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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » My Wolf by M.V. B (reading diary .txt) 📖

Book online «My Wolf by M.V. B (reading diary .txt) 📖». Author M.V. B

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tried to say something, but Taylor came to my rescue thank goodness. " Hazel!" Taylor called out to me. Slipping on a smile i responed " Hay!" i could see Liam wasn't too happy. "What?" i asked seeing that he was giving Taylor death stares. "Are we dating or something?" i questioned "This guy really is something" i mumbled walking away. " Lets go" i told Taylor. Catching up he asked "What's with that atmosphere? Who is he to you?".... Who is he? hmm.. no one to be honest. I can't just forget what he did to me. Sighing  i answered " Just some pest. No one to be exact."  


I sat down in class and just spaced out. Unluckily for me all i could think about is what had happened to me. Those thoughts were just haunting everyday of my life. Getting enough i stood up and left the class. I walked to an empty hallway, and sat on the ground. Tear suddenly started streaming down my eyes crazily, nonstop. Why? Why me? was the only question i could ask. I will never forgive that so called man- Mr.Shane. 


-Liam's POV-

Sitting in class, barely paying any attention, i got this feeling. It was about Hazel. What was wrong with her?? I got up from my seat and ran out to go find Hazel, to see if she was ok. The hallways were completely empty and quiet that i could hear my own heart beat. Still walking, i heard someone crying. I was just about to leave because i was too focused on finding Hazel, but a familiar voice said " Why?" but in a low whisper. I looked over to find Hazel, just sitting there crying. 

"Hazel?" i questioned.

Is That You?

 -Hazel's POV- 

Someone called out my name, and immediately i knew who it was. I subconsciously jumped up from the ground, wipped my tears and got ready to run. But guess what?! I was too late. His arms were already wrapped around my waist. I swear i seriously think this guy is flash sometimes. "Stop running away from me." he whispered into my ears, but i could feel that he was somewhat mad. He was so serious. Too serious. "No, you stop. Let go of me." i answered.. I didn't want him around me, because lately everytime he was around I'd feel so protected and not want him to leave..That annoys me. " Hazel." he said through his teeth, pulling me into an empty room.


To be honest i was loving where this was going. I couldn't help but sneak a little grin once in a while. "Let me out!" i faked it..  But for some reason he had a grin on his face as if he knew i was faking it. What?! no way. There's no way he'd know. Smirking he walked towards me " Looks like you want this just as much as i do" he stated. ~~~ Not giving me enough time to speak, he pushed me lightly to the wall. Oh! i wanted this, but at the same time i didn't, not like this. I couldn't stop staring at those lips- ugh so kissable. "Kiss me." he said.. WHAT?! i can't do the first move, so i decided to take the chance to stop things here. I pushed him of me and started walking towards my stuff to leave. But he grabbed me by my wrist, pulling me closer to him. "You don't want to?" he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "That won't do.. Then," he continued pushing me back to the wall "I'll have to kiss you." his voice whispering so seductively.. all i could do is allow it.


He layed a light kiss on my lip. Involuntarily my arms moved on its own, i found my hands in his hair. This kiss went from soft to an extremly hot and hungry kiss, and i was enjoying every moment of it. He grabbed my ass and held me up, then sat me on a desk. 


Suddenly, he broke our passionate kiss, pulling my head back by my hair lightly, to have better access to my neck. He kissed it so passionately as if my neck was very fragile. I threw my head back even more with my eyes still closed, enjoy the sensation so freaking much. My fingers tighten on his hair and i pushed his head closer to my neck.


He pulled back, and i dropped my head onto his chest, and i heard him let out a little chuckle, which i ignored. Sitting straight, i knew i had a hickey on my neck.


 -Hazel's POV-

Still sitting on the desk, and Liam still in front of me, between my legs, i took my hair out my ponytail so i could cover up the hickey a little since my hair is pretty long. "I love it when your hair isn't in a ponytail." Liam stated seductively looking directly at me with lust in his eyes. He's doing it again. My head was spinning so fast i could just faint. Trying to cover up the lust i was also feeling, i coughed it off. "I need to get going." i said honestly, barely audiable. I missed a full period, making out with this man. 


I got my stuff and headed to the door, then he grabbed my wrist pulled me close to him, and with the other hand he layed it around my waist. " Meet me after school?" he asked, but it sounded so demanding. I couldn't help, but say yes, i was speechless. "Uh-huh" i responded totally shoked by his action. - I wondered if i really should meet him after school. If i do, i'll probably get to continue our make out, and that isn't safe. 

I sat all the way in  the back of the class, completely lost in my thoughts biting down on my lip .That kiss. That kiss wouldn't leave my mind. That kiss. That kiss was good.. That kiss was more than good... was all that was in my head. Finally realising how much i loved that kiss, i had to snap out of it. Fuck, what do i do? I can't continue like this, and most definently can't tell him that i like it.~~~~~


The bell rung and school was over. Should i wait, or should i just get into my car and leave? But nature decieded for me. ~ I walked out to find Liam waiting for me. I couldn't help, but smile. Coughing it of i walked over to his car. "Let's go" i sighed. I mean i do nothing at home anyway so.. 



 -Hazel's POV-

He drove to a Movie Theatre. Again, i had to smile. In the end we ended up deciding on "Truth or Dare" cause for one, i love scary movies, and so does he.~~~ We were about 10 minutes into the movie, when i caught myself just staring at Liam,  and his lips. I bit my lip remmembering how those lips kissed mine before, and how i wanted them to kiss mine again. I turned back to face the movie screen when i realized what i was doing, but it didn't take long for me to turn back, and stare once again. Ugh, what am i doing, i got to stop before i get caught, is what i thought, but my hormones said otherwise. 


Liam slid on his chair until his lip reached my ear " It doesn't seem like you're watching." he whispered with a grin on his face. " Do you want to leave" he added. I shook my head ' No' feeling so embarassed. My body didn't care tho, because i found myself staring again right after. Liam grabbed my hand intwining our finger, and led me out the Movie Theatre " The movie isn't over yet." i said foolishly, i wasn't even watching the movie, i was watching him. We got inside his car, and he said " You weren't even watching it." i looked down at my lap. He was right i wasn't watching the movie.-


I suddenly felt his strong hand pulling me onto his lap. When i was fully on his lap and he pulled my hair back causing my head to go back, exposing my neck, and causing me to let out a low moan. His lip lightly rubbing against my neck slightly while he spoke again "You were staring at me." he pulled back, letting go of my hair, and just staring at me.. I bit on my bottom lip feeling a bit emmbarrassed. He pulled my hips closer to him staring at my lips, which i was bitting " Don't do that, If you do-" our lips about 2 inches away from each other, he continued to say " I might just fuck you right here." his words made me shiver. He layed his lips on mine lightly and it sent shokes down my spine.


On its own, my hand made its way to his baby soft hair. I didn't know why it was so soft, but it was. Over time the kiss got rougher and rougher, his tongue exploring my mouth, and my tongue did the same.


Our hot make out went on for what seemed forever. Not too long after, I found one of my hand at the tip of his shirt , slidding its way up his shirt, feeling his abs. I wanted to see them. I wanted to continue touching them like i was. 

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