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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Alpha's a Girl!?! by Rose Cooper (best book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «The Alpha's a Girl!?! by Rose Cooper (best book reader .txt) 📖». Author Rose Cooper

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while it lasts. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep. When I opened my eyes again this time I was alone. I got out of the sleeping bag and opened the tent. I walked out and sat by the others while they ate. Once we finished eating they packed up the tents and we started walking again. We got to their base and walked in through the front entrance. It was a wide opening surrounded by forest. There were tents and small houses everywhere. They had training stations set up and food stations. Everyone moved with purpose. In the center was a small castle or very large mansion. I assume that’s where they were taking me. 


Everyone turned their heads to look at me. I guess my appearance was rather strange. White hair and blue eyes were all black surrounded by 8 huge guys. I wonder what they all think. I could look.. But I should save my energy. We walked up the castle front doors and they opened them. We walked in through a few doors and entered the “throne room”. In there was a huge throne and on it sat a man who looked to be around 20. He was very very attractive. Also the Rogue kind I assumed.


“Bring them in!” We walked in and I stopped where they did. The room was filled with lots of guards. “Is this her?” “Yes your majesty.” Jason answered. A guard came up and pulled me slightly forward and to the left. “Hmmm, she's gorgeous, tell me everything that happened. You know no lies.” I looked at Lucas confused as his mind linked me quickly.


He’s a little like you. He can tell when a person is lying.


Hmm, interesting. Jason told him everything. The ‘king’ seemed surprised by my fighting skills. Well I guess I am quite small considering these guys. When Jason got to the part where I was… raped, the ‘king’ had a few guards take Josh, Titon, and Landers and put them in their execution room. A few moments I heard three screams and then silence, well I guess they’re dead. Jason told him everything except for me and Lucas being mates. The ‘king’ got very excited when they told him about my ‘skills’. 


“Well well well, I am very happy indeed. In that case, I’ve decided. I have been looking for a while and I finally found her. She will be my new wife.” WTF, WIFE!?! Wait no no no, I will not marry this bastard. I growled and he turned toward me, “am I not to your liking? You are to be my wife and that is that.” “I would never.” I growled back. He laughed and turned to Jason. “Hmm I feel you have not told me everything, well spit it out!” 


“Uhm she… they.” Lucas cut in, “she’s my mate.” The ‘king’ smiled. “Well how sad this is. Well since you know too much about her and have an unbreakable.. Connection to her.” He smirked after saying connection and I realized I never wanted to punch someone so bad as I do now. “You five shall be sentenced to death as well, guards take them to the execution room.” My eyes widened and I flew into action. 


I threw my head back hitting the guard on the face and I grabbed his knife as he fell. I cut the rope and ran at the five of them, I jumped up and turned into my white wolf. I’ve definitely gotten a little bigger since the last time. I growled and slashed at anyone who came to close. A few guards tried to get them from behind but I did a backflip over the 5 and grabbed the guards with my mouth. I bit down, tearing their bodies right in half leaving them on the floor bleeding and screaming. I killed 10 humans and 5 wolves, not letting a single one get anywhere near the 5 of them. A huge I mean HUGE grey wolf charged at them but I intercepted. He ran into my side as a result and I fell over. I rolled into a standing position and stood back up. 


I stood at my full height and growled as loud as possible, using my full alpha power. I never liked to use it in human or wolf form because I felt like I was taking away their right to choose. It caught the wolf off guard and he stopped for just a few seconds. In those seconds I jumped on his back and wrapped my mouth and claws around his throat. I bit and tore him as he flung me against the floor. We rolled together, me taking most of the weight and impact, and stopped a few feet from the ‘king’. I bit the wolf's neck once more and pulled up hard until I heard a pop and crack. I stood back up after being sure he was dead and went back to protecting the 5 of them. It was so fast no one else had time to attack them again. 


Using the mind link I forced through the ‘kings’ wall so fast I think it was a new record.


I can do this all day. I won’t stop until you stop your guards. You’ll have to kill me!”

How about this, I want you to play a game for me. If you win, I’ll let them go, if you lose they die. But either way you HAVE to marry me.



I stared at the ‘king’ with blood dripping all over my body and down my mouth and neck, staining my white coat red. “Stop, the wolf and I have come to an… Agreement.” The guards stopped and went back to their places. The 5 of them all looked at me wide eyed, clearly surprised that I protected them and then made a deal with the ‘king’ for them. I didn’t look at them though, I looked right into the ‘kings’ red eyes as he grinned at me. 


The five were put into a jail cell for the night while I was pulled into a ‘guest room’. I was shackled to the bed and there were no windows. Tired I fell asleep in my wolf form. I didn’t have any clothes to change back into. I woke up the next day to screams. The door was open and there was a small woman there. “Damn they should have warned me.” I stared at her as she unshackled my leg and handed me a towel. Confused, I shifted back and wrapped it around me. I followed her out the door down hall and into a huge white room. She closed the door behind me and three other women came in from another door. “Oh good she’s here!” The redhead said. The youngest one pulled me into the door they came out of and I found myself in a bathroom. There was a tub filled with water. The fourth one pulled my towel off and led me to the tub. I got in and relaxed in the water. The four women began. The red head was washing my hair, the young one started on my hands, the older one started on my feet, and the fourth one who took off my towel was washing my body.


“Uhm, I can be myself.” “No no, this is our job, anyway we don’t mind.” Okay then… Once they were done they pulled me out and left me standing in a tiny room. The walls ceiling and floor was made of a fan blowing warm air. It was definitely… a strange feeling. Once I was dry they opened the door and pulled me out to a table. They had me lay down completely naked on my stomach with my butt to the ceiling. I honestly would have laughed if I wasn’t so confused. Suddenly something warm was being put all over me. Then I realized it, they were waxing me! Once I was fully waxed all over they rubbed me down with lotion and put me in a robe. They sat me down in a chair and gave me a facial. Once they were done they moved me to another chair with a mirror. They had me sit facing away from the mirror and the real work began.


The red head worked on my face, the younger one did my feet and the older one did my hands. The fourth one was doing something with my hair. The red head spoke up, “alrighty. So the so-called ‘game’ we don’t know what it is but we have an idea, because we needed to know what to make you wear. So everything we are doing to you is to make you presentable for the King. As it was his request. The game however does not require any of this, so at first it might be a bit hard to play it until you get used to this.” “Uhm… Thanks?” “Haha sure thing.” 


Once they were done they gave me a bowl of yogurt. “Eat this, we can’t have you eat in your clothes, and this is all you’re getting until after the game.” Once I ate the yogurt they stood me up out of the chair. “Can I at least see what you did?” “Not until you’re in the outfit.” “Okay then.” I let out a sigh. The older and younger ones walked to a set of double doors and went through them. They came back out. The older one holding a hanger with clothes, and the younger one holding shoes and weapons. “Alright we’ll help you get into this and then be on our way.”


They pulled me into a black jumpsuit with white lines running along the front and back. It was rather tight with a zipper in the front. Except the zipper wouldn’t move, so I was showing a bit more cleavage than I would have liked. They helped me pull on the matching black heels, why heels really? I then lastly was a tiny little roll of black fabric. I didn’t know what to do with it so they told me to put it in the shoes until the game.


Once that was over they left and the older woman took me to the throne room. There the ‘king’ would take me to the game. Once we got there the ‘king’ looked at me and had me spin for him. Once I did that he had me follow him outside. We got in a car and drove for about 10 minutes. Once the car stopped we got out in the middle of the woods somewhere. We walked forward for a few feet and then one of the guards bent down and opened a hatch in the ground. I followed the ‘king’ and the guards down the stairs until we heard a bunch of cheering. There in front of me was a huge arena filled with rogues cheering loudly. Even children were there cheering. The king walked around to a big throne and sat down. I on the other hand was led down another set of stairs to a room. In the room was a bunch of weapons and armor. The guard next to me turned and looked at me. “Alright so you can pick whatever you want in here to use. We can’t tell you what you’re fighting so good luck with that.” With that all of the guards left and locked the door behind them. I looked around the room for all the stuff. I pulled the roll of fabric out of my shoe and undid it. It was a little bag thing. I walked around and grabbed a brown leather back harness. I clipped two hand guns to the front of it and a third to the back. I grabbed two leg pouches and put one on both legs. Inside them I put six magazines for the handguns in the pouches. I took a knife sheath and clipped it onto a belt, and then put on the belt. I

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