Unclaimed Love by E.J Belle (best summer books .TXT) 📖

- Author: E.J Belle
Book online «Unclaimed Love by E.J Belle (best summer books .TXT) 📖». Author E.J Belle
He wouldn't acknowledge or even speak to me at all. He must've been very angry with me.
As for my mother in the car she was the one that had to tell me off for my behaviour.
"Allie I am very disappointed in you. I brought you up to be polite and very lady-like not to be rude and ignorant, especially at the dinner table in front of other people." She exclaimed.
"But mother, Mr Thompson was annoying me, and so were Damian and Aidan they wouldn't leave me alone. They were both irritating in my opinion anyway." I replied.
"Allie Mr Thompson might've been very rude, but Damian and Aidan were just trying to be sociable and were trying to get to know you. If you ask me Damian and Aidan were very polite and very mature. You on the other hand could've behaved better. You were very rude and very immature at the dinner table. You could've tried to be polite especially towards Aidan." She explained crossing her arms over in annoyance.
I sighed when we had entered the house, I rambled up the stairs and walked towards my bedroom when I had finally entered my room I sealed the door behind me before getting changed into my pyjamas and climbing into my bedroom.
I pulled the duvet covers up towards my chest only to hear my mobile vibrate near one of my pillows.
I checked who was calling me and it was Sarah. I answered it only to hear her speak on the other line.
"Heya bird, did you miss me?" She asked me.
"Yeah, I missed you today, how are you?" I answered.
"I'm okay thanks, how did it go tonight with you and Aidan?" She questioned me.
"It was awful, his father is a mad man that doesn't know how to control his temper, and he brought a so called servant with him that was annoying the hell out of me tonight. He treated me as if I had been a naughty child that had done something wrong. It was just awful." I explained.
"Sounds like you had a fun time tonight." She said clearly getting the message.
"But the funny thing was, his so called servant didn't even look like a servant, he didn't even dress like a servant." I exclaimed.
"Hun I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet, maybe he had been told to accompany Mr Thompson to the restaurant." She suggested.
"But Sarah isn't that what an usher would do?" I pointed out.
"Maybe yeah, but like I said, maybe there was an explanation for this." She exclaimed.
"Yeah I have to say though they are both really strange." I stated.
"Really, I bet they are: all men are chick." She chuckled.
"Well maybe all men are strange, but the two men were both really strange. I mean one of them was teasing me and grinning at me and the other one was just staring at me and telling me that I couldn't say this and I couldn't say that." I told her.
"Sounds like: they both like you chick." She responded.
"Like me? I don't think so. I don't like either of them." That made her chuckle loudly.
"What's so funny?" I wanted to know.
"Allie, you are funny. If you didn't like them, you wouldn't be talking so much about them to me." She continued to chuckle.
"Oh Sarah stop teasing me, I've already had enough teasing from Aidan tonight, I don't need you teasing me now as well." I folded my arms fed up with being teased.
"Sorry bird, let's change the subject." She suggested.
"Yeah I would like that." I replied.
"Did you hear about Hayley?" She brought her up.
"No what about her?" I said.
"There's a rumour going around saying she is pregnant with her boyfriend's child." She explained.
"Well if she is pregnant with her boyfriend's child then I don't have any sympathy for her. She was after all rude to us and still trips us up in college." I stated.
"That does sound kind of harsh Allie." Sarah surprised me with her comment.
"Since when do you feel any sympathy for that cow?" I covered my mouth so I could yawn.
She didn't answer instead she stayed silent.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay thanks. I'll let you go okay." She said before ending the call.
Well that was a strange call, I thought before turning my phone off to save the battery on it before turning off the lights and falling into a deep slumber.
The next morning was strange; I ended up waking up with a bad headache that I couldn't get rid of.
I continued to think about last night's events I know it was bad to dwell on passed events but I couldn't help it. Questions were still swimming around in my mind, and they wouldn't stop until they were satisfied with answers.
I probably wouldn't get any answers though, I sighed before getting dressed into a pair of dark blue trousers, a black short-sleeved top and pair of white sketchers. I left my hair down after I had given it a quick brush.
I really did feel like I wanted to go back to sleep again, I couldn't believe that it was Sunday; I kind of hated Sundays because it meant that tomorrow would be Monday. I was about to make my way downstairs until I heard my mobile vibrating.
I picked it up and checked who was calling me, it came up with a number that I was sure I didn't have in my list of contacts.
I answered it only to hear a man coughing on the other end of the line.
"Hello." I said quite shyly.
"Hello is this Miss Jenkins?" A man asked.
"If you are referring to Allie Jenkins, then yes this is Allie." I replied.
"Miss Jenkins, this is Joe I am the butler of Master Thompson, Mr Thompson; I believe you have already met him?" He explained.
"Yes I have met Mr Thompson why?" I asked again very shyly.
"He has requested that you come to his house tomorrow evening." He answered.
"Very well I shall bring my parents with me. At what time would you like us to be there at?" I questioned him.
"Oh no: he doesn't need to see your parents; it is just you he wants to see at 5.00 pm at his house." He responded.
"Okay why?" I questioned.
"He would like to see you tomorrow to discuss important matters."He stated.
"Okay sounds fun." I smiled.
"Okay enjoy the rest of your weekend Miss Jenkins." He said pleasantly.
"Goodbye Joe." I said before ending the call.
It didn't take me long though to realise that I had forgotten to ask for the house address since I didn't know where Mr Thompson lived.
It was only a few minutes until I heard my phone ringing again. It was a different number this time and I was sure this was yet another number that I didn't have in my contact list.
I answered it shyly.
"Hello." I greeted the person on the other line.
"Heya Allie, what's up?" I heard a young man speak, his voice sounded familiar.
"Who is this?" I avoided the question he had asked me.
"It's Aidan silly." He chuckled on the other end of the line.
"How did you get this number?" I wanted to know.
"Oh the genie gave me it." He teased me.
"Oh: really? Very funny, okay now who actually gave you my number?" I said.
"I just asked Joe what number he had dialled and he gave me the number so I could dial it on my phone." He answered.
"Oh okay, well I would appreciate it if you could delete my number, I'm hanging up now." I stated.
"Do you know where we live?" He questioned me reminding me that I needed to get the address off of him.
"No I don't. Can you please give me the address?" I responded.
"Sure 14 Elmo Gardens Sesame Street." He teased me.
"Oh come on be serious here." I pouted.
"24: Elswood Gardens in Emberwood Village." He replied.
"Thank you, now I'm hanging up." I said before ending the call.
I seriously wished that I didn't have to go to see Mr Thompson; it didn't sound fun to me at all despite the fact that I had told Joe that it did sound fun to me, I had lied just to be kind of course.
I walked downstairs noticing that my father and mother were sitting in one of the living rooms, they looked as if they had just recovered from some sort of argument or something.
When my father noticed me he gave me a faint smile and motioned for me to enter the living room.
I rambled into the living room sitting down on one of the sofas beside my mother.
"Did you sleep well? Allie." She asked me stroking my cheeks.
"Yes I slept well." I replied.
"That's good honey." My father stated.
"Why do you two look as if you've just had an argument? What's wrong?" I tried to find out some information.
I listened to my mother's sighing before I heard her speak.
"Allie we have to tell you something very important." She started.
"What is it?" Again my mother sighed forcing me to look at father for answers.
"Allie I take it you received a phone call from Mr Thompson's butler?" He suggested.
"Yes he rang me on my mobile number; I don't understand how he got my number though." I told him.
"He got your number because we gave your number to Mr Thompson so he could give it to Joe in order to ring you today." He admitted.
"You did what? I don't want that horrible old man having my number!" I screeched out.
"We gave it to him for good reasons Allie." My mother stated.
"What were these good reasons?" I said doing my best not to snap.
"It's difficult to explain." My mother replied.
This time my father sighed before speaking again to me.
"Allie, you're going to be moving in with Mr Thompson and his family." He announced gently.
"What why?" I almost jumped off the sofa.
"Someone robbed the bank that I was working at and has stolen a dreadful amount of money from my bank account which I cannot afford to pay back right now. The bank will be closing down in a few days and I am having a great deal of trouble finding a new job at the minute to support our family." He tried to explain clearly.
"I don't care, I don't want to be sent away to live with that asshole." I complained.
"Mr Thompson has given me his word that he will look after you." He stated.
"I don't need looking after! I'm not a kid anymore. I don't want to live with them!" I screeched.
"Allie don't you raise your voice to me. You're going to be moving in with the Thompsons until you're married of course. Then you and your husband can decide where you both want to live. But until then you'll be living with Mr Thompson and his family." He exclaimed.
"Do you two not love me anymore? Is this why you both want to get rid of me so eagerly?" I folded my arms over my chest.
"Of course not honey. But Mr Thompson has promised your father that he will help us with our money problem if we promise to let you stay with him for a while. He feels that it will be a good way to get to know you better." My mother admitted.
How sickening can this man be? I thought angrily before gritting my teeth together.
After a long argument, I decided to go back upstairs to my bedroom to pack my belongings. I couldn't believe that I was going to stay at Mr Thompson's house. It was strange I had never heard of Emberwood Village before, must've been quite a journey. I thought while I continued to pack for tomorrow.
After I had finished packing everything for tomorrow, I ended up resting on my bed before drifting off into a deep sleep.
I stood outside a woodland area; it looked like some sort of forest. I
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