Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Royal Wedding by Shree Lakshmi (best motivational books for students txt) 📖

Book online «The Royal Wedding by Shree Lakshmi (best motivational books for students txt) 📖». Author Shree Lakshmi

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heard someone saying that. Even his heart said the same.
He was still watching her,” yes she is lovely,”
Their eyes met but he broke the contact when he felt hands over his shoulders. It was Edward. He then realized that he was talking to him. He ignored him and started talking to his other friends. Stefan went away from him and began to talk to his other guest. He saw Edward walking towards her and took her hand. They walked straight to the bar where he gave her something. He knew very well that it would be water because she doesn’t like drinking.
“What? You don’t like drinking,” Edward looked shocked at her.
“Yeah,” she smiled at him.
“Then what are we going to do now?” He made a worried face.
She shrugged her shoulders and started laughing.
“Excuse me; I will be right back,” He left her there.
She couldn’t believe she was here until the evening when Lucy came with a box and an invitation card. The queen wanted her to attend the ball and she gave her a dress. She took the juice glass and started walking towards the couch when somebody called her in shock. She turned to see Noah. She felt so happy seeing him that she hugged him.
“You have changed. You look so beautiful,” he looked at her with wide eyes.
“Thanks but you didn’t change a bit. What are you doing now-a-days?”
“Hmm… here stands the great businessman,” he gesture by bowing. She laughed at him.
“Wow… that’s cool,”
“Yeah it’s cool. I have a fashion company in Paris,”
“You are living in Paris?”
“That’s amazing,” she smiled at him.
“Ladies and gentleman, the royal is ready to begin. May I please present you our own Prince Stefan and Miss Elena,” the announcement was made and everyone clapped.
The lights were made dim and the soft melody was being played by the musicians. Sam watched Stefan and Elena dancing together. She has just seen Elena once in the news and now she saw her in person. She looks beautiful in her strapless red ball down with a sweetheart neckline. Her hair was kept loose with thin clip in her hair with ends were made into curls which came up to her waist.
“Do you with whom he is dancing?” He looked at her knowingly.
“His bride, Elena” she frowned.
“Did you meet her?” He raised his eyebrows at her.
“Not yet, you?”
“Yes, she is very sweet,”
She saw them dancing smoothly and smilingly as if they are in love. She felt jealous and wanted to leave when Noah surprisingly asked her to dance. He asked her so sweetly that she couldn’t say no. They started dancing on the floor. Noah has been her friend since the day she met Stefan. She always considered him as her big brother. They danced until someone asked Sam to dance. She went on dancing with many known and unknown guest and finally she came in hands of Stefan.
They looked at each others eyes while dancing. They danced the same way they used to dance. Though his hands were on her waist she still feels the electric current between them. She neither talks to him nor did he. From the corner of her eyes she saw Edward and Elena dancing.
No one interrupted them so they danced until it was time for dinner.
“So how was the dance?” Noah interrupted her.
“I enjoyed it,” she shrugged.
“Good, even me too,” he said and continued eating the dinner. They sat together enjoying the company of each other. She was about to leave the hall when she saw the King in the middle of the hall, looking tired and pale.
“Hello Sam?” Someone called her from behind. She turned to see Elena. She stood there smiling at her.
“Hello Miss Elena” Sam greeted her.
“Oh no just call me Elena. The queen told me about you, the ball is so amazing. I really liked it,” she expressed herself excitingly.
“Thank you,”
“I am so happy to meet you finally; I hope you can meet outside someday. I will talk to Stefan, he won’t mind” she began to plan. Sam worried what would happen if she goes out with them.
“I…..Well…” Sam stammered thinking to herself off any escape.
“Okay I have to go but we will meet some day,” she waved and walked away from her.
Sam sighed in relief.
Only if she could refuse later..... She thought.

“Hello Edward,” Elena stood right in front of Edward. He was standing in the doorway when he saw Elena coming towards him.
“Hello, I hope you enjoyed the ball,” he escorted her towards the door.
“Yeah, I enjoyed it very well,” she said softly.
They were walking at a distance and Edward tried his hard not to touch her.
“So, Edward I …” she turned to look into his eyes. Edward’s heart began to beat faster. The way she looked at him, he began to lose his heart for her.
“Edward there is something…” she stopped as Edward’s cell began to ring. He excused himself and silenced his phone.
“Yes, you were saying something,” Edward asked her.
“I…. Nothing” she shook her head and smiled,” thank you for escorting me,”
She turned away abruptly and entered into her car. Edward stood there until her car left the palace gates.
Elena closed her eyes and leaned backwards to her seat.
Only if she had the courage to tell, she could have told him how she feels about him.
After the day, when she met Stefan for the first time, she met Edward. Her whole world shivered when she looked at him. The one she dreamed about being what she saw in Edward. When he came to her house, she felt so happy that they can spend some time together but he left early. She couldn’t convince her parents as they are in their dreams of being in relation with the royal. But her heart is not where it has to be. She sighed as she knows that this wouldn’t happen ever.
Stefan stood next to Edward as the guests were leaving. He has been observing Edward since the evening. He was acting strangely and now the spark on his face was missing. He decided to speak to him when the party ends.
“Edward, are you alright?” He asked Edward. He looked confused for a moment and smiled.
“Yeah, I am fine. Why? What happened?” He asked him.
“No since evening you have been…” he couldn’t continue as he saw his mom coming towards them. She smiled at her guest but looked worried.
“Stefan, when did you take your father to his room?” She asked him.
He looked confused.
“I didn’t take him, mom. I thought you took him,” he sounded worried now.
“No I didn’t” she was shivering.
Shit. His mom looked worried. Edward already went for searching.
“Don’t panic mom. I will find dad,” saying this he left her and went searching.
He first went to his dad’s room and began to search the other rooms. When he could find him there he searched the hall and the palace and finally came to the garden. It was there in the garden he saw his dad on the wheelchair all alone. He ran to him and bends down to him.
“Dad? Who brought you here?” He asked him worriedly. But his worry faded when he saw his dad smiling at him. It has been ages he looked so alive.
“Stef?” He heard her. He turned to see Sam standing at a distance holding a glass of water in her hands.
“You brought him here? How could you do that?” He yelled at her.
“I brought him here because he deserves it here more than your party,” she yelled him back.
She came forward with a glass of water in her hands ignoring him. He grabbed her arm
“What do you mean?” He hissed.
“What do I mean? I brought him here 1 hour back and now you realized it. You didn’t even care for him. Oh I forgot you didn’t have time from your bride, I think,”
He didn’t say any so she continued.
“You left your father on his own. I brought him here so he can have fresh air,”
He still remained quiet and gazed into her eyes. She moved forward to give water when he grabbed her again and forced his lips on her. It was so sudden that she didn’t have time to protest him. She laid her hands on his chest to move him away but he held her so strong that she couldn’t resist him. He kissed her so hard as if to punish her but finally it turned into a passionate one. His kiss turned into a soft and hungry kiss. His hands were all over her back making her captivity. She kissed him back with the same passion. They separated with heavy breathing but she was still in his arms looking into each others eyes.
They both turned to see who was there. Stefan removed his hands and moved back. Sam gasped in shock.
“Rose?” She gasped.

Chapter 8
The sun is shinning brightly in the sky making the lawn look beautiful with full covered green grass. The garden is lovely with beautiful different types of flowers. The birds were flying and making the early morning sounds. It is one of the early mornings that Sam loves to spend her time.
She sat on the bench laid in the middle of the garden. All the workers are busy in the preparing the garden for the wedding. There is a fresh breeze and a fountain is being laid near the gate with flowers decorating with it. In the middle of the fountain, there is the statue of a medieval woman holding a water bag. She looks innocent and beautiful. Her beauty was reflected from her perfectly cut marble. A small smile was hanging on her lips.
Seeing those lips she remembered what happened last night. Last night was something that Sam didn’t want to happen but it did happen. The way Stefan kissed her made her remember the time they were together. May be he forgot what that feeling was or has he ever had that. The thought of this made her heart ache.
“I thought I will never see you,” she heard someone talking to her. She turned to see Noah is coming towards her.
He sat beside her on the bench and smiled. He wore his favorite singlet and jeans. He was the same Noah whom she met in college. Nothing has changed in him.
“What made you say that?” She asked him to raise an eyebrow.
“I have been searching you everywhere and you are here in the middle of the garden,” he sighed.
“Well…” she avoided his eye contact and looked away,” its peaceful here,”
The wind is playing with her hair and coming over her cheek. He raised his hands and began to remove it. His hands stroke her soft cheeks. His hands felt warm over her.
“You have changed,” his hand was still on her cheek.
“Oh, really?” She chuckled.
“Yeah, you look more beautiful,” he smiled while she blushed.
“It’s true. The time we spend at the university was great. But it still confuses me,” he made a questioning face.
“What?” She asked confused.
“Why did you leave us earlier?”
She remained silent. She had never spoken of those days; she realized that what she thought was hers was never hers. Noah is waiting for her and rubbing her cheek. He leaned forward and kissed on her cheek. They heard a throat clearing sound and turned back.
Standing there, Stefan looked at both Sam and Noah. He knew better that they were always friends. But kissing her like that in broad sunlight is making him jealous.
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