Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Sometimes mistakes happen.. by K. Harris (free ebook reader for pc txt) 📖

Book online «Sometimes mistakes happen.. by K. Harris (free ebook reader for pc txt) 📖». Author K. Harris

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kiss. He had an amazing body. He kissed my neck lightly. It made me moan slightly. After he stopped he laid beside me.

“I’m not, pressuring you am I?” he asked, slightly sad.

I shook my head. I turned and faced him. Placing my hand in his hair twirling it in my fingers.

“Not at all.” I smiled.

We laid and talked for a long time. About everything really, school, friends, family, ex’s, food, TV. We continued on until 4 in the morning.

“We better go to bed.” He yawned. It’s amazing how cute he looks yawning.

“I agree, suppose we better get up?” I replied sleepy.

“Or… we could just stay in here tonight?” He whispered. I felt a warm sensation. I felt whole.

“Sounds good.” I replied, rolling to my side. I felt his arm reach over my waist. His arm was warm. I curled my back into his chest. It wasn’t long before we fell asleep.



I opened my eyes and seen a bright light coming through the window. I adjusted to the light and sat up. Mark was still peacefully asleep. His hair was messed but still making him look adorable. I got up quietly and walked to the door. Somehow I was wearing my trackies. I still had Marks jumper on. I opened the door to see Jane and Abby staring at me with a wide smile on their faces. I closed the door. We walked into the kitchen and sat at the island.

“So, what did you get up to last night?” Abby smirked. I blushed instantly.

“Alright, we kissed….for a while.” I mumbled.

They squealed. Abby was jumping up and down. I couldn’t understand how she could be so happy about me kissing her brother.

“And then?” Jane giggled.

“We talked, for a fair while, then just fell asleep. That’s it.” I shrugged. Although I appeared disappointed. I couldn’t be any happier.

“Well, everyone has left. They’re returning tonight. Oh except Xavier.” Jane giggled nudging Abby.

“SHUSH!” Abby glared. I stood and put my arms in the air waving them about.

“Tell me! I want to know!” I cried.

“Well. I got dared to kiss Xavier for 2 minutes.” Abby shrugged.

“That turned into an hour.” Jane winked.

Abby blushed. She was severly embarrassed, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“How adorable.” I winked before getting up. I walked over to the fridge. I was so hungry, I could eat a cow!



Marks P.O.V


I felt empty. I rolled over to see Sarah gone. I felt a rush of embarrassment throughout my body. Surely, she’s not mad at what happened? I looked down to see myself back into my clothes. I woke up earlier and felt cold so I went and changed into my own clothes. I sat her trackies on the bedside table but they were gone. She’s probably gotten changed into them.

I rolled onto my back, staring at the ceiling. I felt strange, like I wanted her back beside me. The last thing I want is to have my heart broken again.

I got up and walked over to the standing mirror. I looked horrible. No wonder why she escaped while she could, waking up and seeing this hair and face would make you run for miles. I kind of fixed my hair before walking out the door. I heard Abby yell something, but I couldn’t tell what it was. I knew it wasn’t anything bad. (It’s a twin thing.) I went into the room my clothes were in and seen Xavier spread across one of the queen beds. He was snoring, I grabbed out a pair of jeans, a Hurley shirt, socks and underwear. I took a quick shower. It was refreshing. When I got out I changed and went back to the room. I saw Sarah’s present on the cupboard. I guess now or never. I grabbed it and walked into the kitchen. Jane, Abby and Sarah turned to me. I focused on Sarah. As beautiful as always. I walked to the island and placed the bag on the bench.

“This is from me and Abby.” I smiled looking at the gift. I hoped she liked it.

She grabbed the bag and looked inside, her eyes widened. A smile appeared on her face. She pulled out the jumped and laughed.

“You know me so well!” she laughed. Thank god, I was worried she’d hate it.

She then took out the jewellery box, she gasped. It was white with 4 draws and a lid. The inside was sky blue material. She opened a draw to find the bracelet. I got her a silver bracelet with 4 charms. One was a husky, one was a 17 charm, the letter S and a pompom charm. She looked shocked. I’m hoping for a good reaction.

“You guys!” She smiled.

“Actually, it’s not from me. Mark got it all for you.” Abby sang. Great.

Sarah looked at me, a smile so wide. I went red, I hoped Abby was playing a joke on me.

“I love it all.” Sarah laughed. She hugged me. She smelt like strawberries.

“You’re welcome.” I blushed.

Why Abby? Why you do this to me? Sarah went for a shower. I shot a look to Abby.

“What’s you lie for?” I growled.

“I didn’t lie. You paid for it. I told the cashier to pretend I paid.” Abby laughed.

The evil twin strikes again.

I walked into the lounge room and sat on the couch. There was a show on called House Husbands. I loved the show, it had a lot of drama but comedy bit to it. My favourite actor Firass Dirani plays Justin. He was one of the power rangers years ago.

I liked the show because I see Dads raising their children all the time. My Uncle Clark raised three girls. Anna 16, Mia 13 and Lilly 10. He did a great job, their mother pissed off after Lilly was born because it was ‘too much’ yet Uncle Clark managed it just fine. This show kinda reminds me of him. He was a funny bloke, loves his kids and always forgets to attend the teacher conferences. (I think on purpose.)

I started to drift off. I felt a warm presence next to me. I kept my eyes closed. I had a blanket pulled over me. I then felt a head resting against my chest. I took a peep, it was Sarah. I felt instantly whole again. Having her presence made everything so much better.

I slept for about an hour. I woke up to find Sarah still resting on my chest, she was awake though.

“Thanks for the blanket.” I yawned.

She looked up to me and smiled, she sat up and sat beside me. She looked amazing, she had leggings on that had a skeleton pattern and she wore a black shirt and my jacket. Wow, Stunning.

“Afternoon sleepy head.” She smiled.

“How long did I sleep for?” I asked.

“Oh about two hours.” The girls left to the spa downstairs but I decided to stay here.” She smiled looking back to the TV.

“So, it’s just me and you?” I asked nervously.

She nodded and placed her hand on my left leg. She continued to watch the TV. She must have put a movie on.

“Can I ask you something?” I mumbled.

“Of course?” she asked looking back to me.

“If I did, would you allow me to kiss you-“she cut me off with a small giggle. I melted.

“Yes Mark.” Her eyes gazed into mine.

I smiled and sat up properly, I held my arm out so she could lay into my chest. She did. Her body was warm, she smelt amazing and her hair was perfectly intact.

I had my arm wrapped around her, I held her close. I didn’t want her to move.

“Do you think we hardly know each other?” Sarah asked softly.

I thought about it, at first yes, but the conversation we had last night made me learn so many things about her.

“To begin with, yeah. But I feel after the long chat we had last night, I feel I known you a long time.” I replied smiling.

She blushed a little and looked back to me.

“I was feeling the same way, but I don’t want to like..” She paused. She looked hesitant to finish the sentence, I knew what she was going to say.

“Because of the current situation you’re in we should be, just friends?” I sighed. I was disappointed but I rather her to happy.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” She frowned.

“Hey, it’s okay I get it. I actually agree, but can I at least kiss you?” I questioned. I can’t believe I even asked that I mean why-

Her lips suddenly met with mine. I lost my train of thought. Her lips were sweet and soft. She pulled away smiling. I went red. I blush too easy.

I sat up and pulled her on my lap. She laid into my shoulder. I held her around the waist. We kept watching the movie and I noticed she was wearing the bracelet I got her. How adorable.

We spent the entire day cuddling on the couch. That was until everyone rocked up again.

There’s only 10 of us this time. Me, Abby, Sarah, Jane, Xavier, Courtney, Jessica, Kerry, Kyle and Vern. I really get along with Xavier and Kyle.

We ordered pizza and watched a marathon of comedy movies. I didn’t really pay attention, I kept thinking about Sarah. I felt like she didn’t deserve this situation, her mother being such a physco. It was a good night, it his around midnight when we all went to bed, we decided to have a basketball match tomorrow girls vs. boys. So we needed the rest. Me and the guys went to bed. There was a queen bed, double, single and a fold out couch.  I decided to take the fold out. It was a double but the others thought it would be the most uncomfortable.. It really wasn’t. They all fell asleep straight away. I laid awake. I heard the door slightly open. I could barely see, I then felt someone nudging my shoulder.

“Who’s that?” I whispered. I then felt her lips press against mine. It was Sarah.

“Come with me.” She whispered. I got up, only in boxes and walked out the room beside her. We lead to the room we stayed the night before. She turned the light on and closed the door.

“I was hoping you’d stay in here with me?” she sighed. Of course I would! Wait.. Act cool.

“Sure, be better than the fold out.” I replied with a laugh, slightly lying. I mean the fold out was more comfortable but I’d choose being in the same with Sarah over a comfy bed any day! We laid next to each other and she kissed me softly, I looked at her, I was so happy. I kissed her, it turned into a deep kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me over to her. We continued to kiss passionately. I began to feel my jocks getting tighter. SHIT! Not now!



Sarah’s P.O.V


I curled my finger with his hair and allowed him entrance into my mouth. I felt something firm against my leg. I knew immediately what it was. It got me slightly turned on. I hadn’t realised I was pressing my hips towards it, it was now quite hard. Our lips parted and he began to kiss my neck. I loved this, it was making me melt. I didn’t want it to stop, but I started to feel nervous, I’m still a virgin…

He pulled back, he looked worried.

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He whispered. I really wanted him, but it was too soon. I gave a nod. He rolled back decide me and wrapped an arm around me. I felt happy.

“I’d never want to make you uncomfortable, I care about you too much.” He sounded sleepy. I kissed his cheek and watched as he fell asleep. I couldn’t sleep though, I continued to think about the words, I care about you. They repeated in my head. I’ve never had a guy say it to me before. It felt.. Incredible. 

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