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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Lonely Bride by Shikha A (electronic reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Lonely Bride by Shikha A (electronic reader .TXT) 📖». Author Shikha A

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My whole life came in front of me.

I am Sarah Rose William now Sarah Rose Hudson 18 year old, Now living in New York, I have finished my high school and now studying to get my software engineering in a corresponding course.

My mother passed away right after I was born due to some complication and my dad blamed me for that as he used to love my mother the most. He never got married to anyone after her demise. My grandparents always loved me and my Grandfather only give me this name Sarah Rose, Rose is my Grandmother's name and as usual, he loves her so I got my middle name Rose which I love it. My father never let me get closed to them and they could not go against my father’s wish.

I grew up with servants that also he used to change every six months saying I might kill them too, but now I can understand he never wanted anyone to get close to me.

Finally one day he sent me to the Hostel at age of 5.

Sometimes my grandparents used to visit me but I was not allowed to go out anywhere with them. Even I used to spend most of all my vacations in the hostel only as no one ever come to pick me up. Hostel never minded that as they were getting hefty amounts from my father to keep me there comfortably.

From age of 5 to the age of 17 I used to sit in a dark room holding a picture of my mother and cry my heart out every night. If she would’ve been here my life would be different.

Darkness and loneliness have become my best friends. Every night I used to sit at the window and used to search for my mother in those million stars.

The hostel has become my home. My grandparents were in constant touch with me, and they the only people I could call mine. I hardly see my father he never come for any parent's meeting or any other occasion in my school.

Kids used to make fun of me saying I am an orphan, well I was not less than them either. No one wanted to befriend me because of this reason and slowly I have also stopped trying to befriend anyone and started enjoying my loneliness.

I have started loving reading and have become a bookworm. I was throughout topper and computer has become my favorite subject and I have kind of made specialization in it.

Hostel life taught me a lot and made my way stronger than any other person can be.

Due to one of my father's friend's kids were studying in the same hostel they got to know I am the reason for my mother's demise. And they started calling me the murderer of my mother.

How can a newborn be a murderer? I know they are sick and their thoughts are sick, so I never took their words on my heart as I am not that stupid.

This is the final year of my school. I had already applied to so many Universities for my further studies as I know no one will come to pick me up this time as well.

It was the last day of my exams and I got the news, my grandfather passed away. My world shattered hearing this but this time someone has come to pick me up.

I reached our mansion and saw grandmother I run towards her cry my heart out. They both are the only ones I have in this world. The next day it was his cremation as they were waiting for me.

I did not sleep the whole night and cry my heart out hugging my granny. She kept on consoling me when I saw the last glimpse of my grandfather my heart broke even more seeing him bidding us his final goodbye.

I was in my room my father summon me to be in his study at 10 am. I look at the time it was 9 am so I still have an hour to go.

I was outside his study exact 9.59, he never asked my presence till now then why he want to meet me suddenly lots of question was coming in my mind, slowly I composed myself and knock the door. Come in I hear and I went inside, I saw my father was sitting on his chair and my grandmother was sitting on the sofa and there are four more people are sitting in the room. I look at everyone, one person was almost at my grandfather’s age I guess I have seen him somewhere and the other two are in their late 40is and one man may be in his early 20s. They all smile at me except my father and that gentleman as my father was busy glaring at me and the gentleman was busy on his phone.

I look towards my granny and she signs me to sit beside her which I obliged.

I was waiting for someone to break the silence but guess no one wanted to. After sometimes we again hear the knock on the door and my father asked to person to come in.

I saw a tall man at age of his 50 came and handshake with my father. My father asked him to take a seat and which he did.

So can we start if everyone is here he asked looking at my father and he nods in yes?

He opens his bag and took one file out and looks towards us.

So, everyone, I am Jerry Frank I am a lawyer of Mr. Samul Williams and as we all know today I am going to read his last will for all of you.

I have been hearing him & trying to understand what’s going on but when he finishes my breath got hitched.

So my dear grandfather has snatched my last happiness as well from me wow.



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Comments (2)

aysha Rashid
28 August 2023 01:41

Good book


23 September 2023 13:41

Where is 2 nd part, not able to find?

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