Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Sometimes mistakes happen.. by K. Harris (free ebook reader for pc txt) 📖

Book online «Sometimes mistakes happen.. by K. Harris (free ebook reader for pc txt) 📖». Author K. Harris

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First Day back.

Chapter One.


I can feel a sharp pain through my arm. I open my eyes, adjusting to the light, I can see my Husky laying across my arm. Her name is Alia. She is quite small for her breed. She is pure white with a small grey patch covering her left eye and ear. She laid still, quietly. I looked at her with lovingness. She was my dog, my father got her for me when he and my ‘mother’ divorced. She was my company while dad was often at work. He owned a mechanics shop in 5 different towns, meaning we had quite a lot of money. However I find it doesn’t affect me. Like most teenagers my age who are money hungry and always buying brand name clothes, I found myself always shopping in shops who are decently priced. I could turn into a spoilt brat, but I can’t bare when other people who act better than the rest of society. I much rather just use it for emergency reasons.

6:30 am

My alarm continued til I reached to turn it off. I looked back down to see Alia looking at me, I gave her a kiss on the head before sitting up. She hoped off my bed and headed out my door. As I pulled the blankets off me, I heard a person whistling in the kitchen, hoping it was Dad.

I got myself up and walked over to my dresser, I looked into the mirror. I was your average teen, brown hair, green eyes and oval face. I often found people referring to me as beautiful and pretty, I kinda see it. Kinda. I placed a jumper on that was folded on the dresser and headed down stairs. We had a beautiful house, it had 3 bedrooms and mine was the biggest. (I was shocked when this happened.) I skipped my way into the kitchen to see my Dad sitting at the table patting Alia. He was a buff man, short brown hair with green eyes (I get all my looks from Dad, thankfully.) He looked at me with a big grin.

“Sarah May, glad you’re up! I have wonderful news!” He chirped.
“Oh, what is it?” I asked sitting beside him.
“Well, as of this morning I am now the proud owner of a new mechanics shop!” he smiled

Well, now he owns 6 shops.

“That’s great!” I replied trying to sound enthusiastic.
“I know what you’re thinking Sarah, I actually wanted to also tell you I have a business partner. His name is Luke, his moving here from Sydney.” He explained.

If you haven’t already guessed, we live in Australia. We live in Brisbane on the Gold Coast.
“Oh really!” I smiled.

This may mean Dads home more often, hopefully.

“Yes, and his going to be helping me with everything from conferences to phone calls. He’ll actually be moving a few houses down. Along with his wife and two children.” He continued.

Great, I’m probably going to be watching these kids a lot.

“Cool, so does this mean you’re home more often?” I asked softly.

He paused for a moment. Oh no he couldn’t be at work more?

“Actually, I’ll be home a lot more. Luke and I have our own little… system.” He gave a funny expression.

“So by that, I’ll be out for 3 days a week, home for 3 then on the last day we go into the office together. You’ll be pleased to know I’ll be home for your birthday next week Sarah.” He gave a wide smile.

My Dad was the best when it came to my birthday, every year he manages to get me the greatest gift. Last year for my 16th he got me my first car. Not an expensive one though, he got me a Mazda Demio 2003. It’s blue. My favourite colour.

This year I’m hoping he’ll get me a new TV for my room. The current I got is only a small 19” one that my… ‘Mother’ gave to me as my birthday present last year. I guess you’d think that’s nice, but I was with her when she got it, at a garage sale.

My mother lives on the other side of town. Not far away enough. Her and my Dad split about 2 years ago. Just before my 15th birthday. I was happy about it. My mum is a severe alcoholic. She has been since I was 1. She blames Dad, but his never done wrong by her. He practically raised me alone as she was always at the pub.

The final straw was when Dad went to Cairns for a 2 day conference. My mother often, forgot I existed. One night I was dropped off from my friend Maddie’s house by her brother only to walk in and see my mum… screwing another man. My relationship with Dad is strong. Me being so protective, I took a photo and video before running out the door. I stayed at my friend’s house till Dad got back. He kicked mum out the house the moment I showed him the proof.

*bzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzz bzzz*

I looked at Dads phone, he picked it up and walked into another room.

“Alia, here girl.” I whistled.

She walked over and sat next to me. I patted her and seen dad walking back in.

“So, Luke is in town, his asked for some help unpacking. Wanna help?” he asked chirpy.

“Sure, I’ll get changed,” I replied before heading up stairs.

I went into my room and looked at my dresser. Thinking what to wear. I knew it was sunny today. I ended up choosing my Adidas shorts (my trainers for cheer practice) and a singlet. I looked into the mirror to see if it looked alright. OH GEEZ. I have nice sized boobs for my figure as I’m quite skinny. However, I think they’re now even bigger. I chucked my jumper back on. Much better! I put some shoes on and headed down stairs, grabbing my phone off the table I motioned to Dad.

“I’m ready!” I smiled.

He nodded and pointed to my keys. Yeah I get to drive! In one week I get to drive by myself. I’m so excited! We headed out the door, grabbing my keys on the way. We got into my car and Dad pointed to the way. Luke lived 10 houses up. We pulled up and seen the moving truck in the drive way. Dad seen Luke.

“LUKE!” He called.

Luke turned around, he was tall! Most likely 6ft5. He walked over giving my dad a hug. Bro hug I think?

“Hello, you must be the famous Sarah? Alex doesn’t stop talking about you!” Luke smiled.

Alex is my Dads name, well short for Alexander.

“Yes, I am her.” I smiled back.

I then notice a figure behind Luke. The boy looked my age, tall like his dad. Actually they look a lot alike! They both had light blonder hair with blue eyes. The boy was cute!

“Sarah this is my son Mark, his 17.” Luke said pointing to the boy.

“Pleasure to meet you Sarah.” Mark smiled.

Oh his smile was stunning!

“You too Mark.” I smiled.

We headed inside. I then met Luke’s wife Elaine and Marks TWIN sister Abby. Abby looked nothing like Mark, but did look like Elaine. Abby had pitch black hair with brown eyes. Who would have thought they were twins! I helped Abby unpack her room. She was really girly. Not like me. She sat on her bed and looked at me. I was putting her magazines on a shelf.

“Do you go the High School near here?” She asked softly.

“Yep. It’s alright. I mean todays the first day back. Speaking of which are you going today?” I questioned.

“Yep, would you mind coming with us? Mark will be driving.” she replied.

“Sure why not.” I smiled.

I checked my phone. 8:15.

“We better get going!” I smiled walking out the door. Abby followed.

I was in the living room saying good bye to Dad and passing him my keys when Abby walked in with Mark. He grabbed his keys and waited by the front door. He headed out together. Me and Abby had the same school bag but different colours. Mine was blue (not much of a surprise) and hers was pink/purple. I grabbed mine from the back seat of my car and ran over to Marks, jumping into the back seat. Off we went!

Marks P.O.V

I gripped the steering wheel backing out the drive way. Abby begun talking with Sarah. I admired her. She was beautiful. It wasn’t often I found myself attracted to girls. (I’m not gay. I’m just picky with girls.) I had the feeling she was a cheer leader, by the way she talked, but I noticed she was smart. I’ve always found cheerleaders… aren’t so bright.

“So Sarah are you a cheerleader?’ Butting it without thinking. I do that a lot.

“Oh um, yea I am?” She had a curious look on my face.

“I can hear it in the way you walk. You know’ all peppy.“ I smiled.

She gave a little smile. She continued to look at me. Was she checking me out?

“You’re a basketball player.” She said confidently.

Well, that’s true. But how’d she know?

“Yea, I love the game.” I replied amused.

“I can tell by the way you grip the steering wheel.” She smirked.

Wait, I thought I grip it normal? I gave a quick glimpse to Abby, she was staring at me like she wanted to hear my reply.

“I thought I grip it normal?” I questioned raising an eyebrow.

Abby and Sarah let out a laugh. Couldn’t be that funny… could it?

We arrived at the school. I parked in the car park and we all got out. I stood next to Abby. We waked through the gate and up to the office. As we walked in the lady looked up at Sarah with a wide smile.

“Ms. Scott! You’re right on time!” The lady smirked.

She passed Sarah a piece of paper and turned to me and Abby.

“Who may your new friends be?” she asked softly.

“This is Mark and Abby, Mrs Leigh. They’re new here. I volunteer to show them around.” Sarah smiled.

“Last name?” Mrs Leigh asked me.

“Waters-Jay” I smiled.

She passed us our time tables and we headed out the next door. The school was large. It only had 300 students however. The school was only built 3 years ago.

“Can I see your timetables?” Sarah asked turning to me and Abby.

“Sure.” Me and Abby said in sink. That happens a lot.

“Well, Abby we have one class together! English. Mark..” she paused.

“We have all the same classes!” she smiled.

I gave a wide smile grabbing my timetable looking at it. Then I had someone brush past me.

“Watch it new kid.” The voice was low. I looked over to see a boy, shorter than me but fairly built standing next to Sarah. Oh great.

“Mark, this is Dan. Excuse his rudeness.” She snapped her head to Dan.

“Hey, I’m not rude!” he smirked.

“You a-“ Sarah went to speak but he cut her off.

“So listen, I wanted to know if you wanted to catch a movie this weekend?” he chirped confident.

“Um no.” Sarah said with the look of disgust on her face.

She turned to us and pointed a direction to walk. We followed her as she showed us to class.


Sarah’s P.O.V

I was astonished Dan had the guts to ask. He was the school jerk. All of last year he made it his mission to sleep with every cheerleader. He was quite successful. But failed. I didn’t let that.. Idiot near me.

“There’s your class Abby. We’ll meet you back here once class has finished.” I smiled to Abby.

She nodded and gave a short wave and walked in. Me and Mark continued a few classes down before reaching

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