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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Late Last Night (Completed) by Kenzie . (ebook reader for surface pro TXT) 📖

Book online «Late Last Night (Completed) by Kenzie . (ebook reader for surface pro TXT) 📖». Author Kenzie .

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still annoying.

"Come on Nadya, sing along.":

I wasn't even aware he knew my name. I thought.

"Come on!" he chanted. "Join me." I sighed.

"I am titanium," I sang.

"Woooo!" he cheered. We sang the rest of the song until it ended. And I was actually smiling. I stopped in front of a blue house with a huge driveway.

Lucas grinned at me. He thanked me, surprisingly this guy doesn't seem to have any manners, and handed me my underwear.

"You have a nice rack by the way." he said. I glared at him and put out my hand for my bra.

"Give me my bra."

He laughed, something he does a lot. He held it up between us. "But I love this! Will you model for me?"

I snatched them. "Good bye Lucas."

He grinned. "See yah later Racy Lacy."

He climbed out the car while I yelled, "My name is Nadya!"

"Your middle name is Lacy." he answered with a mischievous smile. How the hell did he know that? Not even my best friends know that. I hate my middle name.

"How do you know that?" I asked finally but he was walking up the driveway. I shook my head and drove down the street.

Lucas drives me crazy.

::Chapter 5::

"Since when are you and Lucas Tale bestest of friends?" Amy Little asked me the next morning. She had her hands on her high-low skirt covered hips. She had matched it with a strapless top.

I stared at her. "You look really nice today!"

She blushed and waved off my compliment, "No more than usual."

"No I mean you actually look nice. Why?"

"What do u mean I actually look nice?" she asked. I closed my locker and clicked my tongue.

"Nothing." I said in an innocent voice. I walked towards my first class of the day waving good bye to the little girl I called my best friend. She rolled her eyes and called out, "And you still didn't answer my question!"

"Good bye Amy!" I yekked back turning around. I laughed at her frustrating expression and turned back around.

Running straight into the devil.

"My name is Lucas, Racy Lacy, not Amy." Lucas smirked.

I tried walking around him, "I was taking to Amy dude. Not you."

"I thought I was your best friend. Did you cheat on me?" he said. He said it in that teasing voice I've come to learn. Its the same voice he uses before his blue eyes sparkle with mischeif and he does something completely unexpected.

I narrowed my eyes, "Whatever your planning to do, stop. Now." Lucas smiled.

He patted my head like a dog and sauntered away from me. I shook my head and headed to class.

We are all going to die, I thought. My jaw dropped as I stared at the alien who walked through the classroom enterance.

He was wearing a button shirt, one he swore he's never wear. Slacks, something he said was for sissy's. And God help us all, dress shoes.

I didn't even know he had dress shoes! Let alone know what those were.

The girls in my class checked him out and I could hear a collective sigh.

What the hell?

"Louis?" I asked. He turned his head towards me smiled. He sauntered over towards me and sat down into the seat next to me. Sat, not plop down and spread his legs out so that no one could pass like he usually does.

"What's up doll face?" he grinned. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked, scanning over his attire again. Louis smirked, obviously thinking I was checking him out (which I sort of was).

"I gots a date," he said with a cocky grin. He popped his collar for effect and then quickly fixed it back.

"You don't go on dates," I said slowly.

"That you know of," he said slyly. Licky for him the teacher walked in. I gave Lucas one last stare and turned my attention back to the teacher.

Something weird is going on.

By lunch, I was totally confused. "Ronnie please stop jumping up and down, you look like your humping the table."

He bit his nails, "I can't help it."

"What are you so nervous about?" I asked smoothing my hair back out of my face so that I could see if Amy or Lucas walked in the cafeteria.

"What are you looking for?" he snapped back.

"Amy and Lucas," I answered, not bothering to snap back.

Ronnie snorted, "Probably making out somewhere." I stopped looking at the enteracne and looked at him.


"Well they do got a date tonight," Ronnie shruuged. He was still bouncing in the seat as if it this was nothing. I was shocked, not only by his bad grammer but the fact that I'm just finding out.

Ronnie stopped bouncing and looked at me, "And you didn't know that did you?"

"No!" I yelled. He laughed at me.

"Ha! You were the last to know!" he taunted. I slapped him in the face. He gasped dramatically and stared at me. "Why the hell are you slapping me!"

"You were being a poopie head!"

"Really. We are back to the baby curse words again?" Ronnie glared while rubbing his cheek.

"Oh go fluck your fapper," I hissed. I stood up and stalked away from the drama queen.

I can't belive they didn't tell me about the date. I didn't even know Louis liked Amy back! Why woudn't they tell me and why would the tell Ronnie? I was routing from them from forever.

"Whoa you look mad."

I stopped walking and glared at Philip. He was sitting at his lunch table with his obnoxious friends. He had his arms over this irls waist as she sat on his lap. She didn't even pay any attention to me, she was busy staring at his face.


"What I can't be mad?" I asked. Philip and his frineds laughed.

"I heard you were really mad when Lucas had you lacy underwear on the flagpole," he replied cheekliy. I thought he didn't like Lucas. My gaze darkened.

"How did you know about that?" I whispered.

"Lucas told me and I didn't believe him." He grinnned. "But you just confirmed it." I clenched my hands at my sides.

"I'm surprised you even have lacy underwear." Philip said. "I thought you wore bloomers."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." I finally started moving again and bumped into someone again. I sighed and backed away. I didn't have to look to know who it was. The only guy I bump into would be the devil, just my luck.

"What's up?" he asked. "Your always bumping into me." Lucas grinned and took a sip of his apple juice.

"What's with you and apple juice?" I asked.

He shrugged, "It's good." I wrinkled my nose.

"I hate fruit," Lucas looked at me weird, like he's never heard that before.

"What?" he asked. I shook my head and tried moving around the boy who decided he wanted to have a conversation in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Come on pee boy, move." I said. I could hear Philip laugh at my diss.

"You always leaving the cafeteria for some reason." he said, still ignoring me. I sighed and shoved him. He teetered on his heels and almost toppled over.

"Whoa." he cried. "My apple juice." I took the oppurtunity to leave and look for Amy.

"Hey! Wait." he called. "My apple juice is safe, no need to run in guilt." He ran after me, waving his juice in one hand, a ridiculous smile on his face.

"Leave me alone! Rape, fire, someone help!" I yelled as I started running down the hallway. I heard him laughing as he chased me down.

It was a stupid idea, to run from a guy on the football team. He reached me, without breaking a sweat and takled me to the ground. We fell together, our arms and legs tangling and his precious apple juice spilled all over us.

"Oh ew!" I cried the same time he went, "Oh f*ck my apple juice." I shoved the idiot off of me.

"What is with you!?" I yelled. "Are you that stupid that you can't even think properly?"

"I was trying to get you so that I could ask you something but YOU decided to run like a freaking sissy and make me spill my apple juice."

"Will you shut up 'bout your apple juice?" I screamed. "Look what you did to my favorite shirt." I pointed to my favorite yellow shirt with the huge stain on it.

"You look like a freaking banana," he snorted. "I was doing you and everyone with eyes a favor."

"Well your shirt is stupid too." I said pointing to his 'YOLO' tee. What the hell does YOLO mean anyways.

"YOLO is the sh*t man, you obviously don't know music." he retorted crossing his arms over his stained tee shirt.

I shook my head, "I need to go change."

I started to get up but Lucas grabbed my ankle. He peered up my skirt with a silly smile on his face. I aimed my foot for his face as I called him a pervert. He dodged and laughed. I kicked free from his grasp and tried, for the fifteen millioth time, to leave the dude.

But of course he followed me.


"I don't have a shirt." I whined, digging through my gym locker.

"Haha." Lucas taunted. "You would if you'd just take the cheer leading shirt."

"I told you I'm not supposed to." I said. Lucas snorted and went silent.

Finally. I bent over and looked deeper in my locker. "Where the hell could it be?" I muttered.

"You have one nice ass," Lucas whistled. I jumped back and stood up.

"Were you staring at my butt again?" Yes, again, he's been doing that the whole time I was walking.

"Yup." he said shamelessly. "Can I grab it."

"Listen," I sighed. "I am not interested in you. So if you could stop with the flirting-"

"First of all," he said cutting me off and raising a hand in the air as if stopping traffic. "If I was flirting you could not resist me."

"I doubt that." I said. "Anyways I like someone else."

"Marc." he deadpanned.

"How'd you know?" I asked, crossing my arms defensively and raising my nose in the air.

He bat his eyes and starting drooling, "Oh Marc! Yes you can kiss my cheek."

I narrowed my eyes, "How'd you know he kissed my cheek?"

"Gossip," he shrugged. "you and my cousin is really disgusting. Especially since you could have me." He said the last bit with kisses.

"I don't want you." I said slowly. "Get that through your head dude."

"You say that now. But I
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