Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Royal Wedding by Shree Lakshmi (best motivational books for students txt) 📖

Book online «The Royal Wedding by Shree Lakshmi (best motivational books for students txt) 📖». Author Shree Lakshmi

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he ever saw.
Her voice was like a musical note. He looked into her eyes and said sorry. She smiled at him. Her smile made a dimple on her cheeks and her eyes glowed. He sucked in the sharp breath as arousal spread through him. Warm with excitement he wanted to kiss her forehead and those lavishing lips. The power of this image, of his arousal, shocked him. This was no mild stirring of the blood, no simple instance of attraction or appreciation. That's what he felt was a reaction to this particular girl shocked him more.
He fought back the image, his arousal and removed his hands around her waist. She slowly moved back and left him standing there. He started at her until she reached the building and disappeared.
“Stefan….. Stefan?” His mother called him. Jerking to the reality and pushing his thoughts he quickly sensed Sam watches him in confused expression.
“Yes mom,” he turned to his mom.
"Samantha wants to talk to you. So discuss with her everything.” She told her son.
“Sure mom” he gave her a slight nod.
“Well Samantha, take care and inform me later,”
“Yes your majesty,” she gave her a small smile.
She stood up and went leaving them all alone. After the Queen left, Stefan stood and went to prepare himself a drink. He turned back and saw she was writing something on the pad.
Professional…. He thought.
“What some drink?” He asked her trying to capture her attention.
She lifted her gaze and simply nodded. He turned back.
He had the same features when she saw him first time in the university. She couldn’t forget how he cleaned her blood and said sorry. The smirk he gave had fastened her heartbeat. She ran so that he couldn’t hear her beat. The smile, smell and heat … she couldn’t forget. Suddenly he turned towards her and saw her staring at him.
“So you became a wedding planner?” He sat on the same couch holding a glass of whiskey.
“Well actually my aunt is the wedding planner. I am just helping her.” She said nervously. Sitting near to him was weakening her. Her palms began to sweat and her heart beat began to rise. Two years passed but still she could control her feelings towards him.
“So what are you doing now?” He asked her doubtfully.
“Searching for jobs,” she shrugged her shoulder and smiled.
“Searching? ... I bet you should have got the job by now. I mean you were talented in your course, I think so…” he let it go. He knows her too well. She was the topper in her course. Jobs can come to her steps then why she is searching now?
“Well… things didn’t work out well” she whispered.
There was silence. That was the awkward situation.
Suddenly she turned to him and said, “Congrats for your wedding,” her voice faded a little while saying those words.
He looked into her eyes and said thanks. She didn’t dare to look in his eyes. Stefan stood and walked over the window so he couldn’t face her. Sam cleared her throat.
“So the queen said to start my work from tomorrow so make sure what you want so that I can prepare some list,” she said in her professional tone making it clearly business.
“Yeah, sure I will give the details by tomorrow.” He didn't turn to her.
“Okay then I will meet you tomorrow. Bye,” She was a fool to expect him to turn and talk to her. When she realizes that she picked her bag and turned towards the door.
She was about to get out when a hand dragged her inside and pinned her to the wall.
“Stef, what are you doing?” She whispered completely in a state of shock.
“I am asking you the same… What are you doing here?” He replied with exasperation.
“I already told you I am helping my aunt for arranging your WEDDING” she was getting irritated.
Stefan was so close to her that she can smell his strong scent cologne filled with abstract floral fragrance. His eyes which were as soft as petal turned into harsh. His hands were both side of her on the wall. His breath was hot, making her shiver. Even though they were inches apart she would feel the electric current passing between them. Suddenly she couldn’t hear anyone and feel anything. She closed her eyes. He leaned forward towards her shoulder and kissed on her exposed skin. She was transfixed and her heartbeat fastens. He again kissed her and finally kissed up to her jaw line. It caused butterflies in her stomach and her hands came to his chest to resist but she couldn’t do that. Slowly Stefan stepped back and she opened her eyes.
“W… why did you …” she stammered but couldn’t speak more.
“To make sure my kisses doesn’t affect you anymore,” he said harshly,” but I got my answer, you can never resist me, ever” he smirked and left her behind.
The heat of his kisses still remained on her shoulder. Tears formed in her eyes. She couldn’t believe how could be become so hard. She still remembers the sweet innocent heart that always loved everyone.
How could he change so much…..Stef was never like that…?
Oh god how can he do that to her…… he thought.
He wanted to know after two years why did she come to him… to arrange his wedding? She left him two years ago and since then he has tried to forget her but he couldn’t. He never dated anyone since then, made himself busy with business and in the palace. He hardly made himself think about her. But always the night haunted him with her dreams. And now she was here, in person. His mind drifted to the time when he realized that he had fallen in love at first sight.
“Okay I got it dude. You have fallen for her” Noah started teasing him. They were leaving the parking lot at the university. Noah went to get some medicine but came only to see Stefan staring at her, while she walking into the building.
“Cool buddy it’s nothing like that,” he assured him.
“C’mon I saw, how you were seeing at her. I mean, seriously, you were staring at her.” Stefan started laughing and kicked him and entered their class.
Mr. Randall, their professor started the class. “Thanks both of you for joining the class,”
They ignored him and sat in their usual places. Stefan sat on front seats and Noah to his right.
“So you don’t like her?” He asked with excitement.
“Noah! Just stop.” He whispered.
“I mean if you are not interested them I think I will ask her for prom,” he triggered.
Stefan looked at his friend with murderous eyes and said “don’t you dare”.
“Fine I won’t but who knows some other guy may ask her and she may go out with hi….”
Stefan grabbed him “I am not going to let that happen,”
“Why?” Noah smirked.
“What why?”
“Listen...”Noah was about to say something.
“Noah step out of the class, you are disturbing the class,” Mr. Randall yelled at Noah. He ignored it and started talking to Stefan.
“NOW” his professor yelled.
“Dude, catch you later,” he ran out.
Stefan smiled and concentrated on what his professor was teaching. Suddenly he hit his head. What if some other guy asks her to prom? He should ask her first. But how could he ask her. She just met him. She even doesn’t know his name. Wait even he doesn’t know her name. The bell rang and he ran out towards her building. He saw her walking out wrapping her books around her chest. He started walking towards her. She was walking down the stairs when she suddenly slipped. He ran to her and caught hold of her by wrapping his hands around her waist. He pulled her closer to make her stand. Their lips were inches apart. The cool breeze was making her hair fall on her face. With one hand he removed the hair from her face and cupped her face.
“So you got the scar over there,” he touched the part where his bag hit her.
She smiled at him and said “yes but it’s pretty small, no one will notice it,”
He looked at her and said “sorry for that”
She smiled and said “thank you for this,” she pointed to their pose.
He was confused at what she said and suddenly realized where he was. He stepped back.
“Hi I am Stefan,” he extended his hand.
“Hi I am Samantha,” she shook her hand.
“So why is that I never saw you before,”
“Because I was never here before. I have recently been transferred in my course. It’s only for a few months,”
“Okay, Shall we talk in the canteen? I am hungry” Stefan touched his stomach and rubbed it.
They laughed and started walking towards the canteen. They took their lunch and sat on the corner table.
“So where did you come from,” Stefan started the conversation.
“New York,”
“New York has many universities then why here?”
“My course is history and I want to do research on the history of Italy. So I thought it would be better to come here and study.”
“That’s so beautiful,”
“Where are you from?”
“Well I am local,” he smirked.
“Oh nice. So you know these places well and hey why that is your English is flawless. I mean everyone here is speaking in Italian.”
“My father made me fluent in English. I don’t know why” he shrugged his one shoulder and stared into the space. His father wanted his communication to be good so that he could help his people in the future.
“May be he has some plans for you,” she checked her watch,” Well I think we should leave now. My class starts in 10 minutes,”
“Sure even my class starts,”
“It was nice talking to you Stefan,”
“My pleasure and same here,”
They walked together to their class. He escorted to her class and went on his way. Suddenly he turned back to her.
“Hey can you come to the prom with me?”
She thought for a while and said “Hmm… sure I will,”
“Okay, then catch you later,” he smiled as she entered her class. His heart felt light and now he is sure that she will be coming with him.

She sat in front of the mirror brushing her hair. She wore her favorite black color night dress which was up to her knees. She sighed and went to her balcony. The cool breeze hit her and suddenly all over she felt chilled. The city looked beautiful at night. She saw Stefan playing with Shadow.
She remembers Stefan says that he brought shadow from the pet shop in its early days. Now it’s a bulldog. She smiled and saw how handsome Stef looks. It reminded of the day when he asked her for prom. She was so excited that day. She couldn’t believe he would ask her. That was the first day of her in the university and she fell in love with that guy who hit her and helped her in the same day.

Chapter 5
“Sam, are you dating Stefan?” Rachael asked her curiously.
“N… no no it’s not like that. We are best friends.” She managed to smile.
“Well, sorry for asking. But you guys are like magnets. You guys don’t look like friends at all, but sorry to say
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