz. His eyes said he was hurt, but he just nodded his head standing up. I followed him to the door. "Lilly," Oz turned around and lightly kissed my forehead, "I will see you tomorrow."

I nodded my head again, a smile pulling at my lips. "Tommorrow?"

"I will pick you up at two," he turned and walked down my stairs and hopped onto his motorcycle. "Till tomorrow." He kick started his bike and drove off. I closed thedoor and locked it behind me.

That boy is going to be the death of me. 

Chapter Six


"Miniture golfing?" I picked out my club and a bright pink ball with the logo, Wacky's Palace on the side in big black letters. I grabbed Oz's arm and pulled him down to my level. "Is this even allowed, this place isn't even Wacky's Palace," I showed him the ball and he cracked up laughing.

"Come on, do you not like miniture golfing?"

"I don't know, I have never played," I shrugged and followed the couple in front of us untill we reached the first course.

"You have never played?" Oz walked behind me and circled his arms around me. "I guess I will have to show you."

"Gosh, this is so cheesy," I laughed nervously, but didn't dare remove his arms away from me. The afternoon's air was warm, so Oz was wearing a t-shirt, showing off his perfect arms that were now wrapped around me. I held in a shudder and looked up at Oz to realize he has been talking the entire time I was staring at his arms.

"Do you understand?"

"Umhm," I stuttered. Blushing at myself I looked down at my brightly colored ball and focused on making it between the two fish, over the bridge, and into the hole. Swinging my arms back I hit the ball lightly; it went into between the fish, but no over the small bridge.

"Try again," Oz engouraged me. He stepped away from me this time and let me swing by myself. Even though I was thankful, I couldn't help but feel the warm air that took place of the abbsence of Oz's body. This time I was going to get it over the fucking bridge. Swimging back forcefully I hit Oz.

Oz grunted and fell down on his knees, his head in between his legs. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I threw the club down and ran towards Oz getting on my hands and knees. Everyone around us laughed, but I was blushing from the attention I was bringing us.

"It is Ok," Oz gasped and lifted his head. He tried giving me a reassuring smile, but it looked more like a grimace and his head fell back between his legs like the effort of looking Ok was useless. Standing up, Oz's legs shook a little, but he stood fine. People around us started to clap and everything.

"It wasn't like a parlyzed the man," I snapped and everybody turned back to their game. Shameful of myself, I looked back down at my club and kicked it. "Told you I never played before."

Oz grabbed the side of his stomach and fell to the ground again, but laughing this time. He was practically rollling around. A teen couple walked up to us and looked between Oz and I, "Did you hit him again?"

"I didn't hit him again you fucking brats," I started blushing again. The teens walked away snickering and muttering adults under their breaths. I pulled Oz up, "I'm not that funny."

"I am not laughing at you," Oz sobbered and picked my club from off the ground. Oz placed the club in my hand, "you are just very amusing."

"Thanks, I've been told."


We sat at one of the few tables around a truck, eating some icecream. "I am never going back over there, golf hates me."

"Why would you say that?" Oz licked his icecream, distracting me slighty from the conversation at hand. I watched his tongue scoop some icecream into a neat little spot and his lips sucked it up. I watched this a few times before remembering I probably look weird watching.

"I lost three balls and almost threw my club at a little kid for bumping into my ball," I licked my lips.

"Ok next time we won't go minture golfing."

"Next time?"

"I mean yeah, if you would like to. Because if you don't I understand, it is not like I am forcing you, you

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