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Read books online » Romance » Beyond by Santosh Jha (electronic reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Beyond by Santosh Jha (electronic reader .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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guide both the journeys. The journeys shall always engender novelty and alternative realities. This shall ensure that we never ever settle with anything mediocre and mundane. In our life and in our togetherness, there shall always be indefinite probabilities and we shall travel far and deep.’

‘There are bare basic things, which must be placed right and appropriately. As we are beginning our new journey together; I must list them right now and get your approval. I have known; in Oriental spiritual traditions, the woman is considered the primeval force and summoned to energize an initiation. I believe, feminine elements are more aligned to the innate and embedded structurality of reality. I am therefore inclined to accept that you are the science of everythingness in our journey together. I shall always accept your instinctive and innate positioning as appropriateness of scientific objectivity. In all my capacities, I shall ensure that my artfulness augment and optimize the science you shall install as our guiding force. I urge you to be my science and accept my art and artistry as truly aligned to you.’

‘I accept your intent. However, I wish to put the facts in an alternative way. There is huge load of cultural identities and perception in our consciousness. Beyond this; if we see the reality; I believe, there is science and art in all entities. As you and I lie in complete nakedness; you can see, there is very miniscule difference in you and I. You are equally as much of science as I and I am as much of art as you. There are only small structural differences in the nakedness of the bodies of you and mine. Functionally, in nakedness of consciousness, there is singular life force; neither woman nor man. Therefore, it is a matter of situational requirements, when a man or woman must present themselves as science or art. I rather believe, together, we shall evolve as alternative to each other’s situations. When you are science, I shall be your art and when I am the science, you shall align your artfulness to me.’

‘Vey true! I happily accept this new proposition. This I think should be the golden rule in life-living. That is probably how togetherness should work in relationships. Compassionate complementarity must define togetherness. Role segregation should be weeded out as it probably installs causal competitiveness. You are right. The nakedness inside us is as neutral as probabilities for both man and woman. It is purely cultural hangover that we assign form and feature to external nakedness.’

‘It is probably another journey; may be a very resolved one, on this novel dimension of life-living. Societal and cultural appropriateness are something, which we all are trained since childhood to accept as true and right ones. I have however always felt; they do not stand true and real for personal wellness. We seldom think and perceive a reality from a dimension other than culturally dominant one; though we all are instinctively very selfish and self-centric in behavior and actions. We always tiptoe to collective righteousness, compromising personal sanity. When a person dies; even when he or she is a great human being, everyone sums up his or her life in three sentences, weighing the dead person’s attainments in longevity, fame-money and success of progeny. All journeys begin and end this way for collective consciousness but every consciousness journeys through so much of pain and perseverance of long years. What you journey is what you can count. The society and culture shall always count the three fixed benchmarks. This is poor mathematics. It needs a beyond. Moreover, between a man and woman, there are big issues of personal maneuvering and adjustments. Our own nakedness and its demands require both you and me to approach a situation and wellness therein, from a perspective, which is shaped up exclusively by mutuality needs. There should never be anything creeping in from externalities of societal and cultural domains of righteousness and appropriateness. Together, you and I are the whole universe. In our cosmos, only mutuality decides the righteousness. We shall unlearn the externalities in our old consciousness and install alternative idealisms of mutuality. We shall unlearn; together and journey ahead as new born.’

‘I agree and approve. That is why I said, you are my science. This leads me to my last agenda for the day. As I have discussed with you; consciousness, this sense and feel of I itself is a restrictive media. It is so tough for the I to reinvent I and engender a novel and alternative I. Therefore; I wish that as we are now in togetherness mode; from now on, you shall be my Beyond-I, when my own consciousness and I fails me to stretch it Beyond. I shall also make my best endeavors to be your Beyond-I, if you ever feel suffocation of restrictiveness of consciousness and I.’

‘Yes; I agree completely. This rather is the golden hypothesis of our journey ahead. The beyondness and journey into novel and alternative dimensions is possible only this way. Consciousness as a media within our body-mind plexus is always restrictive. Togetherness; mutuality of man-woman relationship has this sole utility as together, they extend the domain and dimension of I, beyond the restrictiveness of self. This rather is the true and real essence of marriage of complementing elements. Marriage is this assimilative alignment of two complementing elements of man and woman. You are my Beyond-I and I am your Beyond-I. The two Is now stand aligned. Congratulations dear husband; you are married now!’

‘Now this is the trouble! How do I say thank you in a novel and alternative way? How does the art ever express its gratitude to science? It is beyond me. I still have to learn this artistry. I told you; this I is so restrictive. You are my Beyond-I; you tell me how do I do it!’

She doesn’t say a word. She reverses the nakedness. The conjoined nakedness is one whole cosmos. Yet, it has dimensions. It is not only perceptional but very much tangible. He was so far holding her nakedness in his powerful frame. She reverses it. She takes him in her tenderness. Conjoined realities of science and art have infinite dimensions. He submits and dissolves in completeness to her form and firmament…

In succeeding seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years, he would reinvent his artfulness of thankfulness to her; remaining absorbed and imbibed in her nakedness. Nakedness shall journey; they shall journey; beyond beyondness…

Beyond compassion, honesty and even reality is something, which we have always known as and what we call as, The Last Layer of Acceptance. Thoughtfulness of human mind consciousness is designed for skepticism. It is a precarious tool. It allows percolation of doubts, even in compassion, honesty and reality. This is not a bad design. We intuitively feel; we see through our eyes. However, what eyes see is not what we actually realize as scene. Eyes only input outside information. What we actually see is what our mind consciousness processes. Eyes are ‘blind’; the ears are ‘deaf’. They only supply information. The Consciousness has true and real Eyes and Ears. They engender the finality of vision and sound. That is why; the very innate design of our consciousness to process every information with skepticism is our tool to lead our journeys Beyond all realities, which our sensory organs input as neutral information. The Last Layer of Acceptance is our instinctive and innate design for unending journeys into probabilities and Beyond. I wish, your Consciousness never allows you to settle with Acceptance of anything mediocre and mundane. May you journey Beyond; always…! Thanks.


Accept My Gratitude

I know; only one or two out of a thousand reach the final pages. Most drop out after first few pages; majority leaves it in dismay as they find the language and content too complicated and even strange. They are not wrong. It is said; literature is the mirror of society-culture and majority does not feel, my writing reflects reality. If you have come this far; it sure means; you are a rare visitor and that is why my gratitude has to be special. You mean a billion to me. However, more than gratitude; I wish to convey my desire that you must remain truly liberal and evolved consciousness, as you are. Mass and volumes and their mathematics, which the majoritarianism understands and approves, make up only one dimension of reality. You have the wherewithal; may you experience infinite dimensions and keep journeying beyond…! Thanks.


About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!


Other Titles By Santosh Jha





Do Write To Me.


Publication Date: 08-28-2021

All Rights Reserved

You may waste time reading, later writing bad reviews, if you seek exactitude of ‘My Type’ reading experience. This fiction is probabilistic; Beyond typecasts. It is Beyond familiarity, definitude of habitual story regularity. It is a journey of a celebrity Beyond success; into emancipation, the pathways he creates in absolute nakedness. She reciprocates; perfectly. Love liberates; leads Beyond.

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