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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Alpha's a Girl!?! by Rose Cooper (best book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «The Alpha's a Girl!?! by Rose Cooper (best book reader .txt) 📖». Author Rose Cooper

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Being the first born of the Alpha and Luna of a pack has a few conditions. First of all, when you are ready your parents will hand over being the Alpha to you. Second, you are expected to make your mate the pack Luna, even if you hate each other. Lastly, the first born is the one who becomes the Alpha, and never has the first born ever been a female, it's always been a male. So you can imagine how surprised my pack and parents were when I was born, the first female Alpha in history. 


People had their theories, but the most common was that the moon goddess created me for a "special" reason. Some say it's so that she can inhabit my body in the future, others say I'm meant to end some big war between the packs. But there's no real truth or facts behind any of them. I shifted when I was nine, rather than the expected age of ten. So that was another unexpected surprise. 


But I also had a few "special abilities". I dream strange things, things that happened in the past, or in the future. The dead and the ‘gods’ can speak to me. Sometimes I'll wake up, and I can just do things I couldn't before. For example, there was one time I woke up and I was speaking in Latin. It was like I was fluent in it, as if I'd known it my whole life. I can force people to mind link with me, even when they try to put up their wall or push me out, I can break past it and force them to listen to me.


Not only that, but when I mind linking with other wolves, whether there in my pack or not, I can feel the things they feeI. I can also see their past, and things they have felt or thought before. The first time this happened, it was actually by accident. I had just turned 16 and my parents named me the official pack Alpha. We found a Rogue in our territory and took it in as a prisoner. 


-Start flashack-

I walked down the stairs to the basement with the dungeons. My parents, the packs new Gammas, were a few steps behind me. They wanted to see how I did with my first prisoner interrogation as the new Alpha. As I walked closer to the dungeon, I could hear shouting and screams. I'm the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, and we're known for quite a few things, one of them being that we are merciless. When we want to know something we will do almost anything for it, even torturing our prisoners.


I turned the corner, and there in front of me was the Rogue, the pack Betas, Enzo and Camila. One of the Zetas, Felix. And two of the Etas, twins Arlo and Leo. Arlo and Leo were holding the rogue up. Felix beat the shit out of the Rogue everytime he didn't answer one of Enzo or Camila's questions. "Come on you guys really? You started without me? How rude." Enzo smirked and said, "don't worry you didn't miss much. This piece of shit won't say anything." "I'll mind link, he might tell me something then." The Rogue looked at me and said, "whoever you are, I won't let you past my wall. You can try but it wont work." I grinned at him. "Well how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Victoria Liva Channing, Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, the first born of Sylvie and Magnus Channing. You are?" He just stared wide eyed. "Well then no harm in trying to mind link. While I do that, Enzo and Camila, keep going. The pain might make him let down his wall." 


As he continued to ask questions and hurt him, he started screaming. I start trying to mind link with the Rogue. At first he had his wall up, but the more he screams the more it crumbles. It's like I can see it breaking. Suddenly it fell and I began to explore his mind. Asking him questions and getting no answers. He tried to push me out, but I wasn't ready to go. I pushed back. Usually I would have been immediately blocked out, but somehow I could push back. I kept on going. I started to get a headache but ignored it and kept going. Finally I broke through the wall, completely shattering it. Like a boulder through glass. Since when could a wolf do that?


I started asking him questions again and he continued to deny me answers. I growled out loud and I could tell my parents were watching me as the Rogue kept screaming. Suddenly I could see a door in his mind. That's new too. I opened it and suddenly I could see everything. I was seeing him meet his mate, when he became a rogue, why he was in our territory, and I could even hear what he was thinking. Oh god, this is a lot.

My headache began to grow, and I could tell that the Rogue was in his mind with me, seeing what I saw. Suddenly there was another door. I opened it. As I heard the Rogue scream from our torture I smirked a little. But when I stepped through the door I began to scream. Suddenly I could feel what he was feeling. Every broken bone, every bruise and cut. I kept screaming from the pain. When they all looked at me worried, the Rogue caught his breath, as I did at the same time. I could hear the Rogue laugh at me. I couldn't open the door anymore, I was stuck. I could still feel what he felt, and I couldn't stop. I looked down and saw that I was bleeding where the Rogue bled. I was aware that everyone was asking me questions, trying to figure out what was wrong. But it was all background sound. I was still stuck in his mind link. 


Let me out! I screamed through the link

He looked at me and smirked, I don't know how you can do what you did, but you are going to feel what I feel. Everything you've done to me, has now been done to you. Enjoy.

I was so frustrated. I tried to open the door to leave again. It wouldn't budge. I began to get angry. Ignoring the pain in my body and head, I continued to push the door. I slammed into it with all the strength I had in my head. I could hear him growl out. I growled out as I did one last push, the door opened. 

Suddenly I was free of the mind link, and I was back. I could hear my parents now and actually process what they were saying. Before anyone could bombard me with any more questions I said, "kill the Rogue, get rid of him. I don't care, we don't need him. He's done." Enzo spoke next, "what do you mean? He hasn't answered a single question, and more importantly. What happened to you? Are you alright?" Camila looked down and saw I was bleeding. She gasped out, "Victoria! You're bleeding, what happened? Are you okay?" I smiled and said. "I'll tell you guys everything, but first can we go eat some food?" 


I spent the rest of the night telling them and the rest of my pack what happened. At first I saw disbelieving looks, but then when I told them what I saw more people believed me. It wasn't too hard. for them to believe since I could already see weird things. 


One of the Lotus, Nick, didn't believe me and asked me to prove it. So I had him stand on the stage where I sat and told him to bring a chair. He sat down and I said, "no matter what I want you to try to push me out of your mind, don't let me in, ok?" He just nodded and I began. 


He put up quite a fight, but I broke through in the end. Then I opened the door to his memories and I could tell he saw what I was seeing. I went through his memories one by one. I only looked at a few, I didn't want to look at his whole life. Then I got to the door with his feelings and emotions. I opened it. 


He felt surprised that I could do these stenage things. But he also felt... regret, for not believing me at first. He also felt pride. Pride? No, it wasn't pride but more like... lust. I gasped realising that he felt lust and wanting towards me. I quickly left his mind, returning him his privacy. I looked at him and he looked deep into my eyes. He knows that I know. 

-End flashback-

I smile remembering the memory. Later that night Nick and I spoke of his feelings for me. He told me that he wanted to be with me. I told him it couldn't happen, because when I found my mate we couldn't be together. He told me he didn't care and that as long as we were together now he didn't care. 


That night I lost my virginity to him. Although we didn't mark each other. We knew that was meant for our mates and them alone. I sighed in my bed, shutting off my thoughts. I turn to my left and smile at a sleeping Nick. It's been two years. He's 19 and I'm 18, my parents didn't approve of our relationship, but I don’t care. I like him, I really do. 


I trailed my hand through his light brown hair, and I could hear his moan. He always did like it when I played with his hair. He slowly opened his eyes and I was greeted with his honey gold orbs. He smiled at me and I leaned in to kiss him. It started out slow, filled with love. But as he deepened the kiss, it turned into something filled with passion and heat. I moved the sheets as he lifted me up so I was straddling him. His hands ran down my thighs as I began to kiss along his jawline. I moved down his neck and collarbone. Then I ran my hands lightly down his abs as I kissed his bare chest. 


I kissed just above his boxers and then moved back to his lips. He broke the kiss as he pulled my shirt off, leaving me bear to his eyes. We began to kiss again. I smirked against his lips as I pulled down his boxers, our lips never leaving the others. I held both his hands as I slowly trailed kisses down his chest and abs. Then I moved down, I stopped just below his hips. I put my lips above his shaft and lightly blew. I could feel him shiver and breath in deeply. I lowered my lips down. I lowered my head so that I could take all of him in my mouth. I began to pick up pace as he placed one of his hands on the back of my head. I smiled, knowing he was near his climax. I began to use my hand to continue rubbing up and down as I kissed him all over. Just before he came, I put him back in my mouth going all the way down. He let out a grown as he came in my mouth. He growled watching me drink all of him. 


Then he spun us around so he was on top of me. I gave out a little gasp, startled by the sudden movement. He kissed down my chest and in between my breast as he lowered my underwear. He continued to kiss down my abs holding both my hands above my

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