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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun
.He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Finally Perfect by J.S Christopher (best ereader for pdf and epub TXT) 📖

Book online «Finally Perfect by J.S Christopher (best ereader for pdf and epub TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author J.S Christopher

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girl walked in and hugged Derrick long and tight. They had large smiles on their faces, when they released from their embrace his arms ran down her arms and he grabbed both her hands, looking at her full of lust; it was different than the look he gave me in the bathroom. She was blonde, and was wearing her hair in a French braid that draped over her left shoulder. Her blonde bangs fell over her forehead; she flipped them out of her brown eyes. Her dress was black, lacey and short, she wore a white sweater and black heels. Her lips were a bright red. Derrick pushed her bangs out of her face and she kissed him on the cheek. I felt my cheeks and ears starting to burn, my stomach dropped. I stood up slowly and went back into my room. **Was I really jealous of her, he was nice for 2 second and all of a sudden you’re in love? Come on Remi. But the look he gives me
 I’ve never been looked at like that.. He has to feel a little something. Right? ** I thought. I definitely was attracted to him, I mean who wasn’t? But I mean look at her! She looked like a model, long legs and big breast then look back at little virgin me. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself then pulled on a black strapless bra and matching black thong, I went into the closet and pulled out a knee length, plum colored dress and slipped into it, the dress was long sleeve, and was draped over my shoulders, the top of my breast peeked out from the top, I slipped into nude wedges. I looked at myself in the mirror and smoothed out my dress, I took another deep breath then I walked out of the room and started down the stairs. Chapter IX

Mrs. Baker stopped talking to whoever she was talking to and came up the stairs next to me; she wrapped her arm around me and said “Attention, attention everyone, attention quiet down.” She looked at me and smiled, “This beautiful young woman’s name is Remi and she is going to be staying with us for a little while, and I want you fabulous people to make her feel welcome.” I smiled and waved a little, my eyes scanned the crowd looking for Derrick; he was nowhere to be found. The crowd applauded while I descended the staircase. I spend the next hour shaking hands and talking about myself, school and dance. The people were sweet, but definitely had their noses in the air. I wasn’t use to all this attention, but it was a fresh start and I liked that people were actually eager in wanting to know about this mysterious new comer. As I talked to the party guest my mind was distracted looking for Derrick, I finally set out to look for him. **Why are you freaking out?** I thought, I don’t know what it was about him! I mean it had only been a day
 but the way he held me, the way he looked at me, I just felt something
 I don’t know special. I turned the corner of a long and dark hallway and ran right into Derrick’s stomach with my chest. I looked up at him slowly, he was wiping red lip stick off his lips, and his hands were red from the stains. He looked at me, a little in shock, I think I scared him. Once he got over the shock of seeing me he stood with an “it is what it is look”. Soon the blonde girl came up behind him, and kissed his ear, my cheeks burned with jealousy. She looked down at me and smiled a little, “Hi, I’m Julia” she said with a slight giggle and reached out her hand for me to shake, I was still staring at Derrick when I grabbed her hand, “Hey, I’m Remi” I flashed a fake smile at her. Derrick huffed and grabbed Julia’s hand moved to the left and kept walking. I turned to look at him as they re-joined the party, her arm wrapped around his waist. It was late once the party finally finished, I was standing outside on the patio, trying to see if I could see the mountains in the distance when Mrs. Baker called my name, I turned to her and she wrapped me up in a hug. “You were amazing, and everyone loved you.” She squealed and smiled big looking into my eyes. “Thanks” I said smiling and looked down at my shoes. “So the clothes fit?” Her arms still grasping my shoulder and moved her head trying to make eye contact, I looked back up, smiled and nodded. “You start school Monday and you have to make a good impression, new start you know! Oh and ballet starts Monday as well so I hope you’re ready. Do you need shoes? I’m sure you have some but we can buy new ones or tights? Whatever you need. Do you have your license? No? Well we’ll have to work on that but for right now Derrick can drive you to school. Oh and don’t worry about that awful Julia girl, she’s been pinning over Derrick since they were in diapers.  And then we need to start planning the wedding, I’m thinking something in the spring...” My mind was spinning as Mrs. Baker continued to talk and rattle off the events that would occur in MY life. I tuned her out and nodded along, finally she said good night and left me on the patio to my thoughts.

Chapter X

 After the talk with Mrs. Baker I took a long bubble bath and pulled my dad’s sweatshirt over my blue Nike spandex shorts and slummed into bed. I had only known Derrick for a short while but I felt a connection with him, I didn’t think it was because of this marriage arrangement that I felt some sort of bond but the fact that he was different. He made me feel safe, a feeling I hadn’t had in a while. Maybe I just had never been noticed by someone so attractive and I tricked myself into thinking that maybe he would like someone like me. A small knock wrapped on the door that shook me out of my thoughts, “Come in” I said faintly. Derrick popped his head in; he was wearing black socks, black sweats and a gray St. Anna’s high school football shirt. “Hey, can I come in?” I nodded, he closed the door quietly. “So you made a great impression on everyone, everyone really liked you” he smiled a little, he came and sat on the floor with his back against the bed. I looked down at him. It was awkward and quiet for a little while until I piped up and said “Look I’m sorry
 I didn’t realize you had a girlfriend, I don’t know maybe
 maybe I can talk to your mom and we don’t have to go through with this. Maybe I can just go back with my Aunt
” “No” Derrick said cutting me off, he looked up at me. “That’s definitely not going to happen. Not after what I saw that she did to you, and she
 she isn’t my girlfriend.” He said shaking his head. He stood and sat on the foot of the bed next to my feet. I looked in his eyes and blurted out “Well
 I mean it sure looked like it.” I said coldly. “You jealous?” he asked. “NO” I shouted, “Shhh you spazz” he said frowning. “I don’t believe you. Does she know about our little arrangement?” I said laying back, Derrick moved closer to me and reached under my shirt, his hands were so soft; he rubbed my bruises, and I winced. I tried and failed to move his hand away. “Why did you let her do this to you?” he said with a sign, I sat quietly, “Look” I said “I don’t want to talk about it. Like ever again. And stop treating me like your little sister, I don’t need your sympathy for what happened, I dealt with it. And if she isn’t your girlfriend what is she? I thought ‘you didn’t want a relationship period’” I said in a mocking tone. He laughed and looked up at me, “Boy for someone who isn’t jealous you sure do talk about her a lot” he said. I shut my mouth. “I’m sorry” he said, I’m sure he was talking about the beatings again. “Well don’t” I said and climbed under the covers turning my back toward him. He sat there for a little while then got up and turned off the light, “good night” he said shutting the door. I laid in the dark for a long time, thinking about him and Julia, my stomach was in knots. I couldn’t love him
 I just met him
did he love her? Did he want to get married? Yuck, the sound of marriage makes me sick I mean I’m 16! Thoughts clouded my head until I finally shut my eyes to go to sleep.

Chapter XI


I opened my eyes Monday after the holiday weekend, which was spent avoiding Derrick; and more time with Mrs. Baker and even a little time with Mr. Baker (who now wants me to call them Jeannie and James). Jeannie and I went shopping, got our nails done and she talked my ear off about everyone in the community, the wedding, how excited she was to see me dance, etc etc. James and I went to lunch and now have a daily morning walk routine, which I thoroughly enjoyed. He was so wise

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