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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Unclaimed Love by E.J Belle (best summer books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Unclaimed Love by E.J Belle (best summer books .TXT) 📖». Author E.J Belle

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simply couldn't sleep as the flashes of that stupid dream had appeared once again but I decided that I wasn't having any of it.


I slowly opened my eyes after squirming around in my bed, I wasn't able to sleep at all.


Thoughts were spinning around in my head constantly, I slowly got up and turned back on one of the lights in my bedroom making my way towards one of my bedroom windows only to see that I had forgotten to pull the curtains over, they were still pulled back and it was pitch black outside now.


I found it impossible to tell how much time had passed since I had that conversation with Sarah on the phone, perhaps an hour maybe more I thought.


My thoughts were still on the conversation that I had, had with Sarah about the rumour was it really true? Or was it false? I couldn't decide. All I knew though was that when Saturday came, if Aidan was to give me trouble I would make sure to return the favour to him with pleasure.


No stars nor a moon in sight, I couldn't see but that didn't stop a smile from coming to my lips.


I really wanted to know if he had a brother or not and if he did I wouldn't mind trying to get to know him. Anyway anyone is better than Aidan right? Or at least I hoped that.


I stared out of my window continually that night just wondered and prayed that on Saturday night nobody would piss me off and if they did I wouldn't let them bring me down so easily.


Chapter Three Our First Meeting

I gazed out of my bedroom window, staring out in the darkness I felt so bored. The week had dragged in quickly, too quickly in my opinion.


Saturday had already arrived and I had not seen or heard from Sarah since Friday. Probably due to the fact that we had to cancel our meeting up schedule thanks to my two loving parents who had arranged to go out for dinner tonight.


I heard my bedroom door open, my mother walked into the room only to tell me to hurry up and put something appropriate on for dinner.


At the minute I was wearing a navy blue checker shirt, a black 'Breaking Benjamin' short-sleeved t-shirt, a pair of black leggings and a pair of slippers.


"Mum do I really have to dress up in some sort of fancy dress?" I complained.


"Yes Allie you do." My mother responded.


I sighed distastefully before storming into my small dressing room and picked out a plain light pink strapless dress, and a black cardigan to go with it. I removed my tops and quickly lifted out a strapless bra from one of my top drawers. After removing the bra: that I had been wearing for most of the day, I soon replaced it with the strapless bra before putting on my strapless pink dress and my black cardigan before putting my other bra into the small wash basket that I kept in my bathroom.


I stepped out of my bathroom only to notice what my mother was wearing. She was wearing a long blue cerulean dress with straps, a pair of silver pumps and a long-sleeved white cardigan. Her hair had been tied back into a tight fitted-bun.


"You look lovely mum." I complimented truthfully noticing the dark shade of red lipstick that covered her natural shade of lips

"Thank you dear, shall I do your makeup for you?" She offered.


"No thank you, I don't want any makeup." I answered.


"Allie you can't go out for dinner without any makeup on what would people think of you?" My mother started to give me one of her lectures.


"I don't care what people think of me, they can say and think what they like about me. I don't care." I stated.


"Allie at least let me put some mascara on for you." My mother insisted.



I eventually gave up sitting down on the bed in defeat only for my mum to fiddle around in her small makeup bag and take the black mascara out.


"Look up honey." She instructed.


I looked up towards the ceiling doing my best not to blink my eyes, as my mum started to put some mascara on to my eyelashes before going to my left eyelashes.


After she had finished doing my eyelashes, I allowed her to put some of her red lipstick on to my lips. I thanked her before I watched her leave the room. After I had finished getting ready I heard my mother telling me to come down. I sighed I really didn't want to go out for dinner.


I walked out of my bedroom and made my way downstairs and made my way into the kitchen only to see my parents at the back door.


My father stood at the back door holding it open for me. I walked out thanking him before getting into his car and getting into one of the back seats.



The drive was long and boring to be honest due to the fact that there was nothing to talk about.


It felt like hours, the journey I mean but sadly we had only been in the car for half an hour. When we had finally arrived in the car park we departed from the car and wandered around in the streets until we noticed a restaurant with big flashy lights and big bold letter words saying 'Welcome to Charlie's Restaurant' or something like that. In all honesty I wasn't really paying any real attention to the letters since my mind wasn't on the letters.


I was more focused on whom I would be having dinner with.


We entered the restaurant and it was pretty busy with many people waiting in their seats some couples chatting away to one another while waiting on their meal, some eating their dinner on their own and some just having drinks with one another.


We didn't have to wait very long for one of the waiters to come up to us and greet us.


"Welcome, may I help you with anything?" The waiter asked. He was attired in a white short-sleeved shirt with red stripes on it; he also had his own name badge on his shirt that had his name on it.


Jackson was his name: he had light chestnut brown hair, emerald light green eyes: and pale skin. He was also quite lean and stood at the height of six ft one.


"Yes we have a table booked under the name Thompson." My father explained



I watched Jackson walk over towards a desk that had a large book with all of the bookings that had been made for tonight I assumed. He didn't take very long to grab menus for us and showed us to our table.


When we arrived at our table there was already three men, one elderly man possibly in his mid fifties was sitting in the middle with two men that looked as if they were both in their early twenties.


I sat down first near to one of the glass windows, I watched my mum sit down beside me and my father followed afterwards sitting down beside her.


"Well is this your daughter?" The mid aged man asked. He was attired in a black jacket, a white long-sleeved shirt with gold cufflinks, a pair of black trousers, and a pair of black shoes. His hair was white, and his face was pale covered in winkles and long lines at the sides of his nose.



He must be a smoker I thought.


I took a look at the younger man that was sitting at the left-hand side, he had dirty blonde short hair, light blue eyes, pale skin and he must've been about six ft one. He wore a navy blue jacket, a white-long sleeved shirt, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black shoes.


As for the other man that was sitting beside the elderly man on the right- hand side, he had light blonde hair, hazel light brown eyes, pale creamy skin, and he stood at the height of six ft five. He wore a black suit, a white long-sleeved shirt with silver cufflinks, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black shoes. I had a feeling though as if he was very muscular, because underneath his shirt, I was pretty sure I could see a six pack or an eight pack since it was quite visible through his shirt.


It wasn't long until I noticed a large grin appearing on his red luminous lips, I found myself blushing since he had clearly noticed me staring at him in awe.


I shook my head, really why did I have to stare at him? There was nothing special about him.


"Yes this is our daughter Allie, Mr Thompson." My father's words brought me out of my trance.


"How old are you child?" He asked me.


Child! I am seventeen years old. I am a teenager not a child. Do you not know the difference?


I thought but knew better than to say that.


"I am seventeen years old sir." I answered politely trying my best not to grit my teeth.


"When will you be eighteen?" He questioned me.


"I will be eighteen next month." I stated.


Before he was about to speak again, I decided to beat him to it.


"Sir sorry but which one of your sons is called Aidan?" I questioned him.


I almost regretted it because Mr Thompson soon made his fist show at the table. But instead of banging the table he growled out quietly.


"I will be the one to ask the questions, not you feline." He replied.


"May I introduce my son Aidan?" He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder the one that was sitting beside him on the left-hand side of him.


He wore a grin on his face before I heard him speaking to me.


"Oh someone doesn't look very happy." He teased me.


"Oh someone doesn't look as if they are getting enough attention I flirted slightly.


"Allie quit your flirting." My father warned me.


"Who is this handsome young man on your right?" My mother asked Mr Thompson.


"Oh don't worry about him; he's my bastard servant Damian." He patted Damian's shoulder.


I cannot believe the words that I am hearing; this man is so rude and arrogant. I do hope Damian isn't like him.


I noticed Damian folding his arms slightly and gazing out of one of the windows, who could blame him I would too if someone called me a bastard.


"Turn around and face the front boy!" Mr Thompson shouted.

Damian faced the front continuing to stare at me, why was he now staring at me? Did I have something on my face? I'm sure I didn't.

"I love your dress, you look lovely in it." Aidan decided to compliment me.


"Thank you." I thanked him.


"Want me to un-zip it for you?" He winked. Great he was teasing me again.


This night keeps getting better and better. Sarcasm, this night is the worse night ever.


"Maybe you could stop being such a show off" I continued flirting slightly.


"Maybe I would love to be a show off." He flirted.


"That's not appropriate, you can't say that to her." Damian barked out furiously.


Okay what is his problem? I do know how to defend myself so why is he getting annoyed at this when it wasn't pointed at him?

But then again I had to admit, he did have a point. It wasn't

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