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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Unmasking the Truth by faze1315 (phonics readers txt) 📖

Book online «Unmasking the Truth by faze1315 (phonics readers txt) 📖». Author faze1315

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Chapter Ten


I tripped over something and tumbled over. Since my hands were bound behind my back, I let my face take the fall in agonzing pain. "Get up, bitch," someone pulled on my hair. It was difficult walking, without anyway of knowing where to go. The only clue of knowing I wasn't going to run into a wall was the buffy guy behind me that like to feel up his victims.

Throwing my head back, I heard the crunch of a nose breaking and I tried running forward, but three pairs of arms caught me before any escape. Thrashing around, I tried kicking, but I still had no idea where anyone was. I could have been kicking a bunny to death and I wouldn't know it.

One set of arms pushed me forward and I almost tripped again. Having no other option I followed the grunts or shoves of the gorillas.

Apperently finally reaching our destination, I was pushed into a chair and chained down. The rope around my neck was untied and the bag was pulled off of my head. I stared a very handsome man. He had deep hazel eyes, almost like honey. Beautiful golden hair, and perfect lips that looked like velvet. But the most distracing feature was the scar running down his chin. A dark tan scar and bulging out from his skin and slightly green. It looked like it had a pulse and was going to pop and puss would fill the room.

"Like what you see?"

Glaring at Chris, I tried kicking him, but my feet were chained to the chair as well. "Nothing about you is enjoyable to look at. I rather see a dog licking its ass than stared at you." I tried moving the chair, but looking down at the leg, it was bolted to the floor.

Instead of the reaction I was expecting, Chris laughed. A evil laugh that sent childeren crying for their mothers. "You amuse me. That is what your lover tells you right? I see why he is so attracted to you," Chris squat down next to me and grabbed my chin. "beautful shappire eyes, is that were you get your name Sapphire?"


"What do you want from me?"

"I was actually looking for your brother, but..." he stood from his chair and walked around me. He picked up strands of my hair and sniffed it. He felt at the back of my neck and down my back. He slid his hand around to my stomach and up to my chest. "You will do quite fine," he rubbed my chest before dropping back and analizing me once more.

"Your brother left my dealings without so much as a goodbye-"

"Join the club," I muttered.

"He was my number one guy, he knows about clients and drug dealing. Murders that I have committed and some law suits that should have put me in jail. He had information that would make your ears bleed and stomach explode," Chris whispered in my ear. "I was going to use you as a bargain, but you have so much more potiental."

"Sir," a large man walked out of the shadows and gun strapped to his back. "You are running out of time."

"Yes, thank you," Chirs turned back to me, a smile playing at his lips. "Have fun." He walked out the door and slammed it behind him. I was going to scream at him, but a large object hit me in the head. Shaking my head a couple times, I got the wooziness to leave and I look at the gorilla.

"What!" He didn't answer, but he held a bat in his hands. Swinging again, he hit me in the gut; Blood dripped down my mouth and I spat it on the ground. "Is that all you got? I felt worst," I yelled at him. This time another dude walked out of the shadows, a knife dancing across his fingers.

The first gorilla held me down, while the second sketched something in my skin. On my shoulder, I could feel the steel blade cut through the skin and flesh. My insides screamed, but I bit on my lip. I did not want them to see the weakness that I felt, so instead I bit hard into my lip, drawling blood.

When the second gorilla was done, he walked back into the shadows, leaving me with gorilla number one. "You're a pussy. Can't get your hands dirty so you use that fucking bat. Is your punches weak? Do you have an issue of hitting girls?"

I was hit again in the stomach. One last time I was hit in my forehead, where I had a concuction and I was knocked out cold.


I was thrown on the curb outside of Oz's apartment. They dumped me and drove away, into the showdows like the crapholes they were. I stood up, staggered a little, but slowly made my way up the stairs. It took me about an hour by the sheer size of the steps, but I was thankful that Oz thought to leave the door unlocked.

Stepping threw the door, I locked it behind me and walked towards the kitchen. But another shot of pain form my shoulder caused my to shriek out in pain and I fell to the ground. It felt like twenty skrew drivers were shoved into my shoulder and they kept twisting. And twisting. And twisting. 

The energy that I extertied from the climb up the stairs left me on the cold tile, shivering from the cold, fear, and pain.

It didn't take long for Oz to show up. When he walked through the door he stopped in his tracks when he saw me and rushed to my side. "Lilly! What happened?" He knelt by my side and picked up my hand.

I shrieked and spit up blood, because he moved my bad arm. "C-C-Chris," I shook my head and turned to my side. Oz reached out for me, but I shrunk away from him, scared of the male gender.

"I am not going to hurt you," Oz said sadly. He tried again, but I moved away from him, whimpering at my sore body. Oz sighed and got from the floor. He walked towards the bathroom and came back with a damp towel. "Do you trust me?"

I laid on the cool tile, afraid of the mere sight of my shadow and he asked if I could trust him. Thinking back to the last week or so, I wanted to trust him. SO much that it hurt, but I was still afraid. Shaking my head I tried scooting away, but Oz scopped me up in his arms.

I screamed and thrashed around. I tried scracthing at his face or kicking him in the gut, but he had a tight hold on me. He walked towards his bedroom and he sat down on his bed, me in his arms.

Still thrashing around, I tried screaming for help, but I gurgled up some blood again and spat it on the ground. Oz tucked my head in the crook of his shoulder and shushed me with calming words. Rocking me back and forth, I was soothed into a clam state of sadness.

Oz scooted back to the headboard and he laid us down. Stroking my cheek and rubbed away a spot of blood from my chin. He lightly kissed my forehead and went back to saying soothing words until I fell asleep. It wasn't peaceful slumber, but I didn't wake up from nightmares.

I was in the state of nonexitences. Between black and white. I was floating in the grey, shaking from the thoughts of Chris. I woke up in the middle of the night.

Looking up at Oz, he had a hint of a smile on his lips. I could have left, his arm was only lazily ontop of my stomach, but instead I cuddled into him. I drunk up to comfort he provided, "I do trust you Oz."

Chapter Eleven


"You got to be more careful," the chief of police screamed at me as I was walking out the door. Going down the hallway, I stopped in front of Oz who was once again talking to the lady at the desk. I walked past him and out the door.

"What did the cheif say?" he ran towards me and grabbed my arm spinning me around.

"He said I have to be more careful and not to leave the house after nine unless you are with me," I shook his arm off. I turned on my heel and made my way to the motorcycle, "Which is not happening."

"Don't you care for your saftey?" Oz ran after me, always one step behind me. I could feel the worry coming off of him in huge waves that want to pull me under. I was happy that he was worried for me, but it wasn't enough. I spun around and looked up at him.

"I don't have anything to live for. My best friend is dead, my mother is dead also, if you didn't know. My brother has pushed all his problems on me, and the one person I decided to trust in somewhat years does not trust me back. So no, I do not give a shit about my saftey." Confused and messed up, I took off down the road. My feet were flying underneath me and my hair whipped around me.

I could hear Oz starting his bike and the engine roaring to life. Oz drove past me and stopped in fornt of me. I turned the corned, but before I couldn't make it far, before Oz pinned me to the ground. We both laid in the grass, heavily breathing.

"Your best friend and mother is dead, yes. But your brother did not push his problems on to you and I do trust you. I would tell you everything you want to know, if only you would listen. I would have spilled my guts, but I didn't want you to turn away from me," Oz lightened up, when he noticed I was paying attention. He rest on both his elbow and laid above me, "You wouldn't have opened up to me if you knew I was a cop."

"You don't know that," Oz's soft hand rested on my cheek and I leaned into it. I stroked tiny circles on the back of his hand. "Maybe I would have been more attracted to you," I shrugged.

"More attracted?"

I shrugged again, but this time a smile curled on my lips. I entwined my fingers with his, "Yeah more attracted."

I ran my other hand up his chest and played with the curls at the base of his hairline. I pulled him towards me, but a cough stopped me halfway. "Ignore him and maybe he will go way," Oz whispered in my ear, only half joking. Laughing, I pushed Oz off of me, he rolled to a stop and glared up at Fredrickson. "What do you want?"

"I was coming over here, to remind you of the Police Awards. I was wondering if Ms, Banks would like to accompany me to it?"

"What makes you think

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